feature: added support for custom configuration

Steve L. Nyemba 4 years ago
parent 2beddab6b4
commit 027824649f

@ -22,21 +22,7 @@ We wrote this frame to be used in both command line or as a library within in yo
pip install --upgrade git+https://hiplab.mc.vanderbilt.edu/git/lab/parse-edi.git
## Usage
healthcare-io.py --<[signup|init]> <email> --store <sqlite|mongo> [--batch <value>]
healthcare-io.py --parse --folder <path> [--batch <value>] [--resume]
healthcare-io.py --check-update
action :
--signup|init signup user and get configuration file
--parse starts parsing
--check checks for updates
parameters :
--<[signup|init]> signup or get a configuration file from a parsing server
--folder location of the files (the program will recursively traverse it)
--store data store mongo or sqlite or mongodb
--resume will attempt to resume if there was an interruption
**cli :**
1. signup to get parsing configuration
@ -50,12 +36,12 @@ We wrote this frame to be used in both command line or as a library within in yo
Occasionally the attributes in the configuration file may change, This function will determine if there is a new version available.
healthcare-io.py --check-update
3. parsing data in a folder
The parser will recursively traverse a directory with claims and or remittances
healthcare-io.py --parse <claims|remits> --folder <path> [--batch <n>] [--resume]
healthcare-io.py --parse --folder <path> [--batch <n>] [--resume]
with :
--parse tells the engine what to parse claims or remits

@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ import sys
def read(fname):
return open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), fname)).read()
args = {
"author":"Vanderbilt University Medical Center",
args["install_requires"] = ['flask-socketio','seaborn','jinja2', 'weasyprint','data-transport@git+https://dev.the-phi.com/git/steve/data-transport.git','pymongo','numpy','cloudant','pika','boto','flask-session','smart_open','smart-top@git+https://dev.the-phi.com/git/steve/monitor.git@data-collector']
args["install_requires"] = ['flask-socketio','seaborn','jinja2','jsonmerge', 'weasyprint','data-transport@git+https://healthcareio.the-phi.com/git/code/transport.git','pymongo','numpy','cloudant','pika','boto','botocore','flask-session','smart_open','smart-top@git+https://healthcareio.the-phi.com/git/code/smart-top.git@data-collector']
args['url'] = 'https://hiplab.mc.vanderbilt.edu'
args['scripts']= ['healthcareio/healthcare-io.py']
# args['entry_points'] = {
