You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

145 lines
4.9 KiB

This file pulls the content from the disk
import os
import importlib
import importlib.util
import copy
from mistune import markdown
def folders (_path,_config):
This function reads the content of a folder (no depth, it must be simple)
_content = os.listdir(_path)
return [_name for _name in _content if os.path.isdir(os.sep.join([_path,_name])) if not _name.startswith('_')]
def content(_folder,_config):
:content of the folder
_layout = _config['layout']
if 'location' in _layout :
_uri = os.sep.join([_layout['root'] ,_folder.split(os.sep)[-1]])
_path = os.sep.join([_layout['root'],_folder.split(os.sep)[-1]])
_path = _folder
if os.path.exists(_folder) :
_menuItems = list_files(_folder,_config) #os.listdir(_folder)
# return [{'text':_name.split('.')[0].replace('_', ' ').replace('-',' ').strip(),'uri': os.sep.join([_folder,_name])} for _name in os.listdir(_folder) if not _name.startswith('_') and os.path.isfile( os.sep.join([_folder,_name]))]
return [{'text':_name.split('.')[0].replace('_', ' ').replace('-',' ').strip(),'uri': os.sep.join([_path,_name])} for _name in os.listdir(_folder) if not _name[0] in ['.','_'] and os.path.isfile( os.sep.join([_folder,_name]))]
return []
def list_files(_folder,_config):
return [name for name in os.listdir(_folder) if name[0] not in ['.','_']]
def build (_config): #(_path,_content):
building the menu for the site given the content is on disk
:path path of the files on disk
:config configuration associated with the
_path = _config['layout']['root']
# if 'location' in _config['layout'] :
# _path = _config['layout']['location']
_path = _realpath(_path,_config)
# print (_path)
_items = folders(_path,_config)
_subItems = [ content (os.sep.join([_path,_name]),_config)for _name in _items ]
_r = {}
for _name in _items :
_index = _items.index(_name)
if _name.startswith('_') or len(_subItems[_index]) == 0:
# print ([_name,_subItems[_index]])
if _name not in _r :
_r[_name] = []
_r[_name] += _subItems[_index]
# _r = [_r[_key] for _key in _r if len(_r[_key]) > 0]
return _r
# return dict.fromkeys(_items,_subItems)
def _realpath (uri,_config) :
_layout = _config['layout']
_uri = copy.copy(uri)
if 'location' in _layout :
_uri = os.sep.join([_layout['location'],_uri])
return _uri
def _format (uri,_config):
_layout = _config['layout']
if 'location' in _layout :
return 'api/disk/read?uri='+uri
return uri
def read (**_args):
This will read binary files from disk, and allow the location or not to be read
@TODO: add permissions otherwise there can be disk-wide reads
request = _args['request']
_layout = _args['config']['layout']
_uri = request.args['uri'] # if 'location' in _layout :
# _uri = os.sep.join([_layout['location'],_uri])
_uri = _realpath(_uri, _args['config'])
if os.path.exists(_uri):
f = open(_uri,mode='rb')
_stream =
return _stream
return None
def exists(**_args):
_path = _realpath(_args['uri'],_args['config'])
# _layout = _args['config']['layout']
# if 'location' in _layout :
# _path = os.sep.join([_layout['location'],_path])
return os.path.exists(_path)
def html(_uri,_config) :
# _html = (open(uri)).read()
_path = _realpath(_uri,_config)
_html = ( open(_path)).read()
_layout = _config['layout']
if 'location' in _layout :
_api = os.sep.join(['api/disk/read?uri=',_layout['root']])
_html = _html.replace(_layout['root'],_api)
_html = markdown(_html) if _uri[-2:] in ['md','MD','Md','mD'] else _html
return _html
def plugins (**_args):
This function will load plugins from disk given where they come from
:path path of the files
:name name of the module
if 'path' not in _args :
return {'api/disk/read':read}
_path = _args['path'] #os.sep.join([_args['root'],'plugin'])
if os.path.isdir(_path):
files = os.listdir(_path)
if files :
files = [name for name in files if name.endswith('.py')]
if files:
_path = os.sep.join([_path,files[0]])
return None
# LOG: not a file
return None
#-- We have a file ...
_name = _args['name']
spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(_name, _path)
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
# LOG This plugin ....
return getattr(module,_name) if hasattr(module,_name) else None