@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import datetime
import urllib2 as http, base64
from threading import Thread, RLock
import time
import numpy as np
from utils.ml import ML
class Analysis:
def __init__(self):
self.logs = []
@ -77,9 +79,16 @@ class Sandbox(Analysis):
def __init__(self):
def init(self,conf):
self.sandbox_path = conf['sandbox']
self.requirements_path = conf['requirements']
if os.path.exists(conf['sandbox']) :
self.sandbox_path = conf['sandbox']
self.sandbox_path = None
if os.path.exists(conf['requirements']) :
self.requirements_path = conf['requirements']
self.requirements_path = None
def get_requirements (self):
f = open(self.requirements_path)
return [ name.replace('-',' ').replace('_',' ') for name in f.read().split('\n') if name != '']
@ -100,14 +109,17 @@ class Sandbox(Analysis):
def composite(self):
required_modules= self.get_requirements()
sandbox_modules = self.get_sandbox_requirements()
N = len(required_modules)
n = len(Set(required_modules) - Set(sandbox_modules))
value = round(1 - (n/N),2)*100
missing = list(Set(required_modules) - Set(sandbox_modules))
return dict(self.getNow(),**{"value":value,"missing":missing})
if self.sandbox_path and self.requirements_path :
required_modules= self.get_requirements()
sandbox_modules = self.get_sandbox_requirements()
N = len(required_modules)
n = len(Set(required_modules) - Set(sandbox_modules))
value = round(1 - (n/N),2)*100
missing = list(Set(required_modules) - Set(sandbox_modules))
return dict(self.getNow(),**{"value":value,"missing":missing})
return None
This class performs the analysis of a list of processes and determines
@ -219,100 +231,106 @@ class DetailProcess(Analysis):
Additionally the the details are summarized in terms of global size, and oldest file.
class FileWatch(Analysis):
def __init__(self,folders):
self.folders = folders
def __init__(self):
def init(self,folders):
self.folders = folders;
def split(self,row):
x = row.split(' ')
r = {}
months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']
if x:
if 'K' in x[0]:
print x
size = float(x[0].replace('K','').replace('KB','')) / 1000
elif 'M' in x[0] :
size = float(x[0].replace('MB','').replace('M',''))
elif 'G' in x[0] :
size = float(x[0].replace('GB','').replace('G','')) * 1000
elif 'T' in x[0] :
size = float(x[0].replace('TB','').replace('T','')) * 1000000
else :
# Size provided in bytes we are converting into MB
size = float(x[0].replace('B','')) / 1000000
BYTES_TO_MB = 1000000
size = int(x[0])/BYTES_TO_MB
month = months.index(x[1]) + 1
day = int(x[2])
age = -1
hour=minute = 0
if ':' in x[3] :
hour,minute = x[3].split(':')
if re.match('^\d+$',x[4]):
year = int(x[4])
now = datetime.datetime.today()
if month == now.month :
year = now.year
year = now.year - 1
year = datetime.datetime.today().year
print [year,month,day,x[4]]
year = int(x[3])
hour = 0
minute = 0
file_date = datetime.datetime(year,month,day,int(hour),int(minute))
size = round(size,2)
# size = round(size,2)
#file_date = datetime.datetime(year,month,day,hour,minute)
age = (file_date - datetime.datetime.now()).days
age = (datetime.datetime.now() - file_date ).days
return {"size":size,"age":age}
return None
def evaluate(self,path):
cmd = "find :path -print0|xargs -0 ls -ls |awk '{print $6,$7,$8,$9,$10}'".replace(":path",path)
print cmd
handler = subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
ostream = handler.communicate()[0].split('\n')
return [self.split(stream) for stream in ostream if stream.strip() != '']
#return [self.split(stream) for stream in ostream if stream.strip() != '' and '.DS_Store' not in stream and 'total' not in stream]
return [self.split(stream) for stream in ostream if path not in stream and not set(['','total','.DS_Store']) & set(stream.split(' '))]
def composite(self):
d = [] #-- matrix of details (age,size)
s = {} #-- summary of the
d = [] #-- vector of details (age,size)
now = datetime.datetime.today()
for folder in self.folders:
if os.path.exists(folder):
d += self.evaluate(folder)
xo = np.array(ML.Extract(['size','age'],d))
s[folder] = [np.sum(xo[:,0]),np.max(xo[:,1])]
xo_raw = self.evaluate(folder)
xo = np.array(ML.Extract(['size','age'],xo_raw))
xo = {"label":folder,"details":xo_raw,"summary":{"size":round(np.sum(xo[:,0]),2),"age":np.max(xo[:,1]),"count":len(xo[:,1])}}
xo['day'] = now.day
xo['month'] = now.month
xo['year'] = now.year
return {"summary":s,"details":d}
class Monitor (Thread):
def __init__(self,pConfig,pWriter,id='processes') :
return d
# class Monitor (Thread):
# def __init__(self,pConfig,pWriter,id='processes') :
# Thread.__init__(self)
self.config = pConfig[id]
self.writer = pWriter;
self.logs = []
self.handler = self.config['class']
self.mconfig = self.config['config']
# self.config = pConfig[id]
# self.writer = pWriter;
# self.logs = []
# self.handler = self.config['class']
# self.mconfig = self.config['config']
def stop(self):
self.keep_running = False
def run(self):
r = {}
self.keep_running = True
lock = RLock()
while self.keep_running:
for label in self.mconfig:
# def stop(self):
# self.keep_running = False
# def run(self):
# r = {}
# self.keep_running = True
# lock = RLock()
# while self.keep_running:
# lock.acquire()
# for label in self.mconfig:
r = self.handler.composite()
self.writer.write(label=label,row = r)
# self.handler.init(self.mconfig[label])
# r = self.handler.composite()
# self.writer.write(label=label,row = r)
# time.sleep(2)
# lock.release()
print "Stopped ..."
def prune(self) :
# self.prune()
# TIME_LAPSE = 60*2
# time.sleep(TIME_LAPSE)
# print "Stopped ..."
# def prune(self) :
if len(self.logs) > MAX_ENTRIES :
BEG = len(self.logs) - MAX_SIZE -1
self.logs = self.logs[BEG:]
# if len(self.logs) > MAX_ENTRIES :
# BEG = len(self.logs) - MAX_SIZE -1
# self.logs = self.logs[BEG:]