handling of purchases, and payments

Steve L. Nyemba 8 years ago
parent 13d0b5e805
commit 4654641c5b

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
This class is designed to handle Clients
import stripe
from couchdbkit import Server, Document
import json
from sets import Set
class User:
def __init__(self,db,stripe=None,stripeToken=None) :
self.db = db
self.stripe = stripe;
self.stripeToken= stripeToken
self.user = None
This function creates a stripe customer, and saves a copy with us for internal use
def init (self,uid,plans=None):
customer = {}
# self.hasPlan(uid,plan)
if self.db.doc_exist(uid) == False and plans and stripe :
# First time customer, register them and sign them up for the first plan
customer['source'] = str(self.stripeToken)
customer = self.stripe.Customer.create(
) ;
id = customer['id']
subscriptions = self.subscribe(id,plans)
if uid and self.db.doc_exist(uid) == False:
info = {'id':id,'created':customer.created}
info['_id'] = uid.strip();
info['subscriptions'] = subscriptions
r = self.db.save_doc(info) ;
if r['ok'] :
self.user = info;
# @TODO: update 4if the a plan was provided
self.user = self.db.get(uid) ;
r = stripe.Customer.retrieve(self.user['id'])
self.user['subscriptions'] = r.subscriptions.data
def subscriptions(self):
return self.user['subscriptions']
This function subscribes a customer to n-plans
@pre isinstance(plans,list)
def subscribe(self,id,plans):
r = []
for plan in plans:
x = self.stripe.Subscription.create(
) ;
return r
This function will save card information
def save_card(self,uid,token):
user = self.db.get(uid)
if 'sources' not in user or (token not in user['sources']):
# In this case we don't have a card
id = user['id']
customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(id)
card = customer.sources.create(source = token)
if 'sources' not in user:
user['sources'] = []
self.db.save_doc(user) ;
self.user = user
This function creates an invoice
@pre : an item with amount > 0 and status past_due
def get_invoices(self,uid):
info = self.db.get(uid)
id = info['id']
return stripe.Invoice.list(customer=id)
This function will clear a particular invoice (hopefully). No partial payments should be accepted
@pre : card,invoice
def charge(self,uid,amount):
info = self.db.get(uid)
id = info['id']
uid = info['_id']
invoices= self.get_invoices(uid)
index = -1
for invoice in invoices :
if invoice.paid == False and invoice.amount_due == amount and amount > 0:
index = info['invoices'].index(ii)
del info['invoices'][index]
This function is designed to determine if the user exists or not
We will check the couchdb and the stripe backend
def exists(self,uid):
return self.db.doc_exist(uid)
# return self.user is not None ;
This function will store the user within our system
def attach(self,attachment,name,mime):
self.db.put_attachment(self.user,attachment,name,mime) ;
def save(self,uid=None):
if self.exists() == False:
self.init(uid) ;
#perform an update
This function updates/creates a user remotely
def publish(self,info={}):
# We need to figure out whether to create or update;
if self.user is not None and info is not None:
customer = self.stripe.Customer.retrieve(self.user['id']) ;
customer.metadata = info ;
customer.save() ;
#f = open('config.json')
#conf = json.loads(f.read())
#server = Server(uri=conf['couchdb']['uri']) ;
#db = server.get_db(conf['couchdb']['db']) ;
#print db.doc_exist('steve@gmail.com')
#doc = db.get('steve@gmail.com')
#doc['type'] = 'business'
#db.save_doc(doc) ;

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
.caption {
.left { float:left}
.small { font-family:verdana; font-size:11px;}
table { border:1px solid #CAD5E0;
tr {font-family:sans-serif; font-size:14px;}
td {padding:4px; font-weight:lighter}
<div id="grid">
<table align="center">
<td colspan="2">
<div align="left" class="caption">
<img src="static/img/logo.png" style="width:48px" class="left"> The Phi Technology LLC</div>
<div class="small">3-launchpad Cloud Music Player</div>
<td class="small" valign="middle">
<div>Call : 615-866-0454</div>
<div>Email: support@the-phi.com</div>
<tr style="background-color:#f3f3f3">
<td>Price /mo</td>
{% for item in plans %}
<tr class="default">
<td> {{item.feature}} </td>
<td> {{item.price}} </td>
<td> {{item.status}} </td>
{% endfor %}
<td align="right">Total Amount Due</td>
<td align="left" colspan="2">$ {{total_amount }}</td>

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
from __future__ import division
from flask import Flask, request, session, render_template,Response
import Domain
from couchdbkit import Server, Document
import stripe
import json
from StringIO import StringIO
import re
import os
PORT = 8100 ;
path = os.environ['CONFIG']
f = open(path)
CONFIG = json.loads(f.read())
stripe_keys = {
'secret_key': CONFIG['stripe']['secret'].strip(),
'publishable_key': CONFIG['stripe']['pub'].strip()
stripe.api_key = stripe_keys['secret_key'].strip()
app = Flask(__name__)
This function will attempt to create an account for a user if the user does NOT exist
Then Setup the stage for initialization of {signup for, user-account}
COUCHDB = Server(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri']) ;
def init():
DB = COUCHDB.get_db(CONFIG['couchdb']['db']) ;
out_resp = '0'
if 'User-Info' in request.headers:
stream = request.headers.get('User-Info') ;
user = json.loads(stream) ;
session['user-info'] = user ;
# We should create the user in couchdb
uid = user['uid'] ;
session['uid'] = uid
handler = Domain.User(DB,stripe) ;
registering the user with us and making sure we can keep track of her basic operations & access to features
At this point this is just a user i.e a consumer (not store owner), we will tally track on the type of user later on
if handler.exists(uid) == False:
# We need to subscribe the user to the freemium services if any at all
# Subscribing to a freemium plan hopefully this enables basic features of the application
free = []
paid = []
plans = [plan for plan in stripe.Plan.list().data if plan.amount == 0 ]
handler.init(uid,plans) ;
out_resp = session['user-info']
elif 'subscriptions' not in session:
# We have the user we should return the user's information
out_resp = handler.subscriptions()
# updating user-info with more information ...
session['user-info'] = handler.user;
out_resp = CONFIG['stripe']['pub'].strip()
# return '1'
elif 'user-info' in session:
out_resp = CONFIG['stripe']['pub'].strip()
return out_resp
This function defines if a given user is a customer or not
We should be able to tell by how we create customers
def is_customer ():
bill = {"amount":0,"count":0}
key = ""
if 'user-plans' in session :
plans = session['user-plans'] ;
amount = [plan['amount'] for plan in plans if plan['amount'] > 0]
if len(amount) > 0:
key = CONFIG['stripe']['pub'].strip()
bill['count'] = len(amount)
bill['amount']= sum(amount)
return render_template('checkout.html',bill=bill,key=key)
This function is intended to performa an actual payment
def pay():
token = request.form['stripeToken']
uid = request.form['stripeEmail']
tokenType = request.form['stripeTokenType']
DB = COUCHDB.get_db(CONFIG['couchdb']['db']) ;
handler = Domain.User(DB,stripe) ;
# Let's insure the preconditions are met i.e
# card,invoice
info = session['user-info']
uid = info['_id']
if 'sources' not in info or token not in info['sources']:
# Let's create the card
# Let's create a charge here ...
plans = session['user-plans']
amount=[item['price'] for item in plans if item['status'] == 'past_due' ]
if len(amount) == 0:
amount = 0
amount = sum(amount)
session['user-info'] = handler.user
return ('',204)
#return render_template("bill.html",plans=plans, total_amount=amount)
def bill():
return render_template('bill.html')
def buy():
id = request.form['id'] ;
if id in ['subscribe','now']:
email = request.form['stripeEmail']
token = request.form['stripeToken']
user = Domain.User(DB,stripe,token) ;
user.init(email) ;
if user.exists() :
print "Update with anything if need be"
# Create the user with the associated plan/or payment method
user.save() ;
return "0"
This function provides general information about service plans
@TODO: provide filtering criteria
def plans():
plans = stripe.Plan.list().data
plans = [{"id":item.id,"price":item.amount/100,"feature":item.metadata['info'],"trial":item.trial_period_days} for item in plans if re.match('cloudplayer',item.id)]
if 'uid' in request.headers and request.headers['uid'] != '':
uid = request.headers['uid']
DB = COUCHDB.get_db(CONFIG['couchdb']['db']) ;
handler = Domain.User(DB)
myplans = [{"id":item.plan.id,"price":item.plan.amount/100,"feature":item.plan.metadata['info'],"status":item.status} for item in handler.subscriptions()]
keys = [plan['id'] for plan in myplans]
plans = [plan for plan in plans if plan['price'] > 0 and plan['id'] not in keys]
plans = {'myplans':myplans,"plans":plans}
session['user-plans'] = myplans
plans = json.dumps(plans)
return plans
This function subscribes a user to a given plan(s)
If the plan is new, then we do NOT need a credit card info
def subscribe():
plans = [{"id":id} for id in request.get_json(silent=True)]
user = session['user-info']
DB = COUCHDB.get_db(CONFIG['couchdb']['db']) ;
handler = Domain.User(DB,stripe)
r = handler.subscribe(user['id'],plans)
return json.dumps(r)
app.debug = True ;
app.secret_key = '360-8y-[0v@t10n]+kr81v17y'

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loadMessage: "Por favor, espere...",
invalidMessage: "Dados inválidos!"
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message: "Carregando..."
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control: {
searchModeButtonTooltip: "Mudar para busca",
insertModeButtonTooltip: "Mudar para inserção",
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deleteButtonTooltip: "Remover",
searchButtonTooltip: "Buscar",
clearFilterButtonTooltip: "Remover filtro",
insertButtonTooltip: "Adicionar",
updateButtonTooltip: "Atualizar",
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validators: {
required: { message: "Campo obrigatório" },
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maxLength: { message: "O comprimento valor é muito longo" },
pattern: { message: "O valor informado não é compatível com o padrão" },
range: { message: "O valor informado esta fora do limite definido" },
min: { message: "O valor é muito curto" },
max: { message: "O valor é muito longo" }
}(jsGrid, jQuery));

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
(function(jsGrid) {
jsGrid.locales.ru = {
grid: {
noDataContent: "Данных не найдено",
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loadMessage: "Пожалуйста, подождите...",
invalidMessage: "Введены неверные данные!"
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message: "Загрузка..."
fields: {
control: {
searchModeButtonTooltip: "Поиск",
insertModeButtonTooltip: "Добавить запись",
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searchButtonTooltip: "Найти",
clearFilterButtonTooltip: "Очистить фильтр",
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updateButtonTooltip: "Сохранить",
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required: { message: "Поле обязательно для заполения" },
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minLength: { message: "Введенное значение слишком короткое" },
maxLength: { message: "Введенное значение слишком длинное" },
pattern: { message: "Введенное значение не соответствует заданному шаблону" },
range: { message: "Введенное значение вне допустимого диапазона" },
min: { message: "Введенное значение слишком маленькое" },
max: { message: "Введенное значение слишком большое" }
}(jsGrid, jQuery));

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
(function(jsGrid) {
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grid: {
noDataContent: "Kayıt Bulunamadı",
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pagerFormat: "Sayfalar: {first} {prev} {pages} {next} {last} &nbsp;&nbsp; {pageIndex} / {pageCount}",
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loadMessage: "Lütfen bekleyiniz...",
invalidMessage: "Geçersiz veri girişi !"
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message: "Yükleniyor..."
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control: {
searchModeButtonTooltip: "Arama moduna geç",
insertModeButtonTooltip: "Yeni kayıt moduna geç",
editButtonTooltip: "Değiştir",
deleteButtonTooltip: "Sil",
searchButtonTooltip: "Bul",
clearFilterButtonTooltip: "Filtreyi temizle",
insertButtonTooltip: "Ekle",
updateButtonTooltip: "Güncelle",
cancelEditButtonTooltip: "Güncelleme iptali"
validators: {
required: { message: "Gerekli alandır" },
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minLength: { message: "Alan değeri çok kısadır" },
maxLength: { message: "Alan değeri çok uzundur" },
pattern: { message: "Alan değeri tanımlanan şablon ile eşleşmiyor" },
range: { message: "Alan değeri tanımlı aralığın dışındadır" },
min: { message: "Alan değeri çok küçüktür" },
max: { message: "Alan değeri çok büyüktür" }
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
(function(jsGrid) {
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noDataContent: "暂无数据",
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loadMessage: "请稍后...",
invalidMessage: "数据有误!"
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message: "载入中..."
fields: {
control: {
searchModeButtonTooltip: "切换为搜索",
insertModeButtonTooltip: "切换为新增",
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deleteButtonTooltip: "删除",
searchButtonTooltip: "搜索",
clearFilterButtonTooltip: "清空过滤",
insertButtonTooltip: "插入",
updateButtonTooltip: "更新",
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maxLength: { message: "字段长度过长" },
pattern: { message: "字段值不符合定义规则" },
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min: { message: "字段值太小" },
max: { message: "字段值太大" }
}(jsGrid, jQuery));

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
(function(jsGrid) {
jsGrid.locales["zh-tw"] = {
grid: {
noDataContent: "暫無資料",
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pageNextText: "下一頁",
pageFirstText: "第一頁",
pageLastText: "最後一頁",
loadMessage: "請稍候...",
invalidMessage: "輸入資料不正確"
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message: "載入中..."
fields: {
control: {
searchModeButtonTooltip: "切換為搜尋",
insertModeButtonTooltip: "切換為新增",
editButtonTooltip: "編輯",
deleteButtonTooltip: "刪除",
searchButtonTooltip: "搜尋",
clearFilterButtonTooltip: "清除搜尋條件",
insertButtonTooltip: "新增",
updateButtonTooltip: "修改",
cancelEditButtonTooltip: "取消編輯"
validators: {
required: { message: "欄位必填" },
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minLength: { message: "欄位字串長度太短" },
maxLength: { message: "欄位字串長度太長" },
pattern: { message: "欄位字串不符合規則" },
range: { message: "欄位數值超出範圍" },
min: { message: "欄位數值太小" },
max: { message: "欄位數值太大" }
}(jsGrid, jQuery));

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
* jsGrid v1.5.2 (http://js-grid.com)
* (c) 2016 Artem Tabalin
* Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/tabalinas/jsgrid/blob/master/LICENSE)
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
* jsGrid v1.5.2 (http://js-grid.com)
* (c) 2016 Artem Tabalin
* Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/tabalinas/jsgrid/blob/master/LICENSE)
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long