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5 years ago
import pickle
column = self.ATTRIBUTES['synthetic']
db = self.logger.db
if db[column].count() > 0 :
db.backup.insert({'name':column,'logs':list(db[column].find()) })
def load_meta(self,column):
This function is designed to accomodate the uses of the sub-classes outside of a strict dependency model.
Because prediction and training can happen independently
# suffix = "-".join(column) if isinstance(column,list)else column
suffix = self.get.suffix()
_name = os.sep.join([self.out_dir,'meta-'+suffix+'.json'])
if os.path.exists(_name) :
attr = json.loads((open(_name)).read())
for key in attr :
value = attr[key]
self.train_dir = os.sep.join([self.log_dir,'train',self.CONTEXT])
self.out_dir = os.sep.join([self.log_dir,'output',self.CONTEXT])
def log_meta(self,**args) :
_object = {
# '_id':'meta',
if args and 'key' in args and 'value' in args :
key = args['key']
value= args['value']
object[key] = value
# suffix = "-".join(self.column) if isinstance(self.column,list) else self.column
suffix = self.get.suffix()
_name = os.sep.join([self.out_dir,'meta-'+suffix])
f = open(_name+'.json','w')
return _object
def mkdir (self,path):
if not os.path.exists(path) :
all_regs = tf.compat.v1.get_collection(tf.compat.v1.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES)
loss = -tf.reduce_mean(y_hat_fake) + sum(all_regs)
#tf.add_to_collection('glosses', loss)
tf.compat.v1.add_to_collection('glosses', loss)
return loss, loss
def load_meta(self, column):
def network(self,**args) :
This function will build the network that will generate the synthetic candidates
:inputs matrix of data that we need
:dim dimensions of ...
x = args['inputs']
tmp_dim = self.Z_DIM if 'dim' not in args else args['dim']
label = args['label']
with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope('G', reuse=tf.compat.v1.AUTO_REUSE , regularizer=l2_regularizer(0.00001)):
for i, dim in enumerate(self.G_STRUCTURE[:-1]):
kernel = self.get.variables(name='W_' + str(i), shape=[tmp_dim, dim])
h1 = self.normalize(inputs=tf.matmul(x, kernel),shift=0, name='cbn' + str(i), labels=label, n_labels=self.NUM_LABELS)
h2 = tf.nn.relu(h1)
x = x + h2
tmp_dim = dim
i = len(self.G_STRUCTURE) - 1
# This seems to be an extra hidden layer:
# It's goal is to map continuous values to discrete values (pre-trained to do this)
kernel = self.get.variables(name='W_' + str(i), shape=[tmp_dim, self.G_STRUCTURE[-1]])
h1 = self.normalize(inputs=tf.matmul(x, kernel), name='cbn' + str(i),
labels=label, n_labels=self.NUM_LABELS)
h2 = tf.nn.tanh(h1)
x = x + h2
# This seems to be the output layer
kernel = self.get.variables(name='W_' + str(i+1), shape=[self.Z_DIM, self.X_SPACE_SIZE])
bias = self.get.variables(name='b_' + str(i+1), shape=[self.X_SPACE_SIZE])
x = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.add(tf.matmul(x, kernel), bias))
return x
def loss(self,**args):
This function will compute a "tower" loss of the generated candidate against real data
Training will consist in having both generator and discriminators
scope = args['scope']
stage = args['stage']
real = args['real']
label = args['label']
label = tf.cast(label, tf.int32)
# @TODO: Ziqi needs to explain what's going on here
m = [[i] for i in np.arange(self._LABEL.shape[1]-2)]
label = label[:, 1] * len(m) + tf.squeeze(
tf.matmul(label[:, 2:], tf.constant(m, dtype=tf.int32))
# label = label[:,1] * 4 + tf.squeeze( label[:,2]*[[0],[1],[2],[3]] )
z = tf.random.normal(shape=[self.BATCHSIZE_PER_GPU, self.Z_DIM])
fake =, label=label)
if stage == 'D':
w, loss = self.discriminator.loss(real=real, fake=fake, label=label)
#losses = tf.get_collection('dlosses', scope)
flag = 'dlosses'
losses = tf.compat.v1.get_collection('dlosses', scope)
w, loss = self.generator.loss(fake=fake, label=label)
#losses = tf.get_collection('glosses', scope)
flag = 'glosses'
losses = tf.compat.v1.get_collection('glosses', scope)
# losses = tf.compat.v1.get_collection(flag, scope)
total_loss = tf.add_n(losses, name='total_loss')
return total_loss, w
def input_fn(self):
This function seems to produce
features_placeholder = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(shape=self._REAL.shape, dtype=tf.float32)
labels_placeholder = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(shape=self._LABEL.shape, dtype=tf.float32)
dataset =, labels_placeholder))
dataset = dataset.repeat(10000)
w_sum = 0
for i in range(self.STEPS_PER_EPOCH):
for _ in range(2):
_, w =[train_d, w_distance])
w_sum += w
duration = time.time() - start_time
assert not np.isnan(w_sum), 'Model diverged with loss = NaN'
format_str = 'epoch: %d, w_distance = %f (%.1f)'
print(format_str % (epoch, -w_sum/(self.STEPS_PER_EPOCH*2), duration))
# print (dir (w_distance))
logs.append({"epoch":epoch,"distance":-w_sum/(self.STEPS_PER_EPOCH*2) })
if epoch % self.MAX_EPOCHS == 0:
# suffix = "-".join(self.ATTRIBUTES['synthetic']) if isinstance(self.ATTRIBUTES['synthetic'],list) else self.ATTRIBUTES['synthetic']
suffix = self.get.suffix()
_name = os.sep.join([self.train_dir,suffix])
#, self.train_dir, write_meta_graph=False, global_step=epoch), _name, write_meta_graph=False, global_step=epoch)
if self.logger :
row = {"logs":logs} #,"model":pickle.dump(sess)}
# @TODO:
# We should upload the files in the checkpoint
# This would allow the learnt model to be portable to another system
for i in np.arange(CANDIDATE_COUNT) :
return df.to_dict(orient='list')
# return df.to_dict(orient='list')
# count = str(len(os.listdir(self.out_dir)))
# _name = os.sep.join([self.out_dir,self.CONTEXT+'-'+count+'.csv'])
# df.to_csv(_name,index=False)
# output.extend(np.round(f))
# for m in range(2):
# for n in range(2, self.NUM_LABELS):
# idx1 = (demo[:, m] == 1)
# idx2 = (demo[:, n] == 1)
# idx = [idx1[j] and idx2[j] for j in range(len(idx1))]
# num = np.sum(idx)
# print ("___________________list__")
# print (idx1)
# print (idx2)
# print (idx)
# print (num)
# print ("_____________________")
# nbatch = int(np.ceil(num / self.BATCHSIZE_PER_GPU))
# label_input = np.zeros((nbatch*self.BATCHSIZE_PER_GPU, self.NUM_LABELS))
# label_input[:, n] = 1
# label_input[:, m] = 1
# output = []
# for i in range(nbatch):
# f =,feed_dict={y: label_input[i* self.BATCHSIZE_PER_GPU:(i+1)* self.BATCHSIZE_PER_GPU]})
# output.extend(np.round(f))
# output = np.array(output)[:num]
# print ([m,n,output])
# + str(m) + str(n), output)