added robots.txt, that can adapt to configured routes

Steve Nyemba 12 months ago
parent a1b3e50639
commit 324801d1f3

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ __doc__ = """
arguments :
--config path of the configuration otherwise it will look for the default in the working directory
from flask import Flask,render_template,send_from_directory,request, redirect
from flask import Flask,render_template,send_from_directory,request, redirect, Response
import flask
import transport
from transport import providers
@ -37,7 +37,30 @@ def favicon():
# # return send_from_directory(_root, #_app.root_path, 'static/img'),
# _logo, mimetype='image/')
def robots_txt():
This function will generate a robots expression for a variety of crawlers, the paths will be provided by
menu options
global _route
_system = _route.get ().system()
_info = ['''
User-agent: *
Allow: /
if 'routes' in _system :
for _key in _system['routes'] :
_uri = '/'.join(['',_key])
User-agent: *
Allow: {_uri}
# return '\n'.join(_info),200,{'Content-Type':'plain/text'}
return Response('\n'.join(_info), mimetype='text/plain')
def _index ():
global _config
@ -276,6 +299,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__' :
_path = SYS_ARGS['config'] if 'config' in SYS_ARGS else 'config.json'
if os.path.exists(_path):
_route = cms.engine.Router(path=_path)
_args = _route.get().get_app()
