enhancements, and bug fixes: no multiple subscriptions and update of plans

Steve L. Nyemba 6 years ago
parent 33ec166792
commit b41b1556be

@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ class User :
self.stripe = args["stripe"]
self.store = args['store']
self.store['dbname'] = args['product']
self.product = args['product']
self.store['dbname'] = str(args['product'])
self.product = str(args['product'])
self.me = {}
@ -25,10 +25,13 @@ class User :
lproducts = [item for item in lproducts.auto_paging_iter() if item.name == self.product ]
if lproducts :
self.me['info'] = {"active":lproducts[0].active,"id":lproducts[0].id,"description":lproducts[0].statement_descriptor,"images":lproducts[0].images}
self.plans = self.stripe.Plan.list(product=lproducts[0].id)
self.plans = [item for item in self.plans.auto_paging_iter() ]
def init_customer(self,uid):
def init_customer(self,uid,pid):
This function copies a customer to the internal database
This function copies a customer to the internal database.
This would allow the object to be in sync with what is available in stripe and we will save the content later on ...
customer = self.stripe.Customer.list(email=uid)
if customer :
@ -37,20 +40,40 @@ class User :
# Insure the product is the one we are looking for ...
args = dict(self.store)
reader = CouchdbReader(**args)
key = reader.view('users/uid_map',key=uid)
if not key :
self.store['uid'] = customer.id
# We need to update the user's subscription
product_id = self.me['info']['id']
info = {}
lsub = customer.subscriptions ;
info = {}
found = False
for sub in lsub.data :
if sub.plan.id == pid or sub.plan.product == product_id:
info[sub.plan.nickname] = sub.plan
#-- housekeeping work
# The key exists we need to just read the user info in me
reader.uid = key
document = reader.read()
self.me = dict(self.me,**document)
self.user_key = customer.id
return customer
return None
def update(self,**args):
for key in args :
value = args[key]
@ -66,19 +89,34 @@ class User :
self.me[key] = value
def post(self,**args):
document = dict(self.me,**{})
args = dict(self.store)
args['create'] = True
writer = CouchdbWriter(**args)
# writer.close()
def get_key(self,uid):
reader = CouchdbReader(**self.store)
key = reader.view('users/uid_map',key=uid)
if key :
if isinstance(key,list) :
key = key[0]['value']
elif 'value' in key :
key = key['value']
key = None
return key
def get(self,uid,key):
args = dict(self.store)
args['uid'] = 'logs'
args['uid'] = self.get_key(uid)
if key not in self.me :
couchdb = CouchdbReader(**args)
document = couchdb.view('users/uid_map',key=uid)
return document
document = couchdb.basic_read()
return document[key] if key in document else {}
return self.me[key]
# def plans(self,free=False):
# lproducts = self.stripe.Product.list()
# plans = [item for item in lproducts.auto_paging_iter() if item.name == self.product ]
@ -91,22 +129,14 @@ class User :
@param pid plan id
@param stripeToken stripe token to process payments
# customer = self.stripe.Customer.list(email=uid).data
# if customer :
# customer = [item for item in customer if item.email == uid]
# customer = customer[0]
customer = self.init_customer(uid)
customer = self.init_customer(uid,pid)
product_id = self.me['info']['id']
if pid is None :
# In this block we try to find the free plan if one isn't specified
# The informtion about the product is already known (constructor)
# lproducts = self.stripe.Product.list()
# lproducts = [item for item in lproducts.auto_paging_iter() if item.name == self.product ]
product_id = self.me['info']['id']
plans = self.stripe.Plan.list(product=product_id)
plans = [item for item in plans.auto_paging_iter() if item.amount == 0 ]
plans = [item for item in self.plans if item.amount == 0]
pid = None if not plans else plans[0].id
if not customer :
@ -120,29 +150,14 @@ class User :
if stripeToken:
args['source'] = stripeToken
if customer.subscriptions.data :
lsub = customer.subscriptions ;
found = False
for sub in lsub.data :
if sub.plan.id == pid :
found = True
# for sub in lsub :
# found = [ for item in lsub.d
# found = [plan for plan in customer.subscriptions.data if plan.id == pid and plan.active == True]
# print " found ",len(found) > 0
found = False
sub = self.me['subscriptions']
found = len([1 for plan_key in sub if sub[plan_key]['id'] == pid]) > 0
if found is False :
sub = self.stripe.Subscription.create(**args)
info = {sub.plan.nickname:sub.plan}
# keep a copy of this on our servers ...
@ -155,21 +170,27 @@ class User :
parent.store['uid'] = customer.id
lsub = customer.subscriptions
reader = CouchdbReader(**parent.store)
parent.me = reader.read()
_me = reader.read()
if 'emails' not in parent.me :
parent.me['emails'] = []
emails = list(set(parent.me['emails']) | set(_me['emails']))
parent.me = dict(parent.me,**_me)
parent.me['emails'] = emails
product_id = parent.me['info']['id']
[parent.update(subscriptions={sub.plan.nickname:sub.plan}) for sub in lsub.auto_paging_iter() if sub.plan.product == product_id and sub.plan.active == True]
reader = CouchdbReader(**self.store)
key = reader.view('users/uid_map',key=uid)
key = self.get_key(uid)
# reader = CouchdbReader(**self.store)
# key = reader.view('users/uid_map',key=uid)
# if key :
# if isinstance(key,list) :
# key = key[0]['value']
# elif 'value' in key :
# key = key['value']
if key :
if isinstance(key,list) :
key = key[0]['value']
elif 'value' in key :
key = key['value']
thread = Thread(target=_update,args=(key,))

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from __future__ import division
from flask import Flask, request, session, render_template,Response
from flask_cors import CORS
import Domain
from User import User
from couchdbkit import Server, Document
import stripe
import json
@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ stripe.api_key = stripe_keys['secret_key'].strip()
app = Flask(__name__)
COUCHDB = Server(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri']) ;
SYS_STORE = CONFIG['couchdb']
This function will set the user information to the session and update the information
@header uid user email address
@ -49,18 +51,30 @@ def init(product):
@param uid user's email (primary)
@param pid plan identifier
email = request.headers['uid']
plan_id = request.headers['pid']
uid = request.headers['uid']
plan_id = request.headers['pid'] if 'pid' in request.headers else None
user = User(stripe=stripe,store=CONFIG['couchdb'],product=product)
sub = None
if 'auid' in request.headers :
auid = request.header['auid']
features = json.loads(users.me['subscriptions'][pid][0]['metadata'])
features = user.get(uid,key)
store = dict(CONFIG['couchdb'],**{})
store['dbname'] = product
store['uid'] = 'logs'
sub = user.get(uid,'subscriptions')
features = {}
for id in sub :
if sub[id]['active'] is True :
features[id] = sub[id]
session['key'] = user.user_key
session['uid'] = uid
return json.dumps(features),200
# @app.route("/init/<app_name>",methods=['POST'])
@ -109,16 +123,16 @@ def init(product):
This function will update the user's email
def init_update(app_name):
uid = request.headers['uid']
id = session['customer.id']
couchdb = Couchdb(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri'],dbname=app_name,uid=None)
DB = couchdb.dbase
handler = Domain.User(DB,stripe)
# @app.route('/init/<app_name>',methods=['PUT'])
# def init_update(app_name):
# uid = request.headers['uid']
# id = session['customer.id']
# couchdb = Couchdb(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri'],dbname=app_name,uid=None)
# DB = couchdb.dbase
# handler = Domain.User(DB,stripe)
# handler.update_user(uid=uid,id=id)
return ('',204)
# return ('',204)
@ -127,12 +141,13 @@ def init_update(app_name):
@resource name name of the application {cloud-music}
@header key service/plan
def subscribe(app_name):
def subscribe(product):
# The name is the full name of the service
resp = "0"
user = User(stripe=stripe,store=CONFIG['couchdb'],product=product)
if 'stripeToken' in request.form :
stripeToken = request.form['stripeToken']
uid = request.form['stripeEmail']
@ -141,43 +156,73 @@ def subscribe(app_name):
pid = request.form['plan']
pid = request.headers['pid']
pid = request.headers['pid'] if 'pid' in request.headers else None
uid = request.headers['uid']
stripeToken = None
if 'auid' in request.headers :
plans = stripe.Plan.list().data
plan = [item for item in plans if item.id == pid]
resp = "0"
couch_handler = Couchdb(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri'],dbname=app_name,uid=uid)
DB = couch_handler.dbase
handler = Domain.User(DB,stripe,stripeToken) ;
if plan :
resp = plan[0].id
return ('',204)
if request.headers['auid'].startswith('[') or request.headers['auid'].startswith("{") :
auid = json.loads(request.headers['auid'])
auid = [request.headers['auid']]
reader = CouchdbReader(uri=SYS_STORE['uri'],dbname=product,uid=uid,create=False)
plans = reader.view('users/active_plan',key=user.user_key) #me['_id'])
#session['plans'] = plans
session['key'] = user.user_key
session['uid'] = uid
return (json.dumps(plans),200)
def get_plans(product) :
lproducts = stripe.Product.list()
lproducts = [item for item in lproducts.auto_paging_iter() if item.name == product ]
if lproducts :
product_id = lproducts[0].id
alias = lproducts[0].statement_descriptor
plans = stripe.Plan.list(product=product_id)
i = 0
for plan in plans :
plan['product_alias'] = alias if alias is not None else ''
if 'features' in plan['metadata']:
plan['metadata']['features'] = json.loads(plan['metadata']['features'])
plans[i] = plan
i += 1
if plans :
plans = plans.data
plans.sort(key = lambda x:x.amount)
return plans
return []
def features(product):
This function returns the features of a user for a given application
The features are returned provided the plan is still valid i.e (end_date,status={active|trailing})
This function returns the plan/features of a user for a given application if provided a uid (email)
if no uid are provided then the function will return all the plans/features associated with the given product
@header uid user's email
def features(app_name):
plans = []
if 'uid' in request.headers :
uid = request.headers['uid']
couchdb = CouchdbReader(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri'],dbname=app_name,uid=uid,create=False)
handler = Domain.User(couchdb.dbase,stripe)
lsub = handler.subscriptions()
plans = [ sub['plan'] for sub in lsub if sub['ended_at'] is None ]
plans = [item['metadata'] for item in plans if item['id']]
couchdb = CouchdbReader(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri'],dbname=product,uid=uid,create=False)
key = couchdb.view("users/uid_map",key=uid)
if key :
key = key[0]['value']
plans = couchdb.view('users/active_plan',key=key)
plans = [plan['value'] for plan in plans if 'value' in plan]
plans = []
plans = get_plans(product)
# formatting plans for the output
return json.dumps(plans)
This function returns a user's plans/status for an application
@ -199,48 +244,31 @@ def status(app_name):
It will allow user's to be able to signup for various plans
@pre 'uid' in request.headers
def get_plans(app_name) :
def signup(product) :
apikey = CONFIG['stripe']['pub'].strip()
# This function returns the plans for a given application
# We assume the application name is the prefix of the plan identifier in stripe
uid = session['uid'] if 'uid' in session else None
if 'user-info' in session :
_info = session['user-info']
session['uid'] = _info['uid']
uid = session['uid'] if 'uid' in session else ''
can_purchase = True
if uid is None :
uid = request.args.get('uid') if 'uid' in request.args else None
plans = stripe.Plan.list(limit=10)
# plans = handler.cast(plans.data)
plans = json.loads(json.dumps(plans.data, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
plans = [item for item in plans if re.match(app_name,item['name'])]
if uid is not None:
couchdb = Couchdb(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri'],dbname=app_name,uid=uid,create=False)
handler = Domain.User(couchdb.dbase,stripe)
if handler.getId(uid) is not None:
subs = handler.subscriptions().data
ids = [item.id for item in subs]
for item in plans :
if item['id'] in ids :
item['active'] = True
# let's determine if this user can make a purchase
# #
# This should address any case of the database of customers being out of sync
# @TODO: Have a log suggesting a utility imports the customer
return json.dumps(plans)
plans = get_plans(product)
# @TODO: Mark the plans the current user is signed up for
return render_template('subscribe.html',context=CONTEXT,uid=uid,app_name=app_name,plans=plans,apikey=apikey)
platform='web' if 'platform' not in request.args else request.args['platform']
alias = plans[0]['product_alias']
active_plan = session['plans'] if 'plans' in session else []
print [' ** ',uid,active_plan]
return render_template('subscribe.html',context=CONTEXT,uid=uid,alias=alias,platform=platform,app_name=product,plans=plans,apikey=apikey)
def cancel_subscribe(name) :
@ -279,4 +307,5 @@ def is_customer (app_name):
if __name__ == '__main__' :
app.debug = True ;
app.secret_key = '360-8y-[0v@t10n]+kr81v17y'
app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 1600 * 1024 * 1024

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit df17531499104b155e5ac97ee2755a8bf10bf8ff

@ -8,9 +8,13 @@
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jsgrid/1.5.3/jsgrid-theme.min.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jsgrid/1.5.3/jsgrid.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ context }}/static/js/jx/rpc.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ context }}/static/js/jx/utils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ context }}/static/js/jx/dom.js"></script>
<title style="text-transform: capitalize">{{app_name.replace('-',' ')}}</title>
img {width:48px}
@ -28,6 +32,20 @@
font-family:sans-serif ;
.plan {
border-radius: 4px;
border:1px solid #CAD5E0
.pricing {
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit,minmax(250px, 1fr) )
.plan .title { font-size:24px; font-family:verdana; text-transform: capitalize; border-bottom:1px solid #CAD5E0; }
.plan .feature {display:grid; grid-template-columns: 60% 40%; grid-gap:4px; margin:4px}
.plan .feature .label {text-transform: uppercase; grid-column:1}
.plan .feature .status {font-size:20px; text-align: right}
.border-bottom{ border-bottom:1px solid #CAD5E0}
.border-right{ border-right:1px solid #CAD5E0}
.border-left{ border-left:1px solid #CAD5E0}
@ -37,7 +55,8 @@
.width-50{width:50%; padding:4px;}
.width-25{width:25%; padding:4px}
.fa-times {color:maroon}
.fa-check {color:green}
table { border:1px solid #CAD5E0;
@ -70,44 +89,66 @@
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 320px){
table {width:99%}
img {width:28px}
.medium-caption {font-size:14px}
body {font-size:12px;}
.width-50{width:47%; padding:4px;}
.width-25{width:24%; padding:4px}
.pricing {
.plan .title { font-size:18px; font-family:verdana; text-transform: capitalize; border-bottom:1px solid #CAD5E0; }
.plan .feature {display:grid; grid-template-columns: 60% 40%; grid-gap:4px; margin:4px}
.plan .feature .label {font-size:12px; text-transform: uppercase; grid-column:1}
.plan .feature .status {font-size:16px; text-align: right}
.caption {font-size:20px}
@media only screen and (min-device-width: 768px){
body {font-size:12px}
.header img {width:48px}
.header {display:block}
table {width:70%; margin-left:20%}
.medium-caption {font-size:18px}
.width-50{width:50%; padding:4px;}
.width-25{width:25%; padding:4px}
.pricing {
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit,minmax(250px, 1fr) )
.plan .title { font-size:24px; font-family:verdana; text-transform: capitalize; border-bottom:1px solid #CAD5E0; }
.plan .feature {display:grid; grid-template-columns: 60% 40%; grid-gap:4px; margin:4px}
.plan .feature .label {text-transform: uppercase; grid-column:1}
.plan .feature .status {font-size:20px; text-align: right}
<body >
<div id="grid">
<table align="center" style="border-color:transparent">
<table align="center" class="header" style="border:1px solid transparent">
<td style="width:60%">
<div align="left" class="default">
<img src="{{context}}/static/img/logo-0.png" style="width:48px; margin:4px" class="left" style="margin:4px">
<div style="padding:8px">The Phi Technology
<div class="small" style="text-transform:capitalize">{{ app_name }}</div>
<td style="width:80%" valign="bottom">
<div align="left">
<img src="{{context}}/static/img/logo-0.png" align="left" style="margin:4px">
<div style="padding:8px" >
<div class="caption">The Phi Technology</div>
<div class="small" style="text-transform:capitalize">{{ alias }}</div>
<td class="small" valign="middle">
<div>Call : 615-866-0454</div>
<div>Email: support@the-phi.com</div>
<td align="right" class="small" valign="bottom">
@ -116,47 +157,45 @@
<!-- style="background-image:url(https://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/responsive/cover/main/desktop/2016/05/09/635983505329496433385654456_concert-audience.jpg)"> -->
<tr >
<td colspan="{{ plans|length}}" align="center" class="border-bottom">
{% if alias %}
<div class="caption">{{alias.replace('-',' ') }}</div>
{% else %}
<div class="caption">{{app_name.replace('-',' ') }}</div>
{% endif %}
<div class="small">Available Plans</div>
<div class="pricing">
{% for item in plans%}
<div class="left width-50 height-48 border-right border-bottom" style="margin:4px">
<div class="bold medium-caption">{{ item.metadata.info|safe }}</div>
{% if 'note' in item.metadata %}
<div class="small" style="text-transform:capitalize; color:gray">{{item.metadata.note|safe}}</div>
{% endif %}
<div class="left width-25 height-48 border-bottom" style="margin:4px">
{% if item.amount > 0 %}
<div class="" align="center">{{ item.amount / 100 }}</div>
<div class="small" align="center"> {{item.currency.upper() }}/{{ item.interval.replace('month','Mo') }}</div>
<div class="plan">
<div class="title">{{ item.nickname }}</div>
{% for key,value in item.metadata['features'].iteritems() %}
<div class="feature">
<div class="label">{{ key }}</div>
{% if value == 1 %}
<div class="status"><i class="fa fa-check"></i></div>
{% else %}
<div class="bold medium-caption" align="center">Free</div>
<div class="status"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></div>
{% endif %}
<div class="left height-48 border-left border-bottom" style="margin:4px; padding:4px; width:15%" align="center">
{% if item.amount > 0 or item.active == True %}
<div class="action hidden" align="center">
<i class="fa fa-credit-card fa-2x" ></i>
{% endfor %}
{% if item.amount > 0 and platform != 'mobile' %}
<div align="right">
<div align="center">
<form action="{{context}}/subscribe/{{app_name|safe}}" method="POST">
src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button action"
data-description="{{app_name }}"
data-description="{{alias }}"
data-label="Signup $ {{item.amount/100 }} / {{item.interval[:2]}}"
@ -166,26 +205,24 @@
<input type="hidden" name="plan" value="{{item.id|safe}}"/>
{% else %}
<div align="center" class="left" style="margin:4px"><i class="fa fa-check fa-2x" style="color:green"></i> </div>
{% if item.amount > 0 %}
<div align="center" class="left" style="margin:4px"><i class="fa fa-times fa-2x" style="color:maroon"></i> </div>
{% elif item.amount == 0 and platform != 'mobile' %}
<br><div align="right" style="float:right; color:#4682B4; font-weight:bold;">Login, it's Free</div>
{% endif%}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<td align="center" valign="middle" class="border-top">
<div>Your first subscription should be enabled Online</div>
<div class="small">support@the-phi.com</div>

@ -261,6 +261,7 @@ class MessageQueue:
return resp
def close(self):
if self.connection.is_closed == False :
@ -351,7 +352,6 @@ class QueueReader(MessageQueue,Reader):
self.durable = False
self.size = -1
self.data = {}
def init(self,qid):
properties = pika.ConnectionParameters(host=self.host)
@ -368,6 +368,7 @@ class QueueReader(MessageQueue,Reader):
def callback(self,channel,method,header,stream):
r = []
if re.match("^\{|\[",stream) is not None:
r = json.loads(stream)
@ -399,9 +400,12 @@ class QueueReader(MessageQueue,Reader):
# We enabled the reader to be able to read from several queues (sequentially for now)
# The qid parameter will be an array of queues the reader will be reading from
if isinstance(self.qid,basestring) :
self.qid = [self.qid]
for qid in self.qid:
# r[qid] = []
if self.info.method.message_count > 0:
@ -420,7 +424,7 @@ class QueueListener(QueueReader):
self.channel = self.connection.channel()
self.channel.exchange_declare(exchange=self.uid,type='direct',durable=True )
self.info = self.channel.queue_declare(exclusive=True,queue=qid)
self.info = self.channel.queue_declare(passive=True,exclusive=True,queue=qid)
#self.callback = callback
@ -470,8 +474,6 @@ class Couchdb:
create = args['create'] if 'create' in args else False
if self.dbase.doc_exist(self.uid) == False and create == True:
def view(self,id,**args):
return self.dbase.view(id,**args).all()
Insuring the preconditions are met for processing
@ -484,8 +486,13 @@ class Couchdb:
# We are also sure that the database actually exists
q = self.dbase.doc_exist(self.uid)
return p and q
if q == False:
return False
return True
def view(self,id,**args):
r =self.dbase.view(id,**args)
r = r.all()
return r[0]['value'] if len(r) > 0 else []
This function will read an attachment from couchdb and return it to calling code. The attachment must have been placed before hand (otherwise oops)
@ -518,13 +525,14 @@ class CouchdbReader(Couchdb,Reader):
doc = self.dbase.get(self.uid)
q = doc is not None
if '_attachments' in doc:
r = self.filename in doc['_attachments'].keys()
r = True
r = False
return p and q and r
return r
def stream(self):
content = self.dbase.fetch_attachment(self.uid,self.filename).split('\n') ;
i = 1
@ -555,6 +563,7 @@ class CouchdbWriter(Couchdb,Writer):
@param dbname database name (target)
def __init__(self,**args):
uri = args['uri']
self.uid = args['uid']
@ -571,27 +580,53 @@ class CouchdbWriter(Couchdb,Writer):
def set(self,document):
_document = self.dbase.get(self.uid)
if _document :
document['_id'] = _document['_id']
document['_rev']= _document['_rev']
document = dict(document,**_document)
# if _document :
# document['_id'] = _document['_id']
# document['_rev']= _document['_rev']
def write(self,**params):
write a given attribute to a document database
@param label scope of the row repair|broken|fixed|stats
@param row row to be written
def write(self,**params):
document = self.dbase.get(self.uid)
label = params['label']
if 'row' in params :
row = params['row']
row_is_list = isinstance(row,list)
if label not in document :
document[label] = []
document[label] = row if row_is_list else [row]
elif isinstance(document[label][0],list) :
document[label] += row
else :
if label not in document :
document[label] = {}
if isinstance(params['data'],list) == False :
document[label] = dict(document[label],**params['data'])
document[label] = params['data']
# if label not in document :
# document[label] = [] if isinstance(row,list) else {}
# if isinstance(document[label],list):
# document[label].append(row)
# else :
# document[label] = dict(document[label],**row)
def flush(self,**params) :
size = params['size']
size = params['size'] if 'size' in params else 0
has_changed = False
document = self.dbase.get(self.uid)
for key in document:
@ -599,7 +634,7 @@ class CouchdbWriter(Couchdb,Writer):
content = document[key]
if isinstance(content,list):
if isinstance(content,list) and size > 0:
index = len(content) - size
content = content[index:]
document[key] = content
@ -607,7 +642,7 @@ class CouchdbWriter(Couchdb,Writer):
document[key] = {}
has_changed = True
if has_changed:
def archive(self,params=None):
