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371 lines
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Data Transport, The Phi Technology LLC
Steve L. Nyemba,
This library is designed to serve as a wrapper to a set of supported data stores :
- couchdb
- mongodb
- Files (character delimited)
- Queues (RabbmitMq)
- Session (Flask)
- s3
- sqlite
The supported operations are read/write and providing meta data to the calling code
Requirements :
The configuration for the data-store is as follows :
# import pandas as pd
# import numpy as np
import json
import importlib
import sys
import sqlalchemy
from datetime import datetime
if sys.version_info[0] > 2 :
# from transport.common import Reader, Writer,Console #, factory
from transport import disk
from transport import s3 as s3
from transport import rabbitmq as queue
from transport import couch as couch
from transport import mongo as mongo
from transport import sql as sql
from transport import etl as etl
# from transport.version import __version__
from info import __version__,__author__
from transport import providers
from common import Reader, Writer,Console #, factory
import disk
import queue
import couch
import mongo
import s3
import sql
import etl
from info import __version__,__author__
import providers
import numpy as np
from psycopg2.extensions import register_adapter, AsIs
register_adapter(np.int64, AsIs)
# import psycopg2 as pg
# import mysql.connector as my
# from import bigquery as bq
# import nzpy as nz #--- netezza drivers
import os
# class providers :
# POSTGRESQL = 'postgresql'
# MONGODB = 'mongodb'
# BIGQUERY ='bigquery'
# FILE = 'file'
# ETL = 'etl'
# SQLITE = 'sqlite'
# SQLITE3= 'sqlite'
# REDSHIFT = 'redshift'
# NETEZZA = 'netezza'
# MYSQL = 'mysql'
# RABBITMQ = 'rabbitmq'
# MARIADB = 'mariadb'
# COUCHDB = 'couch'
# CONSOLE = 'console'
# ETL = 'etl'
# #
# # synonyms of the above
# import providers
# class IEncoder (json.JSONEncoder):
# def IEncoder (self,object):
# if type(object) == np.integer :
# return int(object)
# elif type(object) == np.floating:
# return float(object)
# elif type(object) == np.ndarray :
# return object.tolist()
# elif type(object) == datetime :
# return o.isoformat()
# else:
# return super(IEncoder,self).default(object)
class factory :
# TYPE = {"sql":{"providers":["postgresql","mysql","neteeza","bigquery","mariadb","redshift"]}}
# "etl":{"class":{"read":etl.instance,"write":etl.instance}},
# # "console":{"class":{"write":Console,"read":Console}},
# "file":{"class":{"read":disk.DiskReader,"write":disk.DiskWriter}},
# "sqlite":{"class":{"read":disk.SQLiteReader,"write":disk.SQLiteWriter}},
# "postgresql":{"port":5432,"host":"localhost","database":None,"driver":pg,"default":{"type":"VARCHAR"},"class":{"read":sql.SQLReader,"write":sql.SQLWriter}},
# "redshift":{"port":5432,"host":"localhost","database":None,"driver":pg,"default":{"type":"VARCHAR"},"class":{"read":sql.SQLReader,"write":sql.SQLWriter}},
# "bigquery":{"class":{"read":sql.BQReader,"write":sql.BQWriter}},
# "mysql":{"port":3306,"host":"localhost","default":{"type":"VARCHAR(256)"},"driver":my,"class":{"read":sql.SQLReader,"write":sql.SQLWriter}},
# "mariadb":{"port":3306,"host":"localhost","default":{"type":"VARCHAR(256)"},"driver":my,"class":{"read":sql.SQLReader,"write":sql.SQLWriter}},
# "mongo":{"port":27017,"host":"localhost","class":{"read":mongo.MongoReader,"write":mongo.MongoWriter}},
# "couch":{"port":5984,"host":"localhost","class":{"read":couch.CouchReader,"write":couch.CouchWriter}},
# "netezza":{"port":5480,"driver":nz,"default":{"type":"VARCHAR(256)"},"class":{"read":sql.SQLReader,"write":sql.SQLWriter}},
# "rabbitmq":{"port":5672,"host":"localhost","class":{"read":queue.QueueReader,"write":queue.QueueWriter,"listen":queue.QueueListener,"listener":queue.QueueListener},"default":{"type":"application/json"}}}
# #
# # creating synonyms
# PROVIDERS['mongodb'] = PROVIDERS['mongo']
# PROVIDERS['couchdb'] = PROVIDERS['couch']
# PROVIDERS['bq'] = PROVIDERS['bigquery']
# PROVIDERS['sqlite3'] = PROVIDERS['sqlite']
# PROVIDERS['rabbit'] = PROVIDERS['rabbitmq']
# PROVIDERS['rabbitmq-server'] = PROVIDERS['rabbitmq']
def instance(**_args):
if 'type' in _args :
# Legacy code being returned
return factory._instance(**_args);
return instance(**_args)
def _instance(**args):
This class will create an instance of a transport when providing
:type name of the type we are trying to create
:args The arguments needed to create the instance
source = args['type']
params = args['args']
anObject = None
if source in ['HttpRequestReader','HttpSessionWriter']:
# @TODO: Make sure objects are serializable, be smart about them !!
aClassName = ''.join([source,'(**params)'])
stream = json.dumps(params)
aClassName = ''.join([source,'(**',stream,')'])
anObject = eval( aClassName)
except Exception as e:
print(['Error ',e])
return anObject
import time
def instance(**_pargs):
creating an instance given the provider, we should have an idea of :class, :driver
:read|write = {connection to the database}
# @TODO: provide authentication file that will hold all the parameters, that will later on be used
_args = dict(_pargs,**{})
if 'auth_file' in _args :
path = _args['auth_file']
file = open(path)
_config = json.loads(
_args = dict(_args,**_config)
_provider = _args['provider']
_context = list( set(['read','write','listen']) & set(_args.keys()) )
if _context :
_context = _context[0]
_context = _args['context'] if 'context' in _args else 'read'
# _group = None
# for _id in providers.CATEGORIES :
# if _provider in providers.CATEGORIES[_id] :
# _group = _id
# break
# if _group :
if _provider in providers.PROVIDERS and _context in providers.PROVIDERS[_provider]:
# _classPointer = _getClassInstance(_group,**_args)
_classPointer = providers.PROVIDERS[_provider][_context]
# Let us reformat the arguments
# if 'read' in _args or 'write' in _args :
# _args = _args['read'] if 'read' in _args else _args['write']
# _args['provider'] = _provider
# if _group == 'sql' :
if _provider in providers.CATEGORIES['sql'] :
_info = _get_alchemyEngine(**_args)
_args = dict(_args,**_info)
_args['driver'] = providers.DRIVERS[_provider]
if _provider in providers.DEFAULT :
_default = providers.DEFAULT[_provider]
_defkeys = list(set(_default.keys()) - set(_args.keys()))
if _defkeys :
for key in _defkeys :
_args[key] = _default[key]
# get default values from
return _classPointer(**_args)
# Let us determine the category of the provider that has been given
def _get_alchemyEngine(**_args):
This function returns the SQLAlchemy engine associated with parameters, This is only applicable for SQL _items
:_args arguments passed to the factory {provider and other}
_provider = _args['provider']
_pargs = {}
if _provider == providers.SQLITE3 :
_path = _args['database'] if 'database' in _args else _args['path']
uri = ''.join([_provider,':///',_path])
#@TODO: Enable authentication files (private_key)
_username = _args['username'] if 'username' in _args else ''
_password = _args['password'] if 'password' in _args else ''
_account = _args['account'] if 'account' in _args else ''
_database = _args['database'] if 'database' in _args else _args['path']
if _username != '':
_account = _username + ':'+_password+'@'
_host = _args['host'] if 'host' in _args else ''
_port = _args['port'] if 'port' in _args else ''
if _provider in providers.DEFAULT :
_default = providers.DEFAULT[_provider]
_host = _host if _host != '' else (_default['host'] if 'host' in _default else '')
_port = _port if _port != '' else (_default['port'] if 'port' in _default else '')
if _port == '':
_port = providers.DEFAULT['port'] if 'port' in providers.DEFAULT else ''
if _host != '' and _port != '' :
_fhost = _host+":"+str(_port) #--formatted hostname
_fhost = _host
# Let us update the parameters we have thus far
uri = ''.join([_provider,"://",_account,_fhost,'/',_database])
_pargs = {'host':_host,'port':_port,'username':_username,'password':_password}
_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine (uri,future=True)
_out = {'sqlalchemy':_engine}
for key in _pargs :
if _pargs[key] != '' :
_out[key] = _pargs[key]
return _out
def _getClassInstance(_group,**_args):
This function returns the class instance we are attempting to instanciate
:_group items in providers.CATEGORIES.keys()
:_args arguments passed to the factory class
# if 'read' in _args or 'write' in _args :
# _context = 'read' if 'read' in _args else _args['write']
# _info = _args[_context]
# else:
# _context = _args['context'] if 'context' in _args else 'read'
# _class = providers.READ[_group] if _context == 'read' else providers.WRITE[_group]
# if type(_class) == dict and _args['provider'] in _class:
# _class = _class[_args['provider']]
# return _class
def __instance(**_args):
@param provider {file,sqlite,postgresql,redshift,bigquery,netezza,mongo,couch ...}
@param context read|write|rw
@param _args argument to got with the datastore (username,password,host,port ...)
provider = _args['provider']
context = _args['context']if 'context' in _args else None
_id = context if context in list(factory.PROVIDERS[provider]['class'].keys()) else 'read'
if _id :
args = {'provider':_id}
for key in factory.PROVIDERS[provider] :
if key == 'class' :
value = factory.PROVIDERS[provider][key]
args[key] = value
args = dict(args,**_args)
# print (provider in factory.PROVIDERS)
if 'class' in factory.PROVIDERS[provider]:
pointer = factory.PROVIDERS[provider]['class'][_id]
pointer = sql.SQLReader if _id == 'read' else sql.SQLWriter
# Let us try to establish an sqlalchemy wrapper
account = ''
host = ''
if provider not in [providers.BIGQUERY,providers.MONGODB, providers.COUCHDB, providers.SQLITE, providers.CONSOLE,providers.ETL, providers.FILE, providers.RABBITMQ] :
# if provider not in ['bigquery','mongodb','mongo','couchdb','sqlite','console','etl','file','rabbitmq'] :
# In these cases we are assuming RDBMS and thus would exclude NoSQL and BigQuery
username = args['username'] if 'username' in args else ''
password = args['password'] if 'password' in args else ''
if username == '' :
account = ''
account = username + ':'+password+'@'
host = args['host']
if 'port' in args :
host = host+":"+str(args['port'])
database = args['database']
elif provider in [providers.SQLITE,providers.FILE]:
account = ''
host = ''
database = args['path'] if 'path' in args else args['database']
if provider not in [providers.MONGODB, providers.COUCHDB, providers.BIGQUERY, providers.CONSOLE, providers.ETL,providers.FILE,providers.RABBITMQ] :
# if provider not in ['mongodb','mongo','couchdb','bigquery','console','etl','file','rabbitmq'] :
uri = ''.join([provider,"://",account,host,'/',database])
e = sqlalchemy.create_engine (uri,future=True)
args['sqlalchemy'] = e
# @TODO: Include handling of bigquery with SQLAlchemy
except Exception as e:
print (_args)
print (e)
return pointer(**args)
return None