plug-n-play design

Steve Nyemba 11 months ago
parent 3eb5c5b568
commit ad692d2913

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
__author__ = 'The Phi Technology LLC'
__version__ = '1.0'
__license__ = """
(c) 2019 EDI Parser Toolkit,
Health Information Privacy Lab, Vanderbilt University Medical Center & The Phi Technology
Steve L. Nyemba <>
Khanhly Nguyen <>
This code is intended to process and parse healthcare x12 837 (claims) and x12 835 (remittances) into human readable JSON format.
The claims/outpout can be forwarded to a NoSQL Data store like couchdb and mongodb
Usage :
Commandline :
python --parse claims|remits --config <path>
Embedded :

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
This module is designed to perform exports to a relational data stores
Note that the There are two possible methods to perform relational exports
import transport
from transport import providers
import healthcareio.x12.plugins
# We start by loading all the plugins
def primary_key (**_args) :
_plugins = _args['plugins']
for key in _plugins :
_lpointers =
def init (**_args):
if 'path' in _args :
_path = _args['path']
_plugins,_parents = healthcareio.x12.plugins.instance(path=_path)
_plugins,_parents = healthcareio.x12.plugins.instance()
for key in _plugins :
_lpointers = _plugins[key]
_foreign = {}
_table = {}
for _pointer in _lpointers :
_meta = _pointer.meta
if 'map' in _meta :
_attr = list(_meta['map'].values())
if 'field' in _meta :
_name = _meta['field']
_foreign[_name] = _attr

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
import datetime
def date(**_args):
This function will return a data as presented in the {x12} i.e it could be a date-range or a single date
- In the case of a single data it is returned as a string
- In the case of a range a complex object is returned with to,from keys
NOTE: dates will be formatted as they
if not _args :
return ['from','to','type']
_date = ""
return _date
def procedure (**_args):
This function will parse SVC element and return given the following The return object is as follows :
claim_id,charge_amount, payment_amount,patient_amount,patient_status,claim_status
cols = ['type','code','amount']
if not _args :
return cols
_procedure = dict.fromkeys(cols,None)
_row = _args['row']
# _document = _args['document']
if len(_row) == 3 :
_procedure = dict(zip(cols,_row[1:4]))
return _procedure
return _info
def SV2(**_args):
def SV3(**_args):
def HL (**_args):
def HI(**_args):

@ -7,20 +7,49 @@ In addition to the allow custom plugins to be written/loaded and these will be g
- Support configuration specification - Support configuration specification
""" """
import os import os
from . import common import sys
from . import header # from . import common
from . import body # from . import header
# from . import body
import importlib as IL
# import imp
from .. import parser
# from .claims import *
# from .remits import *
# EDI = body.BODY
# X12Handler = body.BODY
from healthcareio.x12.plugins.default import claims
from healthcareio.x12.plugins.default import remits
# import .remits
EDI = body.BODY @parser(element='ISA',x12='837',field='header', map={15:'mode',12:'version',9:'date',10:'time'})
__version__ = '0.01' def ISA(**_args):
__author__ = 'The Phi Technology' """
def instance(**_args): :row raw {x12} row
:data parsed data
:meta elements containing map {index:field_name}
@parser(element='GS', map={1:'type',2:'sender',3:'receiver',4:'date',5:'time',8:'version'},field='receiver')
def GS(**_args):
@parser(element='ST', x12='837', field='header', map={1:'x12',2:'control_number'})
def ST(**_args):
:row raw {x12} row
:data parsed data
:meta elements containing map {index:field_name}
def BHT (**_args):
:row raw {x12} row
:data parsed data
:meta elements containing map {index:field_name}
pass pass
# defining commong functions that can/should be used accross the board
# # class Parser :
# def __init__(**_args):
# folder = _args['path']
# files = [ os.sep.join(_name,folder) for _name in os.listdir(folder)]
# pass

@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import json
from multiprocessing import Process, RLock
import os
import io
import queue
import transport
from transport import providers
class Store(Process):
This is the data-store service that will handle read/writes
dataStore = None
def init(self,**_args):
if Store.dataStore is None :
_args = _args['store']
def reset():
class X12DOCUMENT (Process):
X12DOCUMENT class encapsulates functions that will be used to format an x12 (835,837) claim into an object
_queue = queue.Queue()
class MODE :
# The following allow us to handle raw content (stream) or a filename
# The raw content will be wrapped into io.StringIO so that it is handled as if it were a file
class ConfigHandler :
def format(self,**_args):
This function formats variations of an element's parsing rules
:info {index,field|label,map}
_info = _args['info']
_ref = {}
for _item in _info :
_index = str(_item['index'])
_field = _item['field'] if 'field' in _item else None
_label = _item['label'] if 'label' in _item else None
if _field :
_ref[_index] = {'field':_field}
elif _label :
_ref[_index] = {'label':_label}
return {'@ref':_ref}
def _getColumnsIndexes(self,_columns,_indexes,_map):
This function return columns and indexes related if a parsing map is passed
:param _columns
:param _indexes
:param _map parsing map (field:index)
# @TODO: insure the lengths are the same for adequate usage downstream ...
_xcolumns,_xindexes = list(_map.keys()), list(_map.values())
keys,values = _xcolumns + _columns,_xindexes + _indexes
_config = dict(zip(keys,values))
_outColumns,_outIndexes = list(_config.keys()),list(_config.values())
return _outColumns,_outIndexes
def _getObjectAtributes(self,_config):
_field = _config['field'] if 'field' in _config else {}
_label = _config['label'] if 'label' in _config else {}
return _field,_label
def merge(self,**_args):
# This function overrides the old configuration with the new configuration specifications
# _columns,_indexes = [],[]
_columns,_indexes = _args['columns'],_args['index']
_map = {}
_config = _args['config'] if 'config' in _args else {}
_field,_label = self._getObjectAtributes(_config)
if 'map' in _config :
_map = _args['config']['map']
_columns,_indexes = self._getColumnsIndexes(_columns,_indexes,_map)
if '@ref' in _config :
# _columns,_indexes = [],[]
_row = _args['row']
_ref = _config['@ref']
for _anchor in _ref:
# print ([_anchor,_anchor == _row[1].strip()])
if _anchor == _row[1].strip() :
_field,_label = self._getObjectAtributes(_ref[_anchor])
_map = _ref[_anchor]['map'] if 'map' in _ref[_anchor] else {}
if _map :
_columns,_indexes = self._getColumnsIndexes([],[],_map)
# _columns,_indexes = _columns + _map.keys()
return {'columns':_columns,'index':_indexes,'field':_field,'label':_label}
def legacy(self,**_args):
# This function returns the legacy configuration (default parsing)
_config = _args['config'] if 'config' in _args else {}
_field,_label = self._getObjectAtributes(_config)
_columns,_indexes = [],[]
if 'map' in _config :
_columns = list(_config['map'].keys())
_indexes = list(_config['map'].values())
return {'columns':_columns,'index':_indexes,'field':_field,'label':_label}
def override(self,**_args):
return _args['columns'],_args['indexes']
def __init__(self,**_args):
self._mode = _args['mode'] if 'mode' in _args else 'NAMES'
if 'files' in _args :
self.files = _args['files']
self._config = _args['config'] if 'config' in _args else {}
self._document = []
self._x12FileType = None
self._configHandler = X12DOCUMENT.ConfigHandler()
#-- The files need to be classified, the files need to be either claims or remits
if 'store' not in self._config :
self._store_args = _args['store'] if 'store' in _args else {'provider':providers.CONSOLE}
self._store_args = self._config['store']
def init(self,_header):
Expected Elements must include ST
def merge (self,_x,_y):
This function will merge two objects _x, _y
_zcols = list(set(_x.keys()) & set(_y.keys())) #--common columns
if _zcols :
_out = dict(_x,**{})
for _key in _y.keys() :
if not _key in _zcols :
_out[_key] = _y[_key]
if type(_out[_key]) == list :
_out[_key] += _y[_key]
elif type(_out[_key]) == dict:
_out[_key] = dict(_out[_key],**_y[_key])
_out[_key] = _y[_key]
return _out
return dict(_x,**_y)
def split(self,content):
This function will split the content of an X12 document into blocks and headers
:content x12 document in raw format (text)
#_content = content.split('~')
_content = content.split('HL')
_header = _content[:1][0].split('~')
_blocks = ['HL'+_item for _item in _content[1:]]
_blocks = [_item.split('~') for _item in _blocks ]
# for row in _content :
# if not _blocks and not row.startswith('HL') :
# _header.append(row)
# else:
# _blocks.append(row)
return {'header':_header,'blocks':_blocks}
def parse (self,columns,index,**_args):
This function encapulates how an x12 document element will be processed
:columns list of attributes that make up the object
:index indexes of the said items in the element
- row raw x12 element (string)
- config configuration of the element. his should indicate functions to apply against function
_ELEMENT = _args['row'][0]
# get the right configuration from the _config object
_config = _args['config'][_ELEMENT] if _ELEMENT in _args['config'] else {}
# _field = _config['field'] if 'field' in _config else None
# _label = _config['label'] if 'label' in _config else None
_map = _config['map'] if 'map' in _config else {}
# Let's see if overriding the fields/labels isn't necessary
# columns, index,_refField,_refLabel = self._configHandler.merge(row=_args['row'],columns=columns,index=index,config=_config)
# _field = _field if not _refField else _refField
# _label = _label if not _refLabel else _refLabel
_outInfo = self._configHandler.merge(row=_args['row'],columns=columns,index=index,config=_config)
_field,_label = _outInfo['field'],_outInfo['label']
_columns,_index = _outInfo['columns'],_outInfo['index']
if 'row' in _args:
_row = _args['row'] if type(_args['row']) == list else _args['row'].split('*')
_index = np.array(_index)
# Sometimes the _row doesn't have all expected indexes, we will compensate
# This allows to minimize parsing errors as it may relate to disconnects between configuration and x12 element variations (shitty format)
if np.max(_index) > len(_row) -1 :
_delta = 1 + np.max(_index) - len(_row)
_row = _row + np.repeat('',_delta).tolist()
_row = np.array(_row)
# _element = _row[0]
_configKeys = [] #list(self._config.keys())
_configTree = [] #list(self._config.values())
if 'config' in _args :
_config = _args['config']
_configKeys = list(_config.keys())
_configTree = list(_config.values())
_config = {}
_info = dict(zip(_columns,_row[_index].tolist()))
_document = _args['document'] if 'document' in _args else {}
# Extracting configuration (minimal information)
# _config = _args['config'] if 'config' in _args else {}
# _config = self._config
# if '@ref' in _config :
# print (_config['@ref'])
# _values = _config['@ref']
# print (_values)
if _field :
if not _field in _document :
return {_field:_info}
return self.merge(_document[_field],_info)
elif _label :
if not _label in _document :
return {_label:[_info]}
return _document[_label] + [_info]
return _info
return columns
def elements(self):
This function returns elements that are supported as specified by X12 standard
return [_name for _name in dir(self) if not _name.startswith('_') and not _name.islower() ]
def pointers(self):
This function returns pointers associated with each element ...
:return Object of Element:Function
_attr = self.elements()
_pointers = [getattr(self,_name) for _name in _attr]
return dict(zip(_attr,_pointers))
def set(self,_info,_document,_config):
_attrName,_attrType = None,None
if 'label' in _config :
_attrType = 'label'
_attrName = _config['label']
elif 'field' in _config :
_attrType = 'field'
_attrName = _config['field']
if _attrName :
if _attrName not in _document :
_document[_attrName] = [] if _attrType == 'label' else {}
# @TODO: make sure we don't have a case of an attribute being overridden
if type(_document[_attrName]) == list :
_document[_attrName] += [_info]
_document[_attrName] = dict(_document[_attrName],**_info)
# _document[_attrName] += [_info] if _attrType == 'label' else dict(_document[_attrName],**_info)
return _document
return dict(_document,**_info)
def log (self,**_args):
def run(self):
This function will trigger the workflow associated with a particular file
_getContent = {
# For the sake of testing, the following insures
# that raw string content is handled as if it were a file
X12DOCUMENT.MODE.STREAM: (lambda stream : io.StringIO(stream)) ,
X12DOCUMENT.MODE.NAMES: (lambda name: open(name))
_writer = transport.factory.instance(**self._store_args)
for _filename in self.files :
_documents = []
_parts = []
# _content = (open(_filename)).read()
_reader = _getContent[self._mode]
_content = _reader(_filename).read()
_info = self.split(_content)
_header = self.apply(_info['header'])
# print (json.dumps(_header))
for _content in _info['blocks'] :
_body = self.apply(_content,header=_header)
_doc = self.merge(_header,_body)
if _doc and 'claim_id' in _doc:
# X12DOCUMENT._queue.put(_document)
_documents += [_doc]
except Exception as e:
# @TODO: Log this issue for later analysis ...
print (e)
# Let us post this to the documents we have, we should find a place to post it
if _documents :
# print (_header['header']),writer=_writer)
def post(self,**_args):
This function is intended to post content to a given location
:param document
:param writer
_writer = _args['writer'] if 'writer' in _args else None
_document = _args['document']
if not _writer:
def _getConfig(self,_chunk):
# Let us determine what kind of file we are dealing with, so we can extract the configuration
# For this we need to look for the ST loop ...
line = [line for line in _chunk if line and line[:2] == 'ST' ]
if line :
# We found the header of the block, so we can set the default configuration
self._x12FileType = line[0].split('*')[1].strip()
_config = {}
if self._x12FileType :
_config = self._config[self._x12FileType]
return _config
def apply(self,_chunk, header = {}):
_chunks are groups of elements split by HL, within each chunk are x12 loops HL,CLM,ISA
_document,_cached = {},{}
_pointers = self.pointers()
_config = self._getConfig(_chunk)
# The configuration comes from the file, let's run this in merge mode
# _config = self._configHandler.merge
_pid = None
for line in _chunk :
segments = line.split('*')
_ELEMENT = segments[0]
if _ELEMENT not in _pointers or not _ELEMENT:
if _ELEMENT in ['HL','CLM','ISA'] or not _pid:
_pid = _ELEMENT
if _pid not in _cached :
_cached [_pid] = {}
_pointer = _pointers[_ELEMENT]
_args = {'row':segments,'document':_document,'header':header,'config':(_config)}
_parsedLine = _pointer(**_args)
# print ([_pid,_ELEMENT,_parsedLine])
_cached[_pid] = self.merge(_cached[_pid],_parsedLine)
# Let's create the documents as we understand them to be
# @TODO: Create a log so there can be visibility into the parser
_document = {}
for _id in _cached :
# print ('patient' in _cached[_id] )
_document = self.merge(_document,_cached[_id])
return _document

@ -27,10 +27,13 @@ class BODY (HEADER):
'2':{'field':'payer'}, '2':{'field':'payer'},
'PR':{'field':'payer'}, 'PR':{'field':'payer'},
'41':{'field':'header'}, '41':{'field':'header'},
'IL':{'field':'patient','map':{'type':2,'first_name':4,'last_name':3}}, 'IL':{'field':'patient','map':{'type':2,'first_name':4,'last_name':3}},
'P5':{'field':'plan_sponsor'}, 'P5':{'field':'plan_sponsor'},
'82':{'field':'rendering_provider','map':{'type':2,'first_name':4,'last_name':3}}, '82':{'field':'rendering_provider','map':{'type':2,'first_name':4,'last_name':3}},
'85':{'field':'billing_provider'} '85':{'field':'billing_provider'},
} }
_args ['plugin-context'] = {'@ref':CONTEXT_MAP} _args ['plugin-context'] = {'@ref':CONTEXT_MAP}
@ -78,12 +81,13 @@ class BODY (HEADER):
return self.parse(_columns,[9,2,1],**_args) return self.parse(_columns,[9,2,1],**_args)
def DMG (self,**_args): def DMG (self,**_args):
""" """
Expected Element DMG Expected Element DMG, these need to be stored in a patient object
""" """
_columns = ['dob','gender','format'] _columns = ['dob','gender','format']
_info = self.parse(_columns,[2,3,1],**_args) _info = self.parse(_columns,[2,3,1],**_args)
return _info return {'patient':_info}
def DTP (self,**_args): def DTP (self,**_args):
""" """
Expected Element DTP Expected Element DTP
@ -135,7 +139,8 @@ class BODY (HEADER):
Expected Element HL Expected Element HL
The expected block is supposed to be unprocessed (to make things simple) The expected block is supposed to be unprocessed (to make things simple)
""" """
_row = _args['row'] if type(_args['row']) == list else _args['row'].split('~')
# _row = _args['row'] if type(_args['row']) == list else _args['row'].split('~')
# _attr = self.elements() #[_name for _name in dir() if not _name.islower() and not _name.startswith('_')] # _attr = self.elements() #[_name for _name in dir() if not _name.islower() and not _name.startswith('_')]
# _pointers = [getattr(self,_name) for _name in _attr] # _pointers = [getattr(self,_name) for _name in _attr]
@ -146,62 +151,9 @@ class BODY (HEADER):
# The index here tells us what we are processing i.e index == 1 something about header # The index here tells us what we are processing i.e index == 1 something about header
# #
_columns = ['_index','parent','code','child'] _columns = ['_index','parent','code','child']
_args['row'] = _row[0] # _args['row'] = _row[0]
_info = self.parse (_columns,[1,2,3,4],**_args) _info = self.parse (_columns,[1,2,3,4],**_args)
# _field = 'billing_provider' if _info['_index'] == '1' else 'patient' # _field = 'billing_provider' if _info['_index'] == '1' else 'patient'
# _config ={'field':_field} # _config ={'field':_field}
return _info return _info
# _claim = {_field:_info}
# for _element in _row[1:] :
# _key = _element.split('*')[0]
# if _key in _map and len(_element) > 0:
# _document = _args['document']
# _pointer = _map[_key]
# if _key not in ['CLM','HI','SV3','SV2','SV1'] :
# _claim = self.merge (_claim,_pointer(row=_element.strip().split('*'),document=_document,config=_config))
# else:
# _config = _args['config'] if 'config' in _args else {}
# _claim = self.merge (_claim,_pointer(row=_element.strip().split('*'),document=_document,config=_config))
# else:
# print (['SKIPPING ',_key])
# pass
# return _claim
# def apply(self,_block):
# """
# :_block elements that do not belong to the header block
# """
# _apply = self.pointers()
# _header = {}
# if _block :
# for content in _block :
# _KEY_ELEMENT = content.split('*')[0]
# if _KEY_ELEMENT not in _apply :
# #
# # @TODO: Log elements that are skipped
# # print ([_KEY_ELEMENT , 'NOT FOUND'])
# continue
# _info = _apply[_KEY_ELEMENT](row=content,document=_header)
# if _info :
# if not _header :
# _header = _info
# else:
# _header = self.merge(_header,_info)
# else:
# #
# # For some reason the parser failed by returning a null
# # @TODO: Log this event ....
# pass
# else:
# #
# # @TODO: return the meta data for what is expected
# pass
# return _header

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
import numpy as np
from .. import parser
from datetime import datetime
@parser(element='NM1',x12='*', anchor={'41':'submitter','40':'receiver','82':'rendering_provider','85':'billing_provider','87':'pay_to_provider','IL':'patient','PR':'payer','QC':'patient','DN':'referring_provider','77':'provider','2':'billing_provider'}, map={1:'type',3:'name',-1:'id'})
def NM1 (**_args):
Expected Element NM1
ref IL,40,41,82,85,PR ...
Information about entities (doctors, clearing house, provider). we should be mindful of the references
# '2':{'field':'payer'},
# 'PR':{'field':'payer'},
# '41':{'field':'header'},
# '45':{'field':'ambulance_location'},
# 'IL':{'field':'patient','map':{'type':2,'first_name':4,'last_name':3}},
# 'P5':{'field':'plan_sponsor'},
# '82':{'field':'rendering_provider','map':{'type':2,'first_name':4,'last_name':3}},
# '85':{'field':'billing_provider'},
# }
# _args ['plugin-context'] = {'@ref':CONTEXT_MAP}
# # _map = {_CODE_INDEX:{'41':'submitter','40':'receiver','PR':'payer'}}
# _columns = ['type','name','id']
# _indexes = [1,3,-1]
# # _info = [{'index':'40','field':'receiver'},{'index':'41','field':'submitter'},{'index':'PR','field':'payer'}]
# _pointer = _args['parser']
# _info = _pointer(_columns,_indexes,**_args)
# self.lastelement = _info
# return _info
@parser(element='N3',x12='837', parent='NM1',map={1:'address_line_1',2:'address_line_2'})
def N3 (**_args):
Expected Element N3
# _columns = ['address_line_1']
# return self.parse(_columns,[1,2],**_args)
def N4(**_args):
Expected Element N4
# _columns = ['city','state','zip']
# return self.parse(_columns,[1,2,3],**_args)
@parser(element='HI',x12='837', map={1:'type',2:'code'})
def HI(**_args):
Expected Element HI
This function will parse diagnosis codes ICD 9/10
# _columns = ['code','type']
# return self.parse(_columns,[2,1],**_args)
def AMT (**_args):
Expected Element AMT
# _columns = ['amount','qualifier']
# return self.parse(_columns,[2,1],**_args)
def SBR (**_args):
Expected Element SBR
# _index = [9,1]
# _columns = ['vendor','individual_code','type']
# return self.parse(_columns,[9,2,1],**_args)
@parser(element='DMG',x12='837', field='patient',map={2:'dob',3:'gender',1:'format'})
def DMG (**_args):
Expected Element DMG, these need to be stored in a patient object
_data = _args['data']
_y = _data['dob'][:4]
_m= _data['dob'][4:6]
_d = _data['dob'][6:].strip()
_data['dob'] = datetime(year=int(_y), month=int(_m),day=int(_d))
return _data
# _columns = ['dob','gender','format']
# _info = self.parse(_columns,[2,3,1],**_args)
# return {'patient':_info}
@parser(element='DTP', x12='837', field='date',map={3:['to','from']})
def DTP (**_args):
Expected Element DTP
# _columns = ['to','from','type']
# return self.parse(_columns,[3],**_args)
_data = _args['data']
_data['to'] = '-'.join([_data['to'][:4],_data['to'][4:6],_data['to'][6:]])
_data['from'] = '-'.join([_data['from'][:4],_data['from'][4:6],_data['from'][6:]])
return _data
def PER (**_args):
Expected Element PER
# _map = {_CODE_INDEX:{'IC':'submitter'}} # attribute to store the data in
# _columns = ['contact_name','phone','email']
# _info = self.parse (_columns,[2,4,8],**_args)
# @TODO: Inspect the configuration file for the attribute information
# return _info
def CLM (**_args):
Expected Element CLM
_data = _args['data']
_data['claim_amount'] = np.float64(_data['claim_amount'])
return _data
# _columns = ['claim_id','claim_amount','facility_code','facility_qualifier','frequency_code']
# return self.parse(_columns,[1,2,5,5,5],**_args)
# @parser(element='REF', field='ref',map={2:'id'})
def REF (**_args):
# print (_args)
_columns = ['identifier','qualifier','']
# _CODE_INDEX = 1 # -- according to x12 standard
# _map = {_CODE_INDEX:{'EA':'patient','EI':'provider','6R':'','D9':''}}
# return self.parse(_columns,[2],**_args)
def HI (**_args):
Expected Element HI
# _columns = ['code','type']
# return self.parse(_columns,[1,2],**_args)
_data = _args['data']
if ':' in _data['code'] :
_data['type'],_data['code'] = _data['code'].split(':')
return _data
def SV1 (**_args):
Expected Element SV1
# _row = _args['row'] if type(_args['row']) == list else _args['row'].split('*')
# _columns = ['type','code','amount','modifier_1','modifier_2','modifier_3','modifier_4','place_of_service','units','measurement']
# return self.parse(_columns,[1,1,2,1,1,1,1,5,4,3],**_args)
_data = _args['data']
if 'type' in _data :
_data['type'] = _data['type'].split(':')[0]
_data['code'] = _data['code'].split(':')[1]
_data['amount']= np.float64(_data['amount'])
return _data
@parser (element='HL',x12='837', field='patient', map={1:'_index',2:'parent_code',3:'level_code',4:'child_code'})
def HL (**_args) :
Expected Element HL
The expected block is supposed to be unprocessed (to make things simple)
# _data = _args['data']
# _data['_index'] = int(_data['_index'])
# return _data
# # _row = _args['row'] if type(_args['row']) == list else _args['row'].split('~')
# # _attr = self.elements() #[_name for _name in dir() if not _name.islower() and not _name.startswith('_')]
# # _pointers = [getattr(_name) for _name in _attr]
# # _map = dict(zip(_attr,_pointers))
# _map = self.pointers()
# #
# # The index here tells us what we are processing i.e index == 1 something about header
# #
# _columns = ['_index','parent','code','child']
# # _args['row'] = _row[0]
# _info = self.parse (_columns,[1,2,3,4],**_args)
# # _field = 'billing_provider' if _info['_index'] == '1' else 'patient'
# # _config ={'field':_field}
# return _info

@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ class X12DOCUMENT (Process):
_field,_label = self._getObjectAtributes(_config) _field,_label = self._getObjectAtributes(_config)
_columns,_indexes = [],[] _columns,_indexes = [],[]
if 'map' in _config : if 'map' in _config :
_columns = list(_config['map'].keys()) _columns = list(_config['map'].keys())
_indexes = list(_config['map'].values()) _indexes = list(_config['map'].values())
@ -194,16 +195,20 @@ class X12DOCUMENT (Process):
""" """
#_content = content.split('~') #_content = content.split('~')
_content = content.split('HL') _content = content.split('HL')
_header = _content[:1][0].split('~') xchar = '~\n' if '~\n' in _content[0] else '~'
_header = _content[:1][0].split(xchar) #.split('~')
_blocks = ['HL*'+_item for _item in _content[1:]]
# xchar = '~\n' if '~\n' in _blocks[0] else '~'
_blocks = ['HL'+_item for _item in _content[1:]] _blocks = [_item.split(xchar) for _item in _blocks ]
_blocks = [_item.split('~') for _item in _blocks ]
# for row in _content : # for row in _content :
# if not _blocks and not row.startswith('HL') : # if not _blocks and not row.startswith('HL') :
# _header.append(row) # _header.append(row)
# else: # else:
# _blocks.append(row) # _blocks.append(row)
return {'header':_header,'blocks':_blocks} return {'header':_header,'blocks':_blocks}
def parse (self,columns,index,**_args): def parse (self,columns,index,**_args):
""" """
@ -215,6 +220,7 @@ class X12DOCUMENT (Process):
- config configuration of the element. his should indicate functions to apply against function - config configuration of the element. his should indicate functions to apply against function
""" """
_ELEMENT = _args['row'][0] _ELEMENT = _args['row'][0]
# #
# get the right configuration from the _config object # get the right configuration from the _config object
_config = _args['config'][_ELEMENT] if _ELEMENT in _args['config'] else {} _config = _args['config'][_ELEMENT] if _ELEMENT in _args['config'] else {}
@ -258,16 +264,6 @@ class X12DOCUMENT (Process):
_row = _row + np.repeat('',_delta).tolist() _row = _row + np.repeat('',_delta).tolist()
_row = np.array(_row) _row = np.array(_row)
# _element = _row[0]
# _configKeys = [] #list(self._config.keys())
# _configTree = [] #list(self._config.values())
# if 'config' in _args :
# _config = _args['config']
# _configKeys = list(_config.keys())
# _configTree = list(_config.values())
# else:
# _config = {}
_info = dict(zip(_columns,_row[_index].tolist())) _info = dict(zip(_columns,_row[_index].tolist()))
_document = _args['document'] if 'document' in _args else {} _document = _args['document'] if 'document' in _args else {}
@ -297,8 +293,10 @@ class X12DOCUMENT (Process):
else: else:
_item = _info _item = _info
if _ELEMENT in self._hierarchy and _field: if _ELEMENT in self._hierarchy and _field:
# print ([_field,_item]) # print ([_field,_item])
self.lastelement = _item self.lastelement = _item
pass pass
else: else:
@ -307,9 +305,17 @@ class X12DOCUMENT (Process):
_ikey = list(self.lastelement.keys())[0] _ikey = list(self.lastelement.keys())[0]
_oldinfo = self.lastelement[_ikey] _oldinfo = self.lastelement[_ikey]
if type(_oldinfo) != dict :
# This is we should log somewhere to suggest an issue happened
# self.log(action='error',input=_row)
_item = {_ikey: self.merge(_oldinfo,_item)} _item = {_ikey: self.merge(_oldinfo,_item)}
break break
return _item return _item
else: else:
# #
@ -358,44 +364,24 @@ class X12DOCUMENT (Process):
pass pass
def log (self,**_args): def log (self,**_args):
pass print(_args)
def run(self): def parseBlocks (self,_blocks,_header):
""" """
This function will trigger the workflow associated with a particular file This function extracts blocks and returns them to the caller,
Blocks of a document are made of transactional loops, that constitute a patients claim
""" """
_getContent = { _tmp = {}
# For the sake of testing, the following insures
# that raw string content is handled as if it were a file
X12DOCUMENT.MODE.STREAM: (lambda stream : io.StringIO(stream)) ,
X12DOCUMENT.MODE.NAMES: (lambda name: open(name))
_writer = transport.factory.instance(**self._store_args)
for _filename in self.files :
_documents = [] _documents = []
_parts = [] for _content in _blocks :
# _content = (open(_filename)).read()
_reader = _getContent[self._mode]
_content = _reader(_filename).read()
_info = self.split(_content)
_header = self.apply(_info['header'])
# print (json.dumps(_header))
_tmp = {}
for _content in _info['blocks'] :
_body = self.apply(_content,header=_header) _body = self.apply(_content,header=_header)
_doc = self.merge(_header,_body) _doc = self.merge(_header,_body)
# self.log(action='parse',section='body',input=_content[0])
if _doc and 'claim_id' in _doc: if _doc and 'claim_id' in _doc:
# X12DOCUMENT._queue.put(_document) # X12DOCUMENT._queue.put(_document)
# self.log(action='parse',section='document')
_documents += [self.merge(_tmp,_doc)] _documents += [self.merge(_tmp,_doc)]
_tmp = {} _tmp = {}
else: else:
@ -403,19 +389,54 @@ class X12DOCUMENT (Process):
# The document is being built and not yet ready # The document is being built and not yet ready
_tmp = self.merge(_tmp,_doc) _tmp = self.merge(_tmp,_doc)
return _documents
def run(self):
This function will trigger the workflow associated with a particular file
for _filename in self.files :
# self.log(action='parse',section='file',input=_filename)
_documents = []
_parts = []
if os.sep in _filename and os.path.exists(_filename) :
_reader = open(_filename)
# This is a stream, we are wrapping it into an appropriate structure
_reader = io.StringIO(_filename)
# Let us log the mode we have set ...
_content =
if hasattr(_reader,'close') :
_info = self.split(_content)
_header = self.apply(_info['header'])
if _info['blocks'] :
# processing blocks for the current claim
_documents = self.parseBlocks(_info['blocks'],_header)
except Exception as e: except Exception as e:
# #
# @TODO: Log this issue for later analysis ... # @TODO: Log this issue for later analysis ...
print (e) print (e)
pass pass
# # #
# Let us post this to the documents we have, we should find a place to post it # # Let us post this to the documents we have, we should find a place to post it
# # #
if _documents : if _documents :
# print (_header['header']) # print (_header['header'])
_writer = transport.factory.instance(**self._store_args),writer=_writer),writer=_writer)
def post(self,**_args): def post(self,**_args):
""" """
@ -481,9 +502,12 @@ class X12DOCUMENT (Process):
_parsedLine = _pointer(**_args) _parsedLine = _pointer(**_args)
# print ([_pid,_ELEMENT,_parsedLine])
if _pid in _cached :
_cached[_pid] = self.merge(_cached[_pid],_parsedLine) _cached[_pid] = self.merge(_cached[_pid],_parsedLine)
_cached[_pid] = _parsedLine
# #

@ -40,3 +40,6 @@ class HEADER (X12DOCUMENT):
""" """
_columns= ['app_id','date','time','type'] _columns= ['app_id','date','time','type']
return self.parse(_columns,[3,4,5,6],**_args) return self.parse(_columns,[3,4,5,6],**_args)
# let us perform this

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import numpy as np
from .. import parser
@parser(element='ISA',x12='835',field='header', map={6:'submitter_id',8:'receiver_id',9:'date',10:'time'})
def ISA(**_args):
:row raw {x12} row
:data parsed data
:meta elements containing map {index:field_name}
# print (_args['data'])
@parser(element='ST',x12='835', field='ISA', map={1:'x12',2:'control_number'})
def ST(**_args):
:row raw {x12} row
:data parsed data
:meta elements containing map {index:field_name}
@parser (element='BPR',x12='835',map={2:'transaction_amount',3:'transaction_type',4:'method',6:'depository'})
def BPR (**_args):
def CLP (**_args):
_data = _args['data']
for _id in ['charge_amount','payment_amount','patient_amount']:
_data[_id] = np.float64(_data[_id])
return _data
@parser (element='PER',x12='835',field="billing_provider",map={2:'name',4:'phone_number'})
def PER (**_args):
def N1(**_args):
def DTM(**_args):
@parser(element='PLB',x12='835',container='provider', map={1:'id',2:'adjustment_fiscal_year',-1:'adjustment_amount'})
def PLB(**_args):
def CAS(**_args):
def SVC (**_args):
_data = _args['data']
_data['type'] = _data['type'].split('|')[0]
_data['code'] = _data['code'].split('|')[1]
_data['charge_amount'] = np.float64(_data['charge_amount'])
_data['paid_amount'] = np.float64(_data['paid_amount'])
return _data
def N1(**_args):
def N3(**_args):
def N4(**_args):
@parser (element='AMT',x12='835',container='amounts', map={2:'amount',1:'type'})
def AMT (**_args):
_data = _args['data']
if _data['type'] in _map :
_data['type'] = _map[_data['type']]
_data['amount'] = np.float64(_data['amount'])
return _data

@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
This package contains tools used across the various modules, these tools actually "do the work"
We intend to have these tools be Object-Oriented by design so as to not run into any concurrency issues
from . import file, document, common
from healthcareio import x12
from multiprocessing import Process
# class X12Engine(Process):
# def __init__(self,**_args):
# """
# :files group of files to be processed
# """
# self.files = _args['files']
# self._cHandler = file.Content()
# self._dHandler = document.Builder(plugins=_args['plugins'],parents=_args['plugins'])
# def run(self):
# """
# This function performs parsing given
# """
# for _location in self.files :
# _content =
# _content = self._cHandler.split(_content)
# pass
def merge (_x,_y):
This function will merge two objects _x, _y
_zcols = list(set(_x.keys()) & set(_y.keys())) #--common columns
if _zcols :
_out = dict(_x,**{})
for _key in list(_y.keys()) :
if _key not in _zcols and _key:
_out[_key] = _y[_key]
if type(_out[_key]) == list :
for value in _y[_key] :
if value not in _out[_key] :
# _out[_key] += _y[_key]
elif type(_out[_key]) == dict:
_out[_key] = dict(_out[_key],**_y[_key])
_out[_key] = _y[_key]
return _out
return dict(_x,**_y)
def template(**_args) :
This function generates an object template to be used in object assignment and export functionalities
We chose to proceed in this manner so as to enforce consistency of the parser
:plugins {*,837,835} with element and pointers associated
_plugins = _args['plugins']
_object = {'837':{},'835':{}}
for _x12 in _plugins :
_pointers = _plugins[_x12]
for _element in _pointers :
_meta = _pointers[_element].meta
_values = _meta['map'].values() if 'map' in _meta else _meta['columns']
# where do the attributes go ..
_attr = []
for _item in list(_values) :
if type(_item) == list :
_attr = _attr + _item
_field = []
if 'field' in _meta or 'container' in _meta :
_field = _meta['field'] if 'field' in _meta else _meta['container']
if 'anchor' in _meta : #-- No parents are expected
_field = _meta['anchor'].values()
elif _meta['parent'] :
# It means the attributes will be
_parentPlug = x12.plugins.filter(elements=[_meta['parent']],plugins=_plugins)
_pid = list(_parentPlug.keys())[0]
_parentMeta = _parentPlug[_pid][_meta['parent']].meta
_attr = _attr + list(_parentMeta['map'].values()) if 'map' in _parentMeta else _parentMeta['columns']
if 'anchor' in _parentMeta :
_field = list(_parentMeta['anchor'].values())
_field = [_field] if type(_field) == str else _field
_attr = dict.fromkeys(_attr,'')
if not _field :
_info = (_attr)
_info = (dict.fromkeys(_field,_attr))
if _x12 == '*' :
_object['837']= merge(_object['837'], _info)
_object['835']= merge (_object['835'], _info)
_object[_x12] = merge(_object[_x12],_info)
return _object
# def template(**_args) :
# """
# This function generates an object template to be used in object assignment and export functionalities
# We chose to proceed in this manner so as to enforce consistency of the parser
# :plugins {*,837,835} with element and pointers associated
# """
# _plugins = _args['plugins']
# _object = {'837':{},'835':{}}
# for _x12 in _plugins :
# _pointers = _plugins[_x12]
# for _element in _pointers :
# _meta = _pointers[_element].meta
# _values = _meta['map'].values() if 'map' in _meta else _meta['columns']
# #
# # where do the attributes go ..
# #
# _attr = []
# for _item in list(_values) :
# if type(_item) == list :
# _attr = _attr + _item
# else:
# _attr.append(_item)
# _field = []
# if 'field' in _meta or 'container' in _meta :
# _field = _meta['field'] if 'field' in _meta else _meta['container']
# if 'anchor' in _meta : #-- No parents are expected
# _field = _meta['anchor'].values()
# elif _meta['parent'] :
# #
# # It means the attributes will be
# _parentPlug = filter(elements=[_meta['parent']],plugins=_plugins)
# _pid = list(_parentPlug.keys())[0]
# _parentMeta = _parentPlug[_pid][_meta['parent']].meta
# _attr = _attr + list(_parentMeta['map'].values()) if 'map' in _parentMeta else _parentMeta['columns']
# if 'anchor' in _parentMeta :
# _field = list(_parentMeta['anchor'].values())
# _field = [_field] if type(_field) == str else _field
# _attr = dict.fromkeys(_attr,'')
# if not _field :
# _info = (_attr)
# else:
# _info = (dict.fromkeys(_field,_attr))
# if _x12 == '*' :
# _object['837']= merge(_object['837'], _info)
# _object['835']= merge (_object['835'], _info)
# else:
# _object[_x12] = merge(_object[_x12],_info)
# return _object

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# class Common :
# def parent(self,**_args):
# """
# This function returns the "parent" pointer associated with a given element
# :meta meta data of a decorated/annotated function
# """
# _meta = _args['meta']
# _item = None
# if 'parent' in _meta : #hasattr(_meta,'parent'):
# _hasField = 'field' in _meta
# _hasParent= _meta['element'] in self._parents
# if _hasField and _hasParent: #_meta.element in self._parents and hasattr(_meta,'field'):
# self._last = _item
# pass
# else:
# for key in self._parents :
# if _meta.element in self._parents[key] :
# _ikey = list(self._last.keys())[0]
# _oldinfo = self._last[_ikey]
# if type(_oldinfo) != dict :
# #
# # Only applicable against a dictionary not a list (sorry)
# pass
# else:
# _item = {_ikey: self.merge(_oldinfo,_item)}
# break
# pass
# return _item

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
This file encapsulates the functions needed to build a document
import numpy as np
import copy
class Builder:
__doc__ = """
This class is intended to create and manipulate objects
:merge The class merges two objects and accounts for attributes that are lists
:parent returns the parent for a given object
def __init__(self,**_args):
self._last = {}
self._plugins = copy.deepcopy(_args['plugins'])
self._parents = copy.deepcopy(_args['parents'])
self._loop = {}
def reset (self):
self._last = {}
self._loop = {}
def parent(self,**_args):
This function returns the parent item of an object
:meta meta data of a decorated/annotated function
_meta = _args['meta']
# _item = None
if _meta['parent'] :
_id = _meta['parent']
if _id :
return self._last[_id] if _id in self._last else None
return None
# if _id in self._parents :
# self._last[_id] =
# if 'parent' in _meta : #hasattr(_meta,'parent'):
# _hasField = 'field' in _meta
# _hasParent= _meta['element'] in self._parents
# if _hasField and _hasParent: #_meta.element in self._parents and hasattr(_meta,'field'):
# self._last = _item
# pass
# else:
# for key in self._parents :
# if _meta['element'] in self._parents[key] :
# _ikey = list(self._last.keys())[0]
# _oldinfo = self._last[_ikey]
# if type(_oldinfo) != dict :
# #
# # Only applicable against a dictionary not a list (sorry)
# pass
# else:
# _item = {_ikey: self.merge(_oldinfo,_item)}
# break
# pass
# return _item
def count(self,_element):
if _element not in self._loop :
self._loop[_element] = 0
self._loop[_element] += 1
def pointer(self,**_args):
This function returns a pointer associated with a row element
@TODO: Make sure we know what kind of file we are processing (it would help suppress the loop)
_id = _args['row'][0] if 'row' in _args else _args['element']
_filetype = _args['x12']
_pointer = None
if _id in self._plugins[_filetype] :
_pointer = self._plugins[_filetype][_id]
for _x12 in self._plugins :
if _id in self._plugins[_x12] :
_pointer = self._plugins[_x12][_id]
return _pointer
def field(self,**_args) :
_row = _args['row']
_meta= _args['meta']
_field = None
if _meta['parent'] :
_field = self.parent(meta=_meta)['field']
if 'field' in _meta or 'container' in _meta :
_field = _meta['field'] if 'field' in _meta else _meta['container']
if 'anchor' in _meta :
_anchor = _meta['anchor']
for key in _anchor :
if key == _row[1].strip() :
_field = _anchor[key]
return _field
def merge (self,_x,_y):
This function will merge two objects _x, _y
_zcols = list(set(_x.keys()) & set(_y.keys())) #--common columns
if _zcols :
_out = dict(_x,**{})
for _key in list(_y.keys()) :
if _key not in _zcols and _key:
_out[_key] = _y[_key]
if type(_out[_key]) == list :
for value in _y[_key] :
if value not in _out[_key] :
# _out[_key] += _y[_key]
elif type(_out[_key]) == dict:
_out[_key] = dict(_out[_key],**_y[_key])
_out[_key] = _y[_key]
return _out
return dict(_x,**_y)
def parse (self,**_args):
This function will perform parsing on behalf of the plugin by relying on map function
:row raw x12 row
:meta meta data of the plugin function
#-- Loop Markers
_row = _args['row']
_map = _args['meta']['map']
# _map = self.pointer(row=_row).meta['map']
_index = list(_map.keys())
_columns = [] #[_map[_id] for _id in _index ]
for _id in _index :
_name = _map[_id]
if type(_name) == list :
_columns += _name
_i = _index.index(_id)
_index = (_index[:_i] + np.repeat(_index[_i], len(_name)).tolist()+_index[_i+1:])
_info = {}
_index = np.array(_index).astype(int)
# _document = _args['document']
if np.max(_index) > len(_row) -1 :
_delta = 1 + np.max(_index) - len(_row)
_row = _row + np.repeat('',_delta).tolist()
_row = np.array(_row)
_info = dict(zip(_columns,_row[_index].tolist()))
except Exception as e:
# print (_row)
# print ( e)
return _info
def meta (self,**_args):
_row = _args['row']
_id = _row[0]
_meta = None
for key in self._plugins :
_items = self._plugins[key]
if _id in _items :
_meta = (_items[_id].meta)
return _meta
def update(self,**_args):
_element = _args['row'][0]
if _element in self._parents :
_meta = self.meta(row=_args['row'])
if 'field' not in _meta :
_field = self.field(row=_args['row'],meta=_meta)
_field = _meta['field']
self._last[_element] = {'data':_args['data'],'field':_field}
def bind(self,**_args):
This function is intended to make an object out of an element
:row raw row of x12
:document object that is the document
_row = _args['row']
_filetype = _args['x12']
_id = _row[0]
_pointer = self.pointer(row=_row,x12=_filetype)
_parent = None
_data = {}
# _document = _args['document']
if not _pointer :
return None,None
# Should we use the built-in parser or not
if _pointer and 'map' in _pointer.meta :
_data = self.parse(row=_row,meta=_pointer.meta)
# This function will be used as formatter (at least)
# We will also insure that the current element is not the last one
_out = _pointer(row=_row,data=_data, meta=_pointer.meta)
_data = _data if _out is None else _out
self.update(row = _row, data=_data) #-- If this element is considered a parent, we store it
return _data, _pointer.meta
def build (self,**_args):
This function attemps to place a piece of data within a document
_meta = _args['meta']
_data = _args['data']
_row = _args['row']
_document = _args['document']
# if _meta['parent'] :
# _field = self.parent(meta=_meta)['field']
# elif 'field' in _meta :
# _field = _meta['field']
# elif 'container' in _meta :
# _field = _meta['container']
# if type(_document[_field]) != list :
# _data = self.merge(_document[_field],_data)
# _document[_field] = []
# elif 'anchor' in _meta:
# _field = self.field(row=_row,meta=_meta)
# else:
# _field = None
_field = self.field(meta=_meta,row=_row)
if _field :
if 'container' in _meta and type(_document[_field]) != list :
_document[_field] = []
if _field and _document:
if _field not in _document :
_document[_field] =_data
if 'container' in _meta :
_document[_field] = self.merge(_document[_field],_data)
if not _field and 'anchor' in _meta :
# This is an unusual situation ...
_document = self.merge(_document,_data)
return _document

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
import os
import numpy as np
from io import StringIO
# from .common import Common
class Content :
This class implements functions that will manipulate content of a file
:split splits the content
:read reads the content of a file given a filename
:parse parses the content of a file given a map {index:field_name}
def __init__(self,**_args):
self._parents = {}
self._lastelement = {}
def split(self,_content):
if type(_content) == str :
_xchar = '~\n' if '~\n' in _content else ('~' if '~' in _content else ('\n' if '\n' in _content else None))
_x12 = '837' if 'CLM*' in _content else ('835' if 'CLP*' in _content else None)
_map = {'835':'CLP','837':'CLM'}
_claim_mark = _map[_x12]
_content = _content.split(_claim_mark)
_xchar = ''.join(_xchar)
_chunks = []
for _block in _content :
if len(_chunks) > 0 :
_block = _claim_mark+ _block
_splitblocks = [row.strip().split('*') for row in _block.split(_xchar) if row.strip()]
return _chunks,_x12
# if _xchar :
# _xchar = ''.join(_xchar)
# _rows = _content.split(_xchar)
# return [row.strip().split('*') for row in _rows if row.strip()]
# else:
# return _content.split('*')
return [],None
def read(self,**_args):
This function will read and clean-up the content of a file
_filename = _args['filename']
if type(_filename) == StringIO :
f = open(_filename)
_content =
return _content
def _ix_parse (self,columns,index,**_args):
This function encapulates how an x12 document element will be processed
:columns list of attributes that make up the object
:index indexes of the said items in the element
- row raw x12 element (string)
- pointer decorated function
- document
_ELEMENT = _args['row'][0]
_pointer = _args['pointer']
_document = _args['document']
if 'map' in _pointer.meta :
_map = _pointer.meta['map']
_index = list(_map.keys())
_columns = [_map[_id] for _id in _index ]
_info = {}
_row = _args['row'] if type(_args['row']) == list else _args['row'].split('*')
_index = np.array(_index)
# Sometimes the _row doesn't have all expected indexes, we will compensate
# This allows to minimize parsing errors as it may relate to disconnects between configuration and x12 element variations (shitty format)
if np.max(_index) > len(_row) -1 :
_delta = 1 + np.max(_index) - len(_row)
_row = _row + np.repeat('',_delta).tolist()
_row = np.array(_row)
_info = dict(zip(_columns,_row[_index].tolist()))
# We should call the function that is intended to perform the parsing
_info = _pointer(row=_args['row'],document=_document,meta=_pointer.meta)
# @TODO: We should look into the object created and enforce the specifications are met
return _info
# def consolidate(self,**_args):
# """
# This function takes an object and addit to the document given meta data
# :document document associated associated with a claim (processing the loops)
# :object
# :caller attributes within the decorator
# """
# _document = _args['document'] if 'document' in _args else {}
# _info = _args['object']
# _meta = _args['meta']
# #
# # @TODO:
# # Apply parsing/casting function to the object retrieved
# # _apply(_info) #-- the object will be processed accordingly
# #
# #
# # @TODO:
# # The objects parsed must be augmented against the appropriate ones e.g: NM1 <- N1,N2,N3,N4
# # - Find a way to drive this from a configuration ...
# #
# if 'field' in _meta : #hasattr(_meta,'field') :
# _field = _meta['field']
# if not _field in _document :
# _item = {_field:_info}
# else:
# _item = self.merge(_document[_field],_info)
# elif 'container' in _meta: # hasattr(_meta,'container') :
# _label = _meta.container
# if not _label in _document :
# _item = {_label:[_info]}
# else:
# _item = _document[_label] + [_info]
# else:
# _item = _info
# if 'parent' in _meta : #hasattr(_meta,'parent'):
# _hasField = 'field' in _meta
# _hasParent= _meta['element'] in self._parents
# if _hasField and _hasParent: #_meta.element in self._parents and hasattr(_meta,'field'):
# self_last = _item
# pass
# else:
# for key in self._parents :
# if _meta.element in self._parents[key] :
# _ikey = list(self_last.keys())[0]
# _oldinfo = self_last[_ikey]
# if type(_oldinfo) != dict :
# #
# # Only applicable against a dictionary not a list (sorry)
# pass
# else:
# _item = {_ikey: self.merge(_oldinfo,_item)}
# break
# pass
# return _item
class Location :
def get(**_args):
_path = _args['path']
files = []
if os.path.isdir(_path):
for root,_dir,f in os.walk(_path) :
if f :
files += [os.sep.join([root,name]) for name in f]
files = [path for path in files if os.path.isfile(path)]
files = [_path]
_chunks = 0 if 'chunks' not in _args else int(_args['chunks'])
return files if not _chunks else np.array_split(files,_chunks)