import os import json from info import __version__ import copy import transport import importlib import importlib.util import shutil """ This class manages data from the registry and allows (read only) @TODO: add property to the DATA attribute """ REGISTRY_PATH=os.sep.join([os.environ['HOME'],'.data-transport']) # # This path can be overriden by an environment variable ... # if 'DATA_TRANSPORT_REGISTRY_PATH' in os.environ : REGISTRY_PATH = os.environ['DATA_TRANSPORT_REGISTRY_PATH'] REGISTRY_FILE= 'transport-registry.json' DATA = {} class plugins: # # This is a utility function that should enable management of plugins-registry # The class allows to add/remove elements # # @TODO: add read/write properties to the class (better design practice) # _data = {} FOLDER = os.sep.join([REGISTRY_PATH,'plugins']) CODE = os.sep.join([REGISTRY_PATH,'plugins','code']) FILE = os.sep.join([REGISTRY_PATH,'plugin-registry.json']) @staticmethod def init(): if not os.path.exists(plugins.FOLDER) : os.makedirs(plugins.FOLDER) if not os.path.exists(plugins.CODE): os.makedirs(plugins.CODE) if not os.path.exists(plugins.FILE): f = open(plugins.FILE,'w') f.write("{}") f.close() plugins._read() #-- will load data as a side effect @staticmethod def copy (path) : shutil.copy2(path,plugins.CODE) @staticmethod def _read (): f = open(plugins.FILE) try: _data = json.loads( f.close() except Exception as e: print (f"Corrupted registry, resetting ...") _data = {} plugins._write(_data) plugins._data = _data @staticmethod def _write (_data): f = open(plugins.FILE,'w') f.write(json.dumps(_data)) f.close() plugins._data = _data @staticmethod def inspect (_path): _names = [] if os.path.exists(_path) : _filename = _path.split(os.sep)[-1] spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(_filename, _path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) # _names = [{'name':getattr(getattr(module,_name),'name'),'pointer':getattr(module,_name)} for _name in dir(module) if type( getattr(module,_name)).__name__ == 'function'] for _name in dir(module) : _pointer = getattr(module,_name) if hasattr(_pointer,'transport') : _item = {'real_name':_name,'name':getattr(_pointer,'name'),'pointer':_pointer,'version':getattr(_pointer,'version')} _names.append(_item) return _names @staticmethod def add (alias,path): """ Add overwrite the registry entries """ _names = plugins.inspect (path) _log = [] if _names : # # We should make sure we have all the plugins with the attributes (transport,name) set _names = [_item for _item in _names if hasattr(_item['pointer'],'transport') ] if _names : plugins.copy(path) _content = [] for _item in _names : _key = '@'.join([alias,_item['name']]) _log.append(_item['name']) # # Let us update the registry # plugins.update(alias,path,_log) return _log @staticmethod def update (alias,path,_log) : """ updating the registry entries of the plugins (management data) """ # f = open(plugins.FILE) # _data = json.loads( # f.close() _data = plugins._data # _log = plugins.add(alias,path) if _log : _data[alias] = {'content':_log,'name':path.split(os.sep)[-1]} plugins._write(_data) #-- will update data as a side effect return _log @staticmethod def get(**_args) : # f = open(plugins.FILE) # _data = json.loads( # f.close() # if 'key' in _args : # alias,name = _args['key'].split('.') if '.' in _args['key'] else _args['key'].split('@') # else : # alias = _args['alias'] # name = _args['name'] # if alias in _data : # _path = os.sep.join([plugins.CODE,_data[alias]['name']]) # _item = [_item for _item in plugins.inspect(_path) if name == _item['name']] # _item = _item[0] if _item else None # if _item : # return _item['pointer'] # return None _item = plugins.has(**_args) return _item['pointer'] if _item else None @staticmethod def has (**_args): f = open(plugins.FILE) _data = json.loads( f.close() if 'key' in _args : alias,name = _args['key'].split('.') if '.' in _args['key'] else _args['key'].split('@') else : alias = _args['alias'] name = _args['name'] if alias in _data : _path = os.sep.join([plugins.CODE,_data[alias]['name']]) _item = [_item for _item in plugins.inspect(_path) if name == _item['name']] _item = _item[0] if _item else None if _item : return copy.copy(_item) return None @staticmethod def synch(): pass def isloaded (): return DATA not in [{},None] def exists (path=REGISTRY_PATH,_file=REGISTRY_FILE) : """ This function determines if there is a registry at all """ p = os.path.exists(path) q = os.path.exists( os.sep.join([path,_file])) return p and q def load (_path=REGISTRY_PATH,_file=REGISTRY_FILE): global DATA if exists(_path) : path = os.sep.join([_path,_file]) f = open(path) DATA = json.loads( f.close() def init (email,path=REGISTRY_PATH,override=False,_file=REGISTRY_FILE): """ Initializing the registry and will raise an exception in the advent of an issue """ p = '@' in email q = False if '.' not in email else email.split('.')[-1] in ['edu','com','io','ai','org'] if p and q : _config = {"email":email,'version':__version__} if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) filename = os.sep.join([path,_file]) if not os.path.exists(filename) or override == True : f = open(filename,'w') f.write( json.dumps(_config)) f.close() # _msg = f"""{CHECK_MARK} Successfully wrote configuration to {path} from {email}""" else: raise Exception (f"""Unable to write configuration, Please check parameters (or help) and try again""") else: raise Exception (f"""Invalid Input, {email} is not well formatted, provide an email with adequate format""") def lookup (label): global DATA return label in DATA def get (label='default') : global DATA return copy.copy(DATA[label]) if label in DATA else {} def set (label, auth_file, default=False,path=REGISTRY_PATH) : """ This function will add a label (auth-file data) into the registry and can set it as the default """ if label == 'default' : raise Exception ("""Invalid label name provided, please change the label name and use the switch""") reg_file = os.sep.join([path,REGISTRY_FILE]) if os.path.exists (auth_file) and os.path.exists(path) and os.path.exists(reg_file): f = open(auth_file) _info = json.loads( f.close() f = open(reg_file) _config = json.loads( f.close() # # set the proposed label _object = transport.factory.instance(**_info) if _object : _config[label] = _info if default : _config['default'] = _info # # now we need to write this to the location f = open(reg_file,'w') f.write(json.dumps(_config)) f.close() else: raise Exception( f"""Unable to load file locate at {path},\nLearn how to generate auth-file with wizard found at""") pass else: pass pass