""" Create pseudonyms map as follows : table, field,value,enc,filter """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np from google.oauth2 import service_account from google.cloud import bigquery as bq import json import threading import sys import os import itertools DATASET_SUFFIX = '_pseudo' PSEUDO_TABLENAME = 'map' SYS_ARGS = {'context':''} if len(sys.argv) > 1: N = len(sys.argv) for i in range(1,N): value = None if sys.argv[i].startswith('--'): key = sys.argv[i].replace('-','') if i + 1 < N: value = sys.argv[i + 1] = sys.argv[i+1].strip() if key and value: SYS_ARGS[key] = value if key == 'context': SYS_ARGS[key] = ('/'+value).replace('//','/') i += 2 class void : pass class pseudonym : @staticmethod def meta(**args) : """ :key Bigquery private key (service account) :dataset dataset of the input table :table table name :filter optional filter (SQL statement) """ credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(args['key']) SQL = ["SELECT * FROM :dataset.:table"] if 'filter' in args : SQL += ['WHERE',args['filter']] dataset = args['dataset'] table = args['table'] SQL = " ".join(SQL+["LIMIT 1"]).replace(":dataset",dataset).replace(":table",table) df = pd.read_gbq(SQL,credentials=credentials,dialect='standard') return df.columns @staticmethod def apply(**args): """ This function applies the """ columns = pseudonym.meta(**args) # # we need to make the schema here client = bq.Client.from_service_account_json(args['key']) datasets = list(client.list_datasets()) dataset_name = args['dataset']+DATASET_SUFFIX if np.sum( [ 1*(item.dataset_id == dataset_name) for item in datasets]) == 0: #-- make the target dataset dataset = bq.Dataset(client.dataset(dataset_name)) client.create_dataset(dataset) for name in columns : p = dict(args,**{"field":name}) p['filter'] = '' if 'filter' not in args else args['filter'] # thread = threading.Thread(target=pseudonym.post, args=(p,)) # thread.start() # if columns.tolist().index(name) == 0 : # thread.join() pseudonym.post(**p) # # let us submit the query pass @staticmethod def post(**args) : """ This function will submit a query to bigquery for insertion """ SQL = " ".join(['SELECT DISTINCT CAST(',args['field']," AS STRING) AS values, COUNT(*) as counts FROM :dataset.:table :filter"]).replace(':dataset',args['dataset']) SQL = SQL.replace(':table',args['table']) if args['filter'].strip() != '' : SQL = SQL.replace(":filter", "WHERE "+args['filter']) else: SQL = SQL.replace(":filter","") SQL += " ".join(['GROUP BY ',args['field'],'ORDER BY 1 ']) TABLE_NAME = ".".join([args['dataset'],args['table']]) credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(args['key']) df = pd.read_gbq(SQL,credentials=credentials,dialect='standard') df['table'] = args['table'] df['field'] = args['field'] # df['filter']= args['filter'] N = df.shape[0] + 10000 beg = np.random.randint(11,200) df['encoded'] = np.random.choice(np.arange(beg,N),df.shape[0],replace=False) df = df[['table','field','values','counts','encoded']] # print (df.head()[:5]) # sys.stdout.flush() TABLE_NAME = ".".join([args['dataset']+DATASET_SUFFIX,PSEUDO_TABLENAME]) df.to_gbq(TABLE_NAME,credentials=credentials,if_exists='append') # df.to_gbq(TABLE_NAME.replace('.','_pseudo.'),credentials=credentials,if_exists='append') class Builder : """ This class will build a dataset from encoded values """ def encode(self,**args): """ This function will create pseudonyms for a given table from the mapping tables """ SQL = "SELECT * FROM :dataset.:table limit 1".replace(':dataset',args['dataset']).replace(":table",args['table']) credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(args['key']) columns = pd.read_gbq(SQL,credentials=credentials,dialect='standard').columns.tolist() TEMPLATE = ['(SELECT encoded FROM :dataset'+DATASET_SUFFIX+'.'+PSEUDO_TABLENAME,"WHERE table=':table' AND field = ':name' AND CAST(values AS STRING)=CAST(:table.:name AS STRING ) ) as :name"] SQL = ["SELECT"] FIELDS = [] for field in columns : FIELDS += [" ".join(TEMPLATE).replace(":name",field)] SQL += [",\n\t".join(FIELDS)] SQL += ['FROM :dataset.:table'] return ("\n".join(SQL).replace(":dataset",args['dataset']).replace(':table',args['table']) ) def process(self,**args): """ :dataset :table :key """ pseudonym.apply(**args) def decode(self,**args): """ This function should be able to take a pseudonymized data frame and convert it to original values ... """ pass class Binary : """ This is a utility class to import and export a data to/from a binary matrix """ def __stream(self,column) : """ This function will convert a column into a binary matrix with the value-space representing each column of the resulting matrix :column a column vector i.e every item is a row """ values = np.unique(column) values.sort() row_count,col_count = column.size,values.size matrix = [ np.zeros(col_count) for i in np.arange(row_count)] # # let's create a binary matrix of the feature that was passed in # The indices of the matrix are inspired by classical x,y axis for yi in np.arange(row_count) : value = column[yi] xi = np.where(values == value)[0][0] #-- column index matrix[yi][xi] = 1 return matrix def Export(self,df) : """ This function will convert a data-frame to a binary matrix :return _map,matrix """ # # This will give us a map of how each column was mapped to a bitstream _map = df.apply(lambda column: self.__stream(column.values),axis=0) # # We will merge this to have a healthy matrix _matrix = _map.apply(lambda row: list(list(itertools.chain(*row.values.tolist()))),axis=1) _matrix = np.matrix([list(item) for item in _matrix]) # # let's format the map so we don't have an unreasonable amount of data # columns = _map.columns.tolist() beg = 0 end = 0 _map = _map.loc[0] _m = {} for name in columns : end += _map[name].size _m[name] = {"start":beg,"end":end} beg = end return _m,_matrix def Import(self,df,values,_map): """ This function will convert a binary stream into a :values original/pseudonymed values :_map field map of the binary matrix """ r = pd.DataFrame(None,columns=_map.keys()) for key in _map: i = np.arange(_map[key]['start'],_map[key]['end']) columns = values[key] r[key] = df[i].apply(lambda row: np.array( columns)[row==1][0], axis=1 ) return r pass # has_basic = 'dataset' in SYS_ARGS.keys() and 'table' in SYS_ARGS.keys() and 'key' in SYS_ARGS.keys() # has_action= 'export' in SYS_ARGS.keys() or 'pseudo' in SYS_ARGS.keys() df = pd.DataFrame({"fname":['james','james','steve','kevin','kevin'],"lname":["bond","dean","nyemba",'james','johnson']}) df['age'] = (np.random.sample(df.shape[0]) * 100).astype(np.int32) if __name__ == '__main__' : """ Run the program from the command line passing the following mandatory arguments python bridge.py <[--pseudo|--export ]> --dataset --table [--filter ] --pseudo will create pseudonyms for a given --export will export data to a specified location """ has_basic = 'dataset' in SYS_ARGS.keys() and 'table' in SYS_ARGS.keys() and 'key' in SYS_ARGS.keys() has_action= 'export' in SYS_ARGS.keys() or 'pseudo' in SYS_ARGS.keys() if has_basic and has_action : builder = Builder() if 'export' in SYS_ARGS : print () print ("exporting ....") if not os.path.exists(SYS_ARGS['export']) : os.mkdir(SYS_ARGS['export']) SQL = builder.encode(**SYS_ARGS) credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(SYS_ARGS['key']) df = pd.read_gbq(SQL,credentials =credentials,dialect='standard') FILENAME = os.sep.join([SYS_ARGS['export'],SYS_ARGS['table']+'.csv']) # # This would allow us to export it to wherever we see fit print (FILENAME) df.to_csv(FILENAME,index=False) elif 'pseudo' in SYS_ARGS : builder.process(**SYS_ARGS) else: print ("") print ("has basic ",has_basic) print ("has action ",has_action) # pseudonym.apply(table='person',dataset='wgan_original',key='./curation-test-2.json') # args = {"dataset":"wgan_original","table":"observation","key":"./curation-test-2.json"} # builder = Builder() # # builder.encode(dataset='wgan_original',table='person',key='./curation-test-2.json') # builder.process(**args)