bug fix with ICD and some minor improvements

Steve L. Nyemba 5 years ago
parent 2f6f43c9c6
commit 915601236c

@ -535,8 +535,12 @@ class Predict(GNet):
self.values = args['values']
self.ROW_COUNT = args['row_count']
self.oROW_COUNT = self.ROW_COUNT
if args['no_value'] in ['na','','NA'] :
self.MISSING_VALUES = np.nan
else :
self.MISSING_VALUES = args['no_value']
# self.MISSING_VALUES = args['no_value']
# self.MISSING_VALUES = int(args['no_value']) if args['no_value'].isnumeric() else np.na if args['no_value'] in ['na','NA','N/A'] else args['no_value']
def load_meta(self, column):
@ -652,7 +656,8 @@ class Predict(GNet):
if ii.shape[0] > 0 :
#@TODO Have this be a configurable variable
missing = np.repeat(0, np.where(ii==1)[0].size)
missing = np.repeat(self.MISSING_VALUES, np.where(ii==1)[0].size)
missing = []

@ -62,21 +62,28 @@ class ContinuousToDiscrete :
BOUNDS = ContinuousToDiscrete.bounds(X,BIN_SIZE)
values = []
_BINARY= ContinuousToDiscrete.binary(X,BIN_SIZE)
# # print (BOUNDS)
# _BINARY= ContinuousToDiscrete.binary(X,BIN_SIZE)
# # # print (BOUNDS)
l = {}
for value in X :
values += [ np.round(np.random.uniform(item.left,item.right),ContinuousToDiscrete.ROUND_UP) for item in BOUNDS if value >= item.left and value <= item.right ]
# values = []
for row in _BINARY :
# ubound = BOUNDS[row.index(1)]
index = np.where(row == 1)[0][0]
# # values = []
# for row in _BINARY :
# # ubound = BOUNDS[row.index(1)]
# index = np.where(row == 1)[0][0]
ubound = BOUNDS[ index ].right
lbound = BOUNDS[ index ].left
# ubound = BOUNDS[ index ].right
# lbound = BOUNDS[ index ].left
x_ = np.round(np.random.uniform(lbound,ubound),ContinuousToDiscrete.ROUND_UP).astype(float)
# x_ = np.round(np.random.uniform(lbound,ubound),ContinuousToDiscrete.ROUND_UP).astype(float)
# values.append(x_)
lbound = ubound
# lbound = ubound
# values = [np.random.uniform() for item in BOUNDS]
return values
@ -173,6 +180,8 @@ def generate(**args):
# If the identifier is not present, we should fine a way to determine or make one
BIN_SIZE = 4 if 'bin_size' not in args else int(args['bin_size'])
NO_VALUE = dict(args['no_value']) if type(args['no_value']) == dict else args['no_value']
_df = df.copy()
for col in column :
args['context'] = col
@ -195,13 +204,29 @@ def generate(**args):
args['values'] = values
args['row_count'] = df.shape[0]
if col in NO_VALUE :
args['no_value'] = NO_VALUE[col]
args['no_value'] = NO_VALUE
# we can determine the cardinalities here so we know what to allow or disallow
handler = gan.Predict (**args)
r = handler.apply()
if col in CONTINUOUS :
r[col] = np.array(r[col])
MISSING= np.nan if args['no_value'] in ['na','','NA'] else args['no_value']
if np.isnan(MISSING):
i = np.isnan(r[col])
i = np.where (i == False)[0]
i = np.where( r[col] != None)[0]
_approx = ContinuousToDiscrete.continuous(r[col][i],BIN_SIZE)
r[col][i] = _approx
_df[col] = ContinuousToDiscrete.continuous(r[col],BIN_SIZE) if col in CONTINUOUS else r[col]
_df[col] = r[col] #ContinuousToDiscrete.continuous(r[col],BIN_SIZE) if col in CONTINUOUS else r[col]
# _df[col] = r[col]
# @TODO: log basic stats about the synthetic attribute

@ -16,7 +16,12 @@ from data.params import SYS_ARGS
class Components :
class KEYS :
PIPELINE_KEY = 'pipeline'
SQL_FILTER = 'filter'
def get_logger(**args) :
return factory.instance(type='mongo.MongoWriter',args={'dbname':'aou','doc':args['context']})
def get(args):
@ -26,15 +31,19 @@ class Components :
:condition optional condition and filters
SQL = args['sql']
if 'condition' in args :
condition = ' '.join([args['condition']['field'],args['condition']['qualifier'],'(',args['condition']['value'],')'])
if Components.KEYS.SQL_FILTER in args :
condition = ' '.join([args[SQL_FILTER]['field'],args[SQL_FILTER]['qualifier'],'(',args[SQL_FILTER]['value'],')'])
SQL = " ".join([SQL,'WHERE',condition])
SQL = SQL.replace(':dataset',args['dataset']) #+ " LI "
if 'limit' in args :
SQL = SQL + ' LIMIT ' + args['limit']
# let's log the sql query that has been performed here
logger = factory.instance(type='mongo.MongoWriter',args={'dbname':'aou','doc':args['context']})
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file('/home/steve/dev/aou/accounts/curation-prod.json')
df = pd.read_gbq(SQL,credentials=credentials,dialect='standard').astype(object)
return df
@ -131,6 +140,7 @@ class Components :
_args['num_gpu'] = 1
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(args['gpu'])
_args['no_value']= args['no_value']
# MAX_ROWS = args['max_rows'] if 'max_rows' in args else 0
PART_SIZE = int(args['part_size']) if 'part_size' in args else 8
@ -166,19 +176,27 @@ class Components :
# performing basic analytics on the synthetic data generated (easy to quickly asses)
info = {"module":"generate","action":"io-stats","input":{"rows":data_comp.shape[0],"partition":partition,"logs":[]}}
logs = []
for name in data_comp.columns.tolist() :
g = pd.DataFrame(data_comp.groupby([name]).size())
g.columns = ['counts']
g[name] = g.index.tolist()
g.index = np.arange(g.shape[0])
logs.append({"name":name,"counts": g.to_dict(orient='records')})
info['input']['logs'] = logs
info = {"module":"generate","action":"io.metrics","input":{"rows":data_comp.shape[0],"partition":partition,"logs":[]}}
x = {}
for name in args['columns'] :
ident = data_comp.apply(lambda row: 1*(row[name]==row[name+'_io']),axis=1).sum()
count = data_comp[name].unique().size
_ident= data_comp.shape[1] - ident
_count= data_comp[name+'_io'].unique().size
info['input']['logs'] += [{"name":name,"identical":int(ident),"no_identical":int(_ident),"original_count":count,"synthetic_count":_count}]
# for name in data_comp.columns.tolist() :
# g = pd.DataFrame(data_comp.groupby([name]).size())
# g.columns = ['counts']
# g[name] = g.index.tolist()
# g.index = np.arange(g.shape[0])
# logs.append({"name":name,"counts": g.to_dict(orient='records')})
# info['input']['logs'] = logs
base_cols = list(set(_args['data'].columns) - set(args['columns'])) #-- rebuilt the dataset (and store it)
cols = _dc.columns.tolist()
for name in cols :
_args['data'][name] = _dc[name]
info = {"module":"generate","action":"io","input":{"rows":_dc[name].shape[0],"name":name}}
@ -223,43 +241,14 @@ class Components :
info ['partition'] = int(partition)
logger.write({"module":"generate","action":"write","input":info} )
def callback(channel,method,header,stream):
if stream.decode('utf8') in ['QUIT','EXIT','END'] :
info = json.loads(stream)
logger = factory.instance(type='mongo.MongoWriter',args={'dbname':'aou','doc':SYS_ARGS['context']})
df = pd.DataFrame(info['data'])
args = info['args']
if args['num_gpu'] > 1 :
args['gpu'] = int(info['input']['partition']) if info['input']['partition'] < 8 else np.random.choice(np.arange(8)).astype(int)
args['gpu'] = 0
args['num_gpu'] = 1
# if int(args['num_gpu']) > 1 and args['gpu'] > 0:
# args['gpu'] = args['gpu'] + args['num_gpu'] if args['gpu'] + args['num_gpu'] < 8 else args['gpu'] #-- 8 max gpus
args['reader'] = lambda: df
# @TODO: Fix
# There is an inconsistency in column/columns ... fix this shit!
args['columns'] = args['column']
if __name__ == '__main__' :
filename = SYS_ARGS['config'] if 'config' in SYS_ARGS else 'config.json'
f = open (filename)
PIPELINE = json.loads(f.read())
_config = json.loads(f.read())
PIPELINE = _config['pipeline']
index = SYS_ARGS['index']
if index.isnumeric() :
index = int(SYS_ARGS['index'])
@ -274,10 +263,17 @@ if __name__ == '__main__' :
# print
print ("..::: ",PIPELINE[index]['context'])
args = (PIPELINE[index])
for key in _config :
if key == 'pipeline' or key in args:
# skip in case of pipeline or if key exists in the selected pipeline (provided by index)
args[key] = _config[key]
args = dict(args,**SYS_ARGS)
args['logs'] = args['logs'] if 'logs' in args else 'logs'
args['batch_size'] = 2000 if 'batch_size' not in args else int(args['batch_size'])
if 'dataset' not in args :
args['dataset'] = 'combined20191004v2_deid'
@ -340,38 +336,14 @@ if __name__ == '__main__' :
# Components.generate(args)
elif 'listen' in args :
elif 'finalize' in args :
# This will start a worker just in case to listen to a queue
SYS_ARGS = dict(args) #-- things get lost in context
if 'read' in SYS_ARGS :
QUEUE_TYPE = 'queue.QueueReader'
pointer = lambda qreader: qreader.read()
QUEUE_TYPE = 'queue.QueueListener'
pointer = lambda qlistener: qlistener.listen()
N = int(SYS_ARGS['jobs']) if 'jobs' in SYS_ARGS else 1
qhandlers = [factory.instance(type=QUEUE_TYPE,args={'queue':'aou.io'}) for i in np.arange(N)]
jobs = []
for qhandler in qhandlers :
qhandler.callback = Components.callback
job = Process(target=pointer,args=(qhandler,))
# This will finalize a given set of synthetic operations into a table
# let us wait for the jobs
print (["Started ",len(jobs)," trainers"])
while len(jobs) > 0 :
jobs = [job for job in jobs if job.is_alive()]
idataset = args['input'] if 'input' in args else 'io' #-- input dataset
odataset = args['output'] #-- output dataset
labels = [name.strip() for name in args['labels'].split(',') ]
# pointer(qhandler)
# qreader.read(1)
# DATA = np.array_split(DATA,PART_SIZE)

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import sys
def read(fname):
return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname)).read()
args = {"name":"data-maker","version":"1.2.4","author":"Vanderbilt University Medical Center","author_email":"steve.l.nyemba@vanderbilt.edu","license":"MIT",
args = {"name":"data-maker","version":"1.2.5","author":"Vanderbilt University Medical Center","author_email":"steve.l.nyemba@vanderbilt.edu","license":"MIT",
args["install_requires"] = ['data-transport@git+https://dev.the-phi.com/git/steve/data-transport.git','tensorflow==1.15','pandas','pandas-gbq','pymongo']
args['url'] = 'https://hiplab.mc.vanderbilt.edu/git/aou/data-maker.git'
