bug fixes with parser

Steve L. Nyemba 4 years ago
parent 8b4eb81564
commit ed782b7e40

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import transport
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import re, base64
# from weasyprint import HTML, CSS
COLORS = ["#f79256","#7dcfb6","#fbd1a2","#00b2ca","#1d4e89","#4682B4","#c5c3c6","#4c5c68","#1985a1","#f72585","#7209b7","#3a0ca3","#4361ee","#4cc9f0","#ff595e","#ffca3a","#8ac926","#1982c4","#6a4c93"]
COLORS = ["#fbd1a2","#00b2ca","#1d4e89","#4682B4","#c5c3c6","#4c5c68","#1985a1","#f72585","#7209b7","#3a0ca3","#4361ee","#4cc9f0","#ff595e","#ffca3a","#8ac926","#1982c4","#6a4c93"]
class stdev :
def __init__(self) :
self.values = []
@ -149,11 +149,16 @@ class Apex :
This class will format a data-frame to work with Apex charting engine
def apply(item):
def apply(item,theme={'mode':'light','palette':'palette6'}):
pointer = item['chart']['type']
if hasattr(Apex,pointer) :
pointer = getattr(Apex,pointer)
options = pointer(item)
if 'apex' in options and 'colors' in options['apex'] :
del options['apex']['colors']
if 'apex' in options :
options['apex']['theme'] = theme
options['responsive']= [
'breakpoint': 1,
@ -168,6 +173,18 @@ class Apex :
print ("Oops")
def radial(item):
df = item['data']
x = item['chart']['axis']['x']
y = item['chart']['axis']['y']
labels = df[y].tolist()
values = [float(np.round(value,2)) for value in df[x].tolist()]
chart = {"type":"radialBar","height":200}
option = {"chart":chart,"series":values,"labels":labels,"plotOptions":{"radialBar":{"hollow":{"size":"70%"}}}}
return {'apex':option}
def scatter(item):
options = Apex.spline(item)
options['apex']['chart']['type'] = 'scatter'
@ -175,7 +192,7 @@ class Apex :
def scalar(item):
_df = item['data']
print (_df)
name = _df.columns.tolist()[0]
value = _df[name].values.round(2)[0]
html = '<div class="scalar"><div class="value">:value</div><div class="label">:label</div></div>'
@ -235,16 +252,17 @@ class Apex :
@TODO: alias this with bar (!= column)
df = item['data']
N = df.shape[0] if df.shape[0] < 10 else 10
axis = item['chart']['axis']
y = axis['y']
if type(y) == list :
y = y[0]
axis['x'] = [axis['x']] if type(axis['x']) != list else axis['x']
if not set(axis['x']) & set(df.columns.tolist()) :
print (set(axis['x']) & set(df.columns.tolist()))
print (axis['x'])
print (df.columns)
# if not set(axis['x']) & set(df.columns.tolist()) :
# print (set(axis['x']) & set(df.columns.tolist()))
# print (axis['x'])
# print (df.columns)
# df.columns = axis['x']
series = []
_min=_max = 0
@ -294,7 +312,6 @@ class Apex :
values are x-axis
df = item['data']
if df.shape [0]> 1 :
y_cols,x_cols = item['chart']['axis']['y'],item['chart']['axis']['x']
labels = df[y_cols].values.tolist()
@ -302,10 +319,11 @@ class Apex :
values = df[x_cols].values.round(2).tolist()
labels = [name.upper().replace('_',' ') for name in df.columns.tolist()]
df = df.astype(float)
values = df.values.round(2).tolist()[0] if df.shape[1] > 1 else df.values.round(2).tolist()
colors = COLORS[:len(values)]
options = {"series":values,"colors":colors,"labels":labels,"chart":{"type":"donut"},"plotOptions":{"pie":{"customScale":.8}},"legend":{"position":"right"}}
options = {"series":values,"colors":colors,"labels":labels,"dataLabels":{"enabled":True,"style":{"colors":["#000000"]},"dropShadow":{"enabled":False}},"chart":{"type":"donut","width":200},"plotOptions":{"pie":{"customScale":.9}},"legend":{"position":"right"}}
return {"apex":options}
@ -329,43 +347,117 @@ class engine :
_args['type'] = 'mongo.MongoReader'
_args['type'] = 'disk.SQLiteReader'
self.reader = transport.factory.instance(**_args)
self.store_config = _args ;
def apply (self,**args) :
def filter (self,**args):
type: claims or remits
filter optional identifier claims, procedures, taxonomy, ...
_m = {'claim':'837','claims':'837','remits':'835','remit':'835'}
# key = '837' if args['type'] == 'claims' else '835'
table = _m[ args['type']]
analytics = self.info[table]
_analytics = self.info[table]
if 'index' in args :
index = int(args['index'])
analytics = [analytics[index]]
_analytics = [_analytics[index]]
_info = list(analytics) if 'filter' not in args else [item for item in analytics if args['filter'] == item['id']]
_info = list(_analytics) #if 'filter' not in args else [item for item in analytics if args['filter'] == item['id']]
# conn = lite.connect(self.store_config['args']['path'],isolation_level=None)
# conn.create_aggregate("stdev",1,stdev)
DB_TYPE = 'mongo' if (type(self.reader) == transport.mongo.MongoReader) else 'sql'
if DB_TYPE == 'mongo' :
self.store_config['args']['doc'] = args['type']
self.reader = transport.factory.instance(**self.store_config)
r = []
for row in _info :
pipeline = row['pipeline']
for item in row['pipeline'] :
# item['data'] = pd.read_sql(item['sql'],conn)
index = 0
for item in pipeline:
if not item[DB_TYPE] :
query = {DB_TYPE:item[DB_TYPE]}
item['data'] = self.reader.read(**item)
df = pd.DataFrame(self.reader.read(**query)) #item)
df = df.fillna('N/A')
# item['data'] = df
chart = item['chart']
pipe = {"data":df,"chart":chart}
for key in list(item.keys()) :
if key not in ["chart","data","mongo","sql","couch"] :
pipe[key] = item[key]
return {"id":_info[0]['id'],'pipeline':r}
def apply (self,**args) :
type: claims or remits
filter optional identifier claims, procedures, taxonomy, ...
_m = {'claim':'837','claims':'837','remits':'835','remit':'835'}
# key = '837' if args['type'] == 'claims' else '835'
table = _m[ args['type']]
_analytics = self.info[table]
if 'index' in args :
index = int(args['index'])
_analytics = [_analytics[index]]
_info = list(_analytics) if 'filter' not in args else [item for item in analytics if args['filter'] == item['id']]
# conn = lite.connect(self.store_config['args']['path'],isolation_level=None)
# conn.create_aggregate("stdev",1,stdev)
# @TODO: Find a better way to handle database variance
# DB_TYPE = 'mongo' if (type(self.reader) == transport.mongo.MongoReader) else 'sql'
if 'mongo' in self.store_config['type'] :
self.store_config['args']['table'] = args['type']
self.reader = transport.factory.instance(**self.store_config)
r = []
for row in _info :
pipeline = row['pipeline']
index = 0
for item in pipeline:
# item['data'] = pd.read_sql(item['sql'],conn)
# query = {DB_TYPE:item[DB_TYPE]}
query = item[DB_TYPE]
if not query :
if DB_TYPE == 'sql' :
query = {"sql":query}
item['data'] = self.reader.read(**query) #item)
if 'serialize' in args :
item['data'] = json.dumps(item['data'].to_dict(orient='record')) if type(item['data']) == pd.DataFrame else item['data']
# item['data'] = json.dumps(item['data'].to_dict(orient='record')) if type(item['data']) == pd.DataFrame else item['data']
item['data'] = json.dumps(item['data'].to_dict('record')) if type(item['data']) == pd.DataFrame else item['data']
item['data'] = (pd.DataFrame(item['data']))
pipeline[index] = item
index += 1
row['pipeline']= pipeline
# if 'info' in item:
# item['info'] = item['info'].replace(":rows",str(item["data"].shape[0]))
# conn.close()
return _info
def _html(self,item) :

@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Process
import time
from healthcareio import x12
import smart
import pandas as pd
PATH = os.sep.join([os.environ['HOME'],'.healthcareio'])
OUTPUT_FOLDER = os.sep.join([os.environ['HOME'],'healthcare-io'])
@ -337,9 +339,19 @@ if __name__ == '__main__' :
# PATH= SYS_ARGS['config'] if 'config' in SYS_ARGS else os.sep.join([os.environ['HOME'],'.healthcareio','config.json'])
if os.path.exists(os.sep.join([PATH,'config.json'])) :
e = analytics.engine(os.sep.join([PATH,'config.json'])) #--@TODO: make the configuration file globally accessible
SYS_ARGS['engine'] = e
SYS_ARGS['config'] = json.loads(open(os.sep.join([PATH,'config.json'])).read())
SYS_ARGS['config'] = {"owner":None,"store":None}
if 'args' not in SYS_ARGS['config'] :
SYS_ARGS['config']["args"] = {"batch":1,"resume":True,"folder":"/data"}
me = pd.DataFrame(smart.top.read(name='healthcare-io.py')).args.unique().tolist()
SYS_ARGS['me'] = me[0] #-- This key will identify the current process
pointer = lambda : server.app.run(host='',port=PORT,debug=DEBUG,threaded=False)
pthread = Process(target=pointer,args=())

@ -49,8 +49,9 @@ class Formatters :
This function is designed to split an x12 row and
if row.startswith(prefix) is False:
value = []
if row.startswith(prefix) is False:
for row_value in row.replace('~','').split(sep) :
@ -65,10 +66,12 @@ class Formatters :
else :
return [xchar.replace('\r','') for xchar in value] #row.replace('~','').split(sep)
value = [xchar.replace('\r','') for xchar in value] #row.replace('~','').split(sep)
return [ [prefix]+ self.split(item,'>') for item in row.replace('~','').split(sep)[1:] ]
value = [ [prefix]+ self.split(item,'>') for item in row.replace('~','').split(sep)[1:] ]
return value if type(value) == list and type(value[0]) != list else value[0]
def get_config(self,config,row):
This function will return the meaningfull parts of the configuration for a given item
@ -191,6 +194,9 @@ class Parser (Process):
self.files = []
self.set = void()
self.set.files = self.set_files
self.emit = void()
self.emit.pre = None
self.emit.post = None
def set_files(self,files):
self.files = files
def get_map(self,row,config,version=None):
@ -433,6 +439,9 @@ class Parser (Process):
# self.finish(claims,logs,_code)
return claims,logs,_code
def run(self):
if self.emit.pre :
for filename in self.files :
content,logs,_code = self.read(filename)
@ -442,14 +451,22 @@ class Parser (Process):
if args['type'] == 'mongo.MongoWriter' :
args['args']['doc'] = 'claims' if _code == '837' else 'remits'
_args['args']['doc'] = 'logs'
args['args']['table'] = 'claims' if _code == '837' else 'remits'
_args['args']['table'] = 'logs'
if content :
writer = transport.factory.instance(**args)
if logs :
logger = transport.factory.instance(**_args)
if self.emit.post :
