mirror of http://localhost:9400/cloud/cms
You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
176 lines
5.7 KiB
176 lines
5.7 KiB
Reads from nextcloud
import nextcloud_client as nc
import copy
from mistune import markdown #version 0.8.4
import os
import time
import json
def login(path): #(**_args):
f = open(path)
_args = json.loads(f.read())
nx = nc.Client(_args['url'])
return nx
def _format_root_folder (_root):
if _root[0] == '/' :
_root = _root[1:]
if _root[-1] == '/' :
_root = _root[:-1]
return _root.replace('//','/')
def list_files(folder,_config) :
List the content of a folder (html/md) for now
_authfile = _config['system']['source']['auth']
_handler = login(_authfile)
_files = _handler.list(folder,50)
_content = []
for _item in _files :
if _item.file_type == 'file' and _item.get_content_type() in ['text/markdown','text/html'] :
_uri = '/'.join(_item.path.split('/')[2:])
_uri = _item.path
# _content.append({'text':_item.name.split('.')[0],'uri':_uri})
return _content
def content(_args):
# if not _CLOUDHANDLER :
# _handler = nc.Client(_args['url'])
# _handler.login(_args['uid'],_args['token'])
# _CLOUDHANDLER = _handler
_handler = login(_args['auth'])
_root = _args['folder']
if _root.startswith('/') :
_root = _root[1:]
if _root.endswith('/') :
_root = _root[:-1]
_files = _handler.list(_root,30)
_menu = {} #[_args['folder']] + [_item for _item in _files if _item.file_type == 'dir' and _item.name[0] not in ['.','_']]
_menu = {} #dict.fromkeys(_menu,[])
for _item in _files :
_folder = _item.path.split(_item.name)[0].strip()
_folder = _folder.replace(_root,'').replace('//','')
# The following lines are intended to prevent an irradict recursive read of a folder content
# We want to keep things simple as we build the menu
if len (_folder.split('/')) > 2:
_folder = _folder.replace('/','')
if _item.name[0] in ['.','_'] or _folder == '':
continue ;
if _item.file_type == 'file' and _item.get_content_type() in ['text/markdown','text/html'] :
# _folder = _item.path.split(_item.name)[0].strip()
# _folder = _folder.replace(_root,'').replace('//','')
if _folder == '' :
_folder = str(_root)
_folder = _folder.replace('/' ,' ').strip()
if _folder not in _menu :
_menu [_folder] = []
uri = '/'.join(_item.path.split('/')[2:])
uri = _item.path
# clean up the content ...
_keys = [_name for _name in _menu.keys() if _name.startswith('_')]
[_menu.pop(_name) for _name in _keys]
return _menu
def build(_config):
The function will build a menu based on a folder structure in nextcloud
:_args authentication arguments for nextcloud
:_config configuration for the cms
_args = {'auth':copy.deepcopy(_config['system']['source']['auth'])}
_args['folder'] = _config['layout']['root']
# update(_config)
_menu = content(_args)
return _menu
def html (uri,_config) :
# _handler = _CLOUDHANDLER
_handler = login(_config['system']['source']['auth'])
_root = _format_root_folder(_config['layout']['root'])
uri = _format_root_folder (uri)
_context = _config['system']['context']
_prefix = '/'.join (uri.split('/')[:-1])
_link = '/'.join(['api/cloud/download?doc='+_prefix,'.attachments.'])
if _context :
_link = f'{_context}/{_link}'
# _link = '/'.join(['api/cloud/download?doc='+_prefix,'_images'])
_html = _handler.get_file_contents(uri).decode('utf-8')#.replace('.attachments.', copy.deepcopy(_link))
# print ([uri,uri[-2:] ,uri[-2:] in ['md','MD','markdown']])
# if uri.endswith('.md'):
if f"{_root}{os.sep}" in _html :
if not _context :
_html = _html.replace(_root,('api/cloud/download?doc='+_root)).replace('.attachments.', copy.deepcopy(_link))
_html = _html.replace(_root,(f'{_context}api/cloud/download?doc='+_root)).replace('.attachments.', copy.deepcopy(_link))
# _html = _html.replace('<br />','')
return markdown(_html).replace(""",'"').replace("<","<").replace(">",">") if uri[-2:] in ['md','MD','Md','mD'] else _html
# def update (_config):
# """
# This function updates the configuration provided by loading default plugins
# """
# if 'plugins' not in _config :
# _config['plugins'] = {}
# _config['plugins'] = plugins ()
# return _config
def download(**_args):
_auth = _args['config']['system']['source']['auth']
_request = _args['request']
_handler = login(_auth)
if _request.args['doc'][-2:] in ['md','ht']:
_stream = html(_request.args['doc'],_args['config'])
_stream = _handler.get_file_contents(_request.args['doc'])
return _stream
def _format (uri,_config) :
This function does nothing but is used to satisfy the demands of a design pattern
@TODO: revisit the design pattern
return uri
def plugins (_context):
This function publishes the plugins associated with this module
key = 'api/cloud/download'
if _context :
key = f'{_context}/{key}'
return {key:download}