@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
This class is designed to handle Clients
import stripe
from couchdbkit import Server, Document
import json
from sets import Set
class User:
def __init__(self,db,stripe=None,stripeToken=None) :
self.db = db
self.stripe = stripe;
self.stripeToken= stripeToken
self.user = None
This function creates a stripe customer, and saves a copy with us for internal use
def init (self,uid,plans=None):
customer = {}
# self.hasPlan(uid,plan)
if self.db.doc_exist(uid) == False and plans and stripe :
# First time customer, register them and sign them up for the first plan
customer['source'] = str(self.stripeToken)
customer = self.stripe.Customer.create(
) ;
id = customer['id']
subscriptions = self.subscribe(id,plans)
if uid and self.db.doc_exist(uid) == False:
info = {'id':id,'created':customer.created}
info['_id'] = uid.strip();
info['subscriptions'] = subscriptions
r = self.db.save_doc(info) ;
if r['ok'] :
self.user = info;
# @TODO: update 4if the a plan was provided
self.user = self.db.get(uid) ;
r = stripe.Customer.retrieve(self.user['id'])
self.user['subscriptions'] =
def subscriptions(self):
return self.user['subscriptions']
This function subscribes a customer to n-plans
@pre isinstance(plans,list)
def subscribe(self,id,plans):
r = []
for plan in plans:
x = self.stripe.Subscription.create(
) ;
return r
This function will save card information
def save_card(self,uid,token):
user = self.db.get(uid)
if 'sources' not in user or (token not in user['sources']):
# In this case we don't have a card
id = user['id']
customer = stripe.Customer.retrieve(id)
card = customer.sources.create(source = token)
if 'sources' not in user:
user['sources'] = []
self.db.save_doc(user) ;
self.user = user
This function creates an invoice
@pre : an item with amount > 0 and status past_due
def get_invoices(self,uid):
info = self.db.get(uid)
id = info['id']
return stripe.Invoice.list(customer=id)
This function will clear a particular invoice (hopefully). No partial payments should be accepted
@pre : card,invoice
def charge(self,uid,amount):
info = self.db.get(uid)
id = info['id']
uid = info['_id']
invoices= self.get_invoices(uid)
index = -1
for invoice in invoices :
if invoice.paid == False and invoice.amount_due == amount and amount > 0:
index = info['invoices'].index(ii)
del info['invoices'][index]
This function is designed to determine if the user exists or not
We will check the couchdb and the stripe backend
def exists(self,uid):
return self.db.doc_exist(uid)
# return self.user is not None ;
This function will store the user within our system
def attach(self,attachment,name,mime):
self.db.put_attachment(self.user,attachment,name,mime) ;
def save(self,uid=None):
if self.exists() == False:
self.init(uid) ;
#perform an update
This function updates/creates a user remotely
def publish(self,info={}):
# We need to figure out whether to create or update;
if self.user is not None and info is not None:
customer = self.stripe.Customer.retrieve(self.user['id']) ;
customer.metadata = info ;
|||| ;
#f = open('config.json')
#conf = json.loads(
#server = Server(uri=conf['couchdb']['uri']) ;
#db = server.get_db(conf['couchdb']['db']) ;
#print db.doc_exist('')
#doc = db.get('')
#doc['type'] = 'business'
#db.save_doc(doc) ;
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
.caption {
.left { float:left}
.small { font-family:verdana; font-size:11px;}
table { border:1px solid #CAD5E0;
tr {font-family:sans-serif; font-size:14px;}
td {padding:4px; font-weight:lighter}
<div id="grid">
<table align="center">
<td colspan="2">
<div align="left" class="caption">
<img src="static/img/logo.png" style="width:48px" class="left"> The Phi Technology LLC</div>
<div class="small">3-launchpad Cloud Music Player</div>
<td class="small" valign="middle">
<div>Call : 615-866-0454</div>
<tr style="background-color:#f3f3f3">
<td>Price /mo</td>
{% for item in plans %}
<tr class="default">
<td> {{item.feature}} </td>
<td> {{item.price}} </td>
<td> {{item.status}} </td>
{% endfor %}
<td align="right">Total Amount Due</td>
<td align="left" colspan="2">$ {{total_amount }}</td>
@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
from __future__ import division
from flask import Flask, request, session, render_template,Response
import Domain
from couchdbkit import Server, Document
import stripe
import json
from StringIO import StringIO
import re
import os
PORT = 8100 ;
path = os.environ['CONFIG']
f = open(path)
CONFIG = json.loads(
stripe_keys = {
'secret_key': CONFIG['stripe']['secret'].strip(),
'publishable_key': CONFIG['stripe']['pub'].strip()
stripe.api_key = stripe_keys['secret_key'].strip()
app = Flask(__name__)
This function will attempt to create an account for a user if the user does NOT exist
Then Setup the stage for initialization of {signup for, user-account}
COUCHDB = Server(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri']) ;
def init():
DB = COUCHDB.get_db(CONFIG['couchdb']['db']) ;
out_resp = '0'
if 'User-Info' in request.headers:
stream = request.headers.get('User-Info') ;
user = json.loads(stream) ;
session['user-info'] = user ;
# We should create the user in couchdb
uid = user['uid'] ;
session['uid'] = uid
handler = Domain.User(DB,stripe) ;
registering the user with us and making sure we can keep track of her basic operations & access to features
At this point this is just a user i.e a consumer (not store owner), we will tally track on the type of user later on
if handler.exists(uid) == False:
# We need to subscribe the user to the freemium services if any at all
# Subscribing to a freemium plan hopefully this enables basic features of the application
free = []
paid = []
plans = [plan for plan in stripe.Plan.list().data if plan.amount == 0 ]
handler.init(uid,plans) ;
out_resp = session['user-info']
elif 'subscriptions' not in session:
# We have the user we should return the user's information
out_resp = handler.subscriptions()
# updating user-info with more information ...
session['user-info'] = handler.user;
out_resp = CONFIG['stripe']['pub'].strip()
# return '1'
elif 'user-info' in session:
out_resp = CONFIG['stripe']['pub'].strip()
return out_resp
This function defines if a given user is a customer or not
We should be able to tell by how we create customers
def is_customer ():
bill = {"amount":0,"count":0}
key = ""
if 'user-plans' in session :
plans = session['user-plans'] ;
amount = [plan['amount'] for plan in plans if plan['amount'] > 0]
if len(amount) > 0:
key = CONFIG['stripe']['pub'].strip()
bill['count'] = len(amount)
bill['amount']= sum(amount)
return render_template('checkout.html',bill=bill,key=key)
This function is intended to performa an actual payment
def pay():
token = request.form['stripeToken']
uid = request.form['stripeEmail']
tokenType = request.form['stripeTokenType']
DB = COUCHDB.get_db(CONFIG['couchdb']['db']) ;
handler = Domain.User(DB,stripe) ;
# Let's insure the preconditions are met i.e
# card,invoice
info = session['user-info']
uid = info['_id']
if 'sources' not in info or token not in info['sources']:
# Let's create the card
# Let's create a charge here ...
plans = session['user-plans']
amount=[item['price'] for item in plans if item['status'] == 'past_due' ]
if len(amount) == 0:
amount = 0
amount = sum(amount)
session['user-info'] = handler.user
return ('',204)
#return render_template("bill.html",plans=plans, total_amount=amount)
def bill():
return render_template('bill.html')
def buy():
id = request.form['id'] ;
if id in ['subscribe','now']:
email = request.form['stripeEmail']
token = request.form['stripeToken']
user = Domain.User(DB,stripe,token) ;
user.init(email) ;
if user.exists() :
print "Update with anything if need be"
# Create the user with the associated plan/or payment method
|||| ;
return "0"
This function provides general information about service plans
@TODO: provide filtering criteria
def plans():
plans = stripe.Plan.list().data
plans = [{"id","price":item.amount/100,"feature":item.metadata['info'],"trial":item.trial_period_days} for item in plans if re.match('cloudplayer',]
if 'uid' in request.headers and request.headers['uid'] != '':
uid = request.headers['uid']
DB = COUCHDB.get_db(CONFIG['couchdb']['db']) ;
handler = Domain.User(DB)
myplans = [{"id","price":item.plan.amount/100,"feature":item.plan.metadata['info'],"status":item.status} for item in handler.subscriptions()]
keys = [plan['id'] for plan in myplans]
plans = [plan for plan in plans if plan['price'] > 0 and plan['id'] not in keys]
plans = {'myplans':myplans,"plans":plans}
session['user-plans'] = myplans
plans = json.dumps(plans)
return plans
This function subscribes a user to a given plan(s)
If the plan is new, then we do NOT need a credit card info
def subscribe():
plans = [{"id":id} for id in request.get_json(silent=True)]
user = session['user-info']
DB = COUCHDB.get_db(CONFIG['couchdb']['db']) ;
handler = Domain.User(DB,stripe)
r = handler.subscribe(user['id'],plans)
return json.dumps(r)
app.debug = True ;
app.secret_key = '360-8y-[0v@t10n]+kr81v17y'
After Width: | Height: | Size: 16 KiB |
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cancelEditButtonTooltip: "Отменить"
validators: {
required: { message: "Поле обязательно для заполения" },
rangeLength: { message: "Длинна введенного значения вне допустимого диапазона" },
minLength: { message: "Введенное значение слишком короткое" },
maxLength: { message: "Введенное значение слишком длинное" },
pattern: { message: "Введенное значение не соответствует заданному шаблону" },
range: { message: "Введенное значение вне допустимого диапазона" },
min: { message: "Введенное значение слишком маленькое" },
max: { message: "Введенное значение слишком большое" }
}(jsGrid, jQuery));
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
(function(jsGrid) {
jsGrid.locales["zh-cn"] = {
grid: {
noDataContent: "暂无数据",
deleteConfirm: "确认删除?",
pagerFormat: "页码: {first} {prev} {pages} {next} {last} {pageIndex} / {pageCount}",
pagePrevText: "上一页",
pageNextText: "下一页",
pageFirstText: "第一页",
pageLastText: "最后页",
loadMessage: "请稍后...",
invalidMessage: "数据有误!"
loadIndicator: {
message: "载入中..."
fields: {
control: {
searchModeButtonTooltip: "切换为搜索",
insertModeButtonTooltip: "切换为新增",
editButtonTooltip: "编辑",
deleteButtonTooltip: "删除",
searchButtonTooltip: "搜索",
clearFilterButtonTooltip: "清空过滤",
insertButtonTooltip: "插入",
updateButtonTooltip: "更新",
cancelEditButtonTooltip: "取消编辑"
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required: { message: "字段必填" },
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minLength: { message: "字段长度过短" },
maxLength: { message: "字段长度过长" },
pattern: { message: "字段值不符合定义规则" },
range: { message: "字段值超过定义范围" },
min: { message: "字段值太小" },
max: { message: "字段值太大" }
}(jsGrid, jQuery));
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
(function(jsGrid) {
jsGrid.locales["zh-tw"] = {
grid: {
noDataContent: "暫無資料",
deleteConfirm: "確認刪除?",
pagerFormat: "頁碼: {first} {prev} {pages} {next} {last} {pageIndex} / {pageCount}",
pagePrevText: "上一頁",
pageNextText: "下一頁",
pageFirstText: "第一頁",
pageLastText: "最後一頁",
loadMessage: "請稍候...",
invalidMessage: "輸入資料不正確"
loadIndicator: {
message: "載入中..."
fields: {
control: {
searchModeButtonTooltip: "切換為搜尋",
insertModeButtonTooltip: "切換為新增",
editButtonTooltip: "編輯",
deleteButtonTooltip: "刪除",
searchButtonTooltip: "搜尋",
clearFilterButtonTooltip: "清除搜尋條件",
insertButtonTooltip: "新增",
updateButtonTooltip: "修改",
cancelEditButtonTooltip: "取消編輯"
validators: {
required: { message: "欄位必填" },
rangeLength: { message: "欄位字串長度超出範圍" },
minLength: { message: "欄位字串長度太短" },
maxLength: { message: "欄位字串長度太長" },
pattern: { message: "欄位字串不符合規則" },
range: { message: "欄位數值超出範圍" },
min: { message: "欄位數值太小" },
max: { message: "欄位數值太大" }
}(jsGrid, jQuery));
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Reference in new issue