You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

810 lines
44 KiB

5 years ago
import pickle
# if db[column].count() > 0 :
value= args['value']
inputs = args['inputs']
name = args['name']
labels = None if 'labels' not in args else args['labels']
n_labels= None if 'n_labels' not in args else args['n_labels']
shift = [0] if self.__class__.__name__.lower() == 'generator' else [1] #-- not sure what this is doing
mean, var = tf.nn.moments(inputs, shift, keep_dims=True)
shape = inputs.shape[1].value
for i, dim in enumerate(self.G_STRUCTURE[:-1]):
kernel = self.get.variables(name='W_' + str(i), shape=[tmp_dim, dim])
h1 = self.normalize(inputs=tf.matmul(x, kernel),shift=0, name='cbn' + str(i), labels=label, n_labels=self.NUM_LABELS)
h2 = tf.nn.relu(h1)
x = x + h2
tmp_dim = dim
i = len(self.G_STRUCTURE) - 1
# This seems to be an extra hidden layer:
# It's goal is to map continuous values to discrete values (pre-trained to do this)
kernel = self.get.variables(name='W_' + str(i), shape=[tmp_dim, self.G_STRUCTURE[-1]])
h1 = self.normalize(inputs=tf.matmul(x, kernel), name='cbn' + str(i),
labels=label, n_labels=self.NUM_LABELS)
h2 = tf.nn.tanh(h1)
x = x + h2
# This seems to be the output layer
kernel = self.get.variables(name='W_' + str(i+1), shape=[self.Z_DIM, self.X_SPACE_SIZE])
bias = self.get.variables(name='b_' + str(i+1), shape=[self.X_SPACE_SIZE])
x = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.add(tf.matmul(x, kernel), bias))
return x
return w_distance, loss
# @TODO: Ziqi needs to explain what's going on here
# labels_placeholder = None
# suffix = "-".join(self.ATTRIBUTES['synthetic']) if isinstance(self.ATTRIBUTES['synthetic'],list) else self.ATTRIBUTES['synthetic']
# if 'no_value' in args and args['no_value'] not in ['na','','NA'] :
# # If the generator had a reductive effect we should be able to get random values from either :
# # - The space of outliers
# # - existing values for smaller spaces that have suffered over training
# #
# N = ii.sum()
# missing_values = self.MISSING_VALUES if self.MISSING_VALUES else self.values
# missing = np.random.choice(missing_values,N)
# # missing = []
# #
# # @TODO:
# # Log the findings here in terms of ratio, missing, candidate count
# # print ([np.max(ratio),len(missing),len(found),i])
# i = np.where(ii == 0)[0]
# return df.to_dict(orient='list')