@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
This file is intended to perfom certain machine learning tasks based on numpy
We are trying to keep it lean that's why no sklearn involved yet
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
class ML:
@ -15,18 +16,91 @@ class ML:
def Extract(lattr,data):
return [[row[id] for id in lattr] for row in data]
Implements a multivariate anomaly detection
@TODO: determine computationally determine epsilon
class AnomalyDetection:
def split(self,data,index=-1,threshold=0.7) :
N = len(data)
if N < LIMIT:
return None
end = int(N*threshold)
train = data[:end]
test = data[end:]
if index > 0:
return {"train":train,"test":test,"labels":[]}
def learn(self,data,conf):
if 'filter' in conf:
filter = conf['filter']
data = ML.Filter(filter['key'],filter['value'],data)
attr = conf['features']
label= conf['label']
labels= ML.Extract([label],data)
data = ML.Extract(attr,data)
r = self.split(data)
labels = self.split(labels)
p = self.gParameters(r['train'])
test = self.gPx(p['mean'],p['cov'],r['test'])
return self.gPerformance(test,labels['test'])
This function will compute the probability density function given a particular event/set of events
@pre xu.shape[0] == sigma[0] == sigma[1]
def gPx(self,xu,sigma,data,EPSILON=0.05):
n = len(data[0])
r = []
a = (2*(np.pi)**(n/2))*np.linalg.det(sigma)**0.5
# EPSILON = np.float64(EPSILON)
test = np.array(data)
for row in test:
row = np.array(row)
d = np.matrix(row - xu)
d.shape = (n,1)
b = np.exp((-0.5*np.transpose(d)) * (np.linalg.inv(sigma)*d))
px = float(b/a)
r.append([px,int(px < EPSILON)])
return r
This function computes performance metrics i.e precision, recall and f-score
for details visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_and_recall
def gPerformance(self,test,labels) :
N = len(test)
tp = 0 # true positive
fp = 0 # false positive
fn = 0 # false negative
for i in range(0,N):
tp += 1 if test[i][1]==labels[i] and test[i][1] == 1
fp += 1 if test[i][1] != labels[i] and test[i][1] == 1
fn += 1 if test[i][1] != labels[i] and test[i][1] == 0
precision = tp / (tp + fp)
recall = tp / (tp + fn)
fscore = (2 * precision * recall)/ (precision + recall)
return {"precision":precision,"recall":recall,"fscore":fscore}
This function returns gaussian parameters i.e means and covariance
The information will be used to compute probabilities
def gParameters(self,train) :
def init(self,lattr,data):
self.lattr = attr
self.data = data
self.X = []
self.Xmeans = []
for id in lattr:
xvalues = [item for item in self.data[id]]
slef.Xcov = np.cov(self.X)
n = len(train[0])
m = np.transpose(np.array(train))
u = np.array([ np.mean(m[i][:]) for i in range(0,n)])
r = np.array([ np.sqrt(np.var(m[i,:])) for i in range(0,n)])
# Let's get the covariance matrix here ...
#-- Normalizing the matrix then we will compute covariance matrix
m = np.array([ (m[i,:] - u[i])/r[i] for i in range(0,n)])
sigma = np.cov(m)
return {"cov":sigma,"mean":u}