@ -102,18 +102,28 @@ def cancel_subscribe(name) :
This function defines if a given user is a customer or not
This function defines if a given user is a customer or not
We should be able to tell by how we create customers
We should be able to tell by how we create customers
def is_customer ():
def is_customer (app_name):
bill = {"amount":0,"count":0}
uid = request.args.get('uid')
key = ""
pid = request.args.get('pid')
if 'user-plans' in session :
couchdb = CouchdbReader(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri'],dbname=app_name,uid=uid,create=False)
plans = session['user-plans'] ;
info = couchdb.read()
amount = [plan['amount'] for plan in plans if plan['amount'] > 0]
lsub = info['subscriptions']
if len(amount) > 0:
key = CONFIG['stripe']['pub'].strip()
plans = [dict(item['plan'],**{"status":item['status']}) for item in lsub]
bill['count'] = len(amount)
if pid is not None:
bill['amount']= sum(amount)
plans = [item for item in plans if item['id'] == pid]
return render_template('checkout.html',bill=bill,key=key)
# bill = {"amount":0,"count":0}
# key = ""
# if 'user-plans' in session :
# plans = session['user-plans'] ;
# amount = [plan['amount'] for plan in plans if plan['amount'] > 0]
# if len(amount) > 0:
# key = CONFIG['stripe']['pub'].strip()
# bill['count'] = len(amount)
# bill['amount']= sum(amount)
amount = sum([item['amount'] for item in plans])/100
return render_template('bill.html',app_name=app_name.replace('-',' '),plans=plans,key=None,total_amount=amount)
This function is intended to performa an actual payment
This function is intended to performa an actual payment