context handling

Steve Nyemba 10 months ago
parent bc95832fc9
commit 1523a8fd87

@ -115,11 +115,13 @@ def html (uri,_config) :
_handler = login(_config['system']['source']['auth'])
_root = _format_root_folder(_config['layout']['root'])
uri = _format_root_folder (uri)
_context = _config['system']['context']
_prefix = '/'.join (uri.split('/')[:-1])
_link = '/'.join(['{{context}}api/cloud/download?doc='+_prefix,'.attachments.'])
_link = '/'.join(['api/cloud/download?doc='+_prefix,'.attachments.'])
if _context :
_link = f'{_context}/{_link}'
# _link = '/'.join(['api/cloud/download?doc='+_prefix,'_images'])
@ -127,8 +129,10 @@ def html (uri,_config) :
# print ([uri,uri[-2:] ,uri[-2:] in ['md','MD','markdown']])
# if uri.endswith('.md'):
_html = _html.replace(_root,('{{context}}api/cloud/download?doc='+_root)).replace('.attachments.', copy.deepcopy(_link))
if not _context :
_html = _html.replace(_root,('api/cloud/download?doc='+_root)).replace('.attachments.', copy.deepcopy(_link))
_html = _html.replace(_root,(f'{_context}api/cloud/download?doc='+_root)).replace('.attachments.', copy.deepcopy(_link))
# _html = _html.replace('<br />','')
return markdown(_html) if uri[-2:] in ['md','MD','Md','mD'] else _html
# def update (_config):
@ -159,8 +163,11 @@ def _format (uri,_config) :
@TODO: revisit the design pattern
return uri
def plugins ():
def plugins (_context):
This function publishes the plugins associated with this module
return {'api/cloud/download':download}
key = 'api/cloud/download'
if _context :
key = f'{_context}/{key}'
return {key:download}

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ def folders (_path,_config):
_content = os.listdir(_path)
return [_name for _name in _content if os.path.isdir(os.sep.join([_path,_name])) if not _name.startswith('_')]
def content(_folder,_config):
def content(_folder,_config,keep=[]):
:content of the folder
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ def content(_folder,_config):
_menuItems = list_files(_folder,_config) #os.listdir(_folder)
# return [{'text':_name.split('.')[0].replace('_', ' ').replace('-',' ').strip(),'uri': os.sep.join([_folder,_name])} for _name in os.listdir(_folder) if not _name.startswith('_') and os.path.isfile( os.sep.join([_folder,_name]))]
return [{'text':_name.split('.')[0].replace('_', ' ').replace('-',' ').strip(),'uri': os.sep.join([_path,_name])} for _name in os.listdir(_folder) if not _name[0] in ['.','_'] and os.path.isfile( os.sep.join([_folder,_name]))]
return [{'text':_name.split('.')[0].replace('_', ' ').replace('-',' ').strip(),'uri': os.sep.join([_path,_name])} for _name in os.listdir(_folder) if not _name[0] in ['.','_'] and os.path.isfile( os.sep.join([_folder,_name])) and _name.split('.')[-1] in ['html','md']]
return []
def list_files(_folder,_config):
def list_files(_folder,_config, keep=[]):
return [name for name in os.listdir(_folder) if name[0] not in ['.','_']]
def build (_config): #(_path,_content):
def build (_config, keep=[]): #(_path,_content):
building the menu for the site given the content is on disk
:path path of the files on disk
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ def build (_config): #(_path,_content):
# print (_path)
_items = folders(_path,_config)
_subItems = [ content (os.sep.join([_path,_name]),_config)for _name in _items ]
_r = {}
for _name in _items :
_index = _items.index(_name)
@ -85,7 +86,6 @@ def read (**_args):
_uri = request.args['uri'] # if 'location' in _layout :
# _uri = os.sep.join([_layout['location'],_uri])
_uri = _realpath(_uri, _args['config'])
if os.path.exists(_uri):
f = open(_uri,mode='rb')
_stream =
@ -103,12 +103,15 @@ def exists(**_args):
def html(_uri,_config) :
# _html = (open(uri)).read()
_path = _realpath(_uri,_config)
_context = _config['system']['context']
_html = ( open(_path)).read()
_layout = _config['layout']
if 'location' in _layout :
if not _config :
_api = os.sep.join(['api/disk/read?uri=',_layout['root']])
_api = os.sep.join([f'{_context}/api/disk/read?uri=',_layout['root']])
_html = _html.replace(_layout['root'],_api)
_html = markdown(_html) if _uri[-2:] in ['md','MD','Md','mD'] else _html
return _html
@ -118,15 +121,23 @@ def plugins (**_args):
:path path of the files
:name name of the module
_context = _args['context']
if 'path' not in _args :
return {'api/disk/read':read}
key = 'api/disk/read'
if _context :
key = f'{_context}/{key}'
return {key:read}
_path = _args['path'] #os.sep.join([_args['root'],'plugin'])
if os.path.isdir(_path):
files = os.listdir(_path)
if files :
files = [name for name in files if name.endswith('.py')]
if files:
_path = os.sep.join([_path,files[0]])
_uri = [_path,files[0]]
if _context :
_uri = [_context] + _uri
_path = os.sep.join(_uri)
return None
