You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

321 lines
10 KiB

__doc__ = """
arguments :
--config path of the configuration otherwise it will look for the default in the working directory
from flask import Flask,render_template,send_from_directory,request, redirect
import flask
import transport
from transport import providers
import cms
import sys
import os
import json
import copy
import io
import base64
from jinja2 import Environment, BaseLoader
_app = Flask(__name__)
def favicon():
global _route
_system = _route.get ().system()
_handler = _route.get()
_logo =_system['icon'] if 'icon' in _system else 'static/img/logo.svg'
return _handler.get(_logo)
# # _root = _route.get().config()['layout']['root']
# # print ([_system])
# # if 'source' in _system and 'id' in _system['source'] and (_system['source']['id'] == 'cloud'):
# # uri = f'/api/cloud/downloads?doc=/{_logo}'
# # print (['****' , uri])
# # return redirect(uri,200) #,{'content-type':'application/image'}
# # else:
# # return send_from_directory(_root, #_app.root_path, 'static/img'),
# _logo, mimetype='image/')
def _index ():
global _config
global _route
_handler = _route.get()
_config = _handler.config()
_system = _handler.system()
_plugins= _handler.plugins()
_args = {}
# if 'plugins' in _config :
# _args['routes']=_config['plugins']
# _system = cms.components.get_system(_config) #copy.deepcopy(_config['system'])
_html = ""
uri = os.sep.join([_config['layout']['root'], _config['layout']['index']])
_html = _route.get().html(uri,'index',_config,_system)
_index_page = "index.html"
except Exception as e:
print ()
print (e)
_index_page = "404.html"
_args['uri'] = request.base_url
# if 'source' in _system :
# del _system['source']
_args = {'layout':_config['layout'],'index':_html}
_args['system'] = _handler.system(skip=['source','app','route'])
return render_template(_index_page,**_args)
# @_app.route('/id/<uid>')
# def people(uid):
# """
# This function will implement hardened links that can directly "do something"
# """
# global _config
# return "0",200
def _dialog ():
# global _config
global _route
_handler = _route.get()
_system = _handler.system()
_config = _handler.config()
_uri = os.sep.join([_config['layout']['root'],request.headers['uri']])
# _uri = request.headers['uri']
_id = request.headers['dom']
# _data =
_args = {} #{'system':_config['system']}
_args['title'] = _id
# if 'plugins' in _config :
# _args['routes'] = _config['plugins']
# _system = copy.deepcopy(_config['system'])
# _html = cms.components.html(_uri,_id,_config,_system)
_html = _handler.html(_uri,_id,_config,_system)
e = Environment(loader=BaseLoader()).from_string(_html)
# if 'source' in _system :
# del _system['source']
_args['system'] = _handler.system(skip=['source','routes','app'])
_args['html'] = _html
_html = ''.join(["<div style='padding:1%'>",str( e.render(**_args)),'</div>'])
return render_template('dialog.html',**_args) #title=_id,html=_html)
# return _html
# e = Environment(loader=BaseLoader()).from_string(_html)
# _data =
# _args = {'system':_config['system'],'data':_data}
# _html = ( e.render(**_args))
def _getproxy(module,name) :
This endpoint will load a module and make a function call
:_module entry specified in plugins of the configuration
:_name name of the function to execute
# global _config
global _route
_handler = _route.get()
uri = '/'.join(['api',module,name])
# _args = dict(request.args,**{})
# _args['config'] = _handler.config()
_plugins = _handler.plugins()
if uri not in _plugins :
_data = {}
_code = 404
pointer = _plugins[uri]
# if _args :
# _data = pointer (**_args)
# else:
# _data = pointer()
_data = pointer(request=request,config=_handler.config())
_code = 200 if _data else 500
return _data,_code
@_app.route("/api/<module>/<name>" , methods=['POST'])
def _post (module,name):
# global _config
global _route
_handler = _route.get()
_config = _handler.config()
_plugins = _handler.plugins()
uri = '/'.join(['api',module,name])
# _args = request.json
# _args['config'] = _config
code = 404
_info = ""
if uri in _plugins :
_pointer = _plugins[uri]
# _info = _pointer(**_args)
_info = _pointer(request=request,config=_handler.config() )
if _info:
code = 200
# _info = ""
code = 500
# _info =io.BytesIO(_info)
# _info = base64.encodebytes(_info.getvalue()).decode('ascii')
return _info,code
def _version ():
global _route
_handler = _route.get()
global _config
return _handler.system()['version']
def reload():
global _route
_handler = _route.get_main()
_system = _handler.system()
_key = request.headers['key'] if 'key' in request.headers else None
if not 'source' in _system :
_systemKey = None
elif 'key' in _system['source'] and _system['source']['key']:
_systemKey = _system['source']['key']
print ([_key,_systemKey,_systemKey == _key])
if _key and _systemKey and _systemKey == _key :
return "",200
return "",403
def cms_page():
return the content of a folder formatted for a menu
# global _config
global _route
_handler = _route.get()
_config = _handler.config()
# _uri = os.sep.join([_config['layout']['root'],request.headers['uri']])
_uri = request.headers['uri']
if 'dom' not in request.headers :
_id = _uri.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
_id = request.headers['dom']
_args = {'layout':_config['layout']}
if 'plugins' in _config:
_args['routes'] = _config['plugins']
_system = _handler.system() #cms.components.get_system(_config)
_html = _handler.html(_uri,_id,_args,_system) #cms.components.html(_uri,_id,_args,_system)
e = Environment(loader=BaseLoader()).from_string(_html)
# _data = {}
_system = cms.components.get_system(_config)
_args['system'] = _handler.system(skip=['source','app'])
_html = e.render(**_args)
return _html,200
def _cms_page ():
# global _config
global _route
_handler = _route.get()
_config = _handler.config()
_uri = request.args['uri']
# _uri = os.sep.join([_config['layout']['root'],_uri])
_title = request.args['title'] if 'title' in request.args else ''
_args = {'system':_handler.system()} #cms.components.get_system(_config) }
# if 'plugins' in _config:
# _args['routes'] = _config['plugins']
_html = _handler.html(_uri,_title,_args) # cms.components.html(_uri,_title,_args)
e = Environment(loader=BaseLoader()).from_string(_html)
_args['system'] = _handler.system(skip=['app','source'])
return e.render(**_args),200
def set(id):
global _route
_handler = _route.set(id)
return redirect('/')
def _open(id):
global _route
return _index()
# Let us bootup the application
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
N = len(sys.argv)
for i in range(1,N):
value = None
if sys.argv[i].startswith('--'):
key = sys.argv[i][2:] #.replace('-','')
SYS_ARGS[key] = 1
if i + 1 < N:
value = sys.argv[i + 1] = sys.argv[i+1].strip()
if key and value and not value.startswith('--'):
SYS_ARGS[key] = value
i += 2
if __name__ == '__main__' :
_path = SYS_ARGS['config'] if 'config' in SYS_ARGS else 'config.json'
if os.path.exists(_path):
_route = cms.engine.Router(path=_path)
_args = _route.get().get_app()**_args)
# _config = json.loads((open (_path)).read())
# if 'theme' not in _config['system'] :
# _config['system']['theme'] = 'magazine.css'
# #
# # root can be either on disk or in the cloud ...
# # root: "<path>" reading from disk
# # root: {uid,token,folder}
# #
# _root = _config['layout']['root']
# _menu =
# if 'order' in _config['layout'] and 'menu' in _config['layout']['order']:
# _sortedmenu = {}
# for _name in _config['layout']['order']['menu'] :
# if _name in _menu :
# _sortedmenu[_name] = _menu[_name]
# _menu = _sortedmenu if _sortedmenu else _menu
# _config['layout']['menu'] = _menu
# # if 'data' in _config :
# # _config['data'] =['data'])
# #
# _map = cms.components.plugins(_config)
# _config['plugins'] = _map
# # Let us load the plugins if any are available
# # if 'plugins' in _config :
# # _map = cms.components.plugins(_config)
# # if _map :
# # _config['plugins'] = _map
# #
# # register the functions with Jinja2
# # cms.components.context(_config)
# _args = _config['system']['app']
# else:
# print (__doc__)
# print ()