You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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This program is designed to inspect an application environment
This program should only be run on unix friendly systems
We enable the engines to be able to run a several configurations
Similarly to what a visitor design-pattern would do
from __future__ import division
import os
import subprocess
from sets import Set
import re
import datetime
class Analysis:
def __init__(self):
self.logs = []
def post(self,object):
def init(self):
d = = {"month":d.month,"year":d.year, "day","hour":d.hour}
This class is designed to analyze environment variables. Environment variables can either be folders, files or simple values
The class returns a quantifiable assessment of the environment variables (expected 100%)
class Env(Analysis):
def __init__(self):
def init(self,values):
self.values = values
This function evaluate the validity of an environment variable by returning a 1 or 0 (computable)
The function will use propositional logic (
def evaluate(self,id):
if id in os.environ :
# We can inspect to make sure the environment variable is not a path or filename.
# Using propositional logic we proceed as follows:
# - (p) We determine if the value is an folder or file name (using regex)
# - (q) In case of a file or folder we check for existance
# The final result is a conjuction of p and q
value = os.environ[id]
expressions = [os.sep,'(\\.\w+)$']
p = sum([,value) is not None for xchar in expressions])
q = os.path.exists(value)
return int(p and q)
return 0
def composite (self):
r = [ self.evaluate(id) for id in self.values] ;
N = len(r)
n = sum(r)
value = n/N
missing = [self.values[i] for i in range(0,N) if r[i] == 0]
return {"value":value,"missing":missing}
class Sandbox(Analysis):
def __init__(self):
def init(self,conf):
self.sandbox_path = conf['sandbox']
self.requirements_path = conf['requirements']
def get_requirements (self):
f = open(self.requirements_path)
return [ name.replace('-',' ').replace('_',' ') for name in'\n') if name != '']
This function will return the modules installed in the sandbox (virtual environment)
def get_sandbox_requirements(self):
cmd = ['freeze']
xchar = ''.join([os.sep]*2)
pip_vm = ''.join([self.sandbox_path,os.sep,'bin',os.sep,'pip']).replace(xchar,os.sep)
cmd = [pip_vm]+cmd
r = subprocess.check_output(cmd).split('\n')
return [row.replace('-',' ').replace('_',' ') for row in r if row.strip() != '']
def evaluate(self):
This function returns the ratio of existing modules relative to the ones expected
def composite(self):
required_modules= self.get_requirements()
sandbox_modules = self.get_sandbox_requirements()
N = len(required_modules)
n = len(Set(required_modules) - Set(sandbox_modules))
value = 1 - (n/N)
missing = list(Set(required_modules) - Set(sandbox_modules))
return {"value":value,"missing":missing}
This class performs the analysis of a list of processes and determines
The class provides a quantifiable measure of how many processes it found over all
class ProcessCounter(Analysis):
def __init__(self):
def init(self,names):
self.names = names
def evaluate(self,name):
cmd = "".join(['ps -eo comm |grep ',name,' |wc -l'])
handler = subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
return int(handler.communicate()[0].replace("\n","") )
def composite(self):
r = {}
for name in self.names :
r[name] = self.evaluate(name)
#N = len(r)
#n = sum(r)
#return n/N
return r
This class returns an application's both memory and cpu usage
class DetailProcess(Analysis):
def __init__(self):
def init (self,names):
self.names = names;
def evaluate(self,name) :
cmd = "ps -eo pmem,pcpu,vsize,comm|grep :app"
handler = subprocess.Popen(cmd.replace(":app",name),shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
ostream = handler.communicate()[0].split('\n')
ostream = [ row.split(' ') for row in ostream if row != '']
if len(ostream) == 0:
ostream = [['0','0','0',name]]
r = []
for row in ostream :
# Though the comm should only return the name as specified,
# On OSX it has been observed that the fully qualified path is sometimes returned (go figure)
row = [float(value) for value in row if value.strip() != '' and name not in value ] +[name]
return r
def format(self,row):
return {"memory_usage":row[0],"cpu_usage":row[1],"memory_available":row[2]/1000,"label":row[3]}
def composite(self):
#value = self.evaluate(
#row= {"memory_usage":value[0],"cpu_usage":value[1]}
#return row
#ma = [self.evaluate(name) for name in self.names]
ma = []
for name in self.names:
matrix = self.evaluate(name)
ma += [self.format(row) for row in matrix]
#return [{"memory_usage":row[0],"cpu_usage":row[1],"memory_available":row[2]/1000,"label":row[3]} for row in ma]
return ma