""" (c) 2019 Data Maker, hiplab.mc.vanderbilt.edu version 1.0.0 This package serves as a proxy to the overall usage of the framework. This package is designed to generate synthetic data from a dataset from an original dataset using deep learning techniques @TODO: - Make configurable GPU, EPOCHS """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import data.gan as gan from transport import factory from data.bridge import Binary import threading as thread from data.maker import prepare import copy import os import json class ContinuousToDiscrete : ROUND_UP = 2 @staticmethod def binary(X,n=4) : """ This function will convert a continous stream of information into a variety a bit stream of bins """ values = np.array(X).astype(np.float32) BOUNDS = ContinuousToDiscrete.bounds(values,n) matrix = np.repeat(np.zeros(n),len(X)).reshape(len(X),n) @staticmethod def bounds(x,n): # return np.array_split(x,n) values = np.round(x,ContinuousToDiscrete.ROUND_UP) return list(pd.cut(values,n).categories) @staticmethod def continuous(X,BIN_SIZE=4) : """ This function will approximate a binary vector given boundary information :X binary matrix :BIN_SIZE """ BOUNDS = ContinuousToDiscrete.bounds(X,BIN_SIZE) values = [] # _BINARY= ContinuousToDiscrete.binary(X,BIN_SIZE) # # # print (BOUNDS) l = {} for i in np.arange(len(X)): #value in X : value = X[i] for item in BOUNDS : if value >= item.left and value <= item.right : values += [np.round(np.random.uniform(item.left,item.right),ContinuousToDiscrete.ROUND_UP)] break # values += [ np.round(np.random.uniform(item.left,item.right),ContinuousToDiscrete.ROUND_UP) for item in BOUNDS if value >= item.left and value <= item.right ] # # values = [] # for row in _BINARY : # # ubound = BOUNDS[row.index(1)] # index = np.where(row == 1)[0][0] # ubound = BOUNDS[ index ].right # lbound = BOUNDS[ index ].left # x_ = np.round(np.random.uniform(lbound,ubound),ContinuousToDiscrete.ROUND_UP).astype(float) # values.append(x_) # lbound = ubound # values = [np.random.uniform() for item in BOUNDS] return values def train (**_args): """ :params sql :params store """ # # Let us prepare the data by calling the utility function # # if 'file' in _args : # # # # We are reading data from a file # _args['data'] = pd.read_csv(_args['file']) # else: # # # # data will be read from elsewhere (a data-store)... # pass # if 'ignore' in _args and 'columns' in _args['ignore']: _inputhandler = prepare.Input(**_args) values,_matrix = _inputhandler.convert() args = {"real":_matrix,"context":_args['context']} _map = {} if 'store' in _args : # # This args['store'] = copy.deepcopy(_args['store']['logs']) args['store']['args']['doc'] = _args['context'] logger = factory.instance(**args['store']) args['logger'] = logger for key in _inputhandler._map : beg = _inputhandler._map[key]['beg'] end = _inputhandler._map[key]['end'] values = _inputhandler._map[key]['values'].tolist() _map[key] = {"beg":beg,"end":end,"values":np.array(values).astype(str).tolist()} info = {"rows":_matrix.shape[0],"cols":_matrix.shape[1],"map":_map} logger.write({"module":"gan-train","action":"data-prep","context":_args['context'],"input":info}) args['logs'] = _args['logs'] if 'logs' in _args else 'logs' args ['max_epochs'] = _args['max_epochs'] args['matrix_size'] = _matrix.shape[0] args['batch_size'] = 2000 args['partition'] = 0 if 'partition' not in _args else _args['partition'] os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(args['gpu']) if 'gpu' in args else '0' trainer = gan.Train(**args) # # @TODO: Write the map.json in the output directory for the logs # f = open(os.sep.join([_args['logs'],'output',_args['context'],'map.json']),'w') f.write(json.dumps(_map)) f.close() trainer.apply() pass def _train (**args) : """ This function is intended to train the GAN in order to learn about the distribution of the features :column columns that need to be synthesized (discrete) :logs where the output of the (location on disk) :id identifier of the dataset :data data-frame to be synthesized :context label of what we are synthesizing """ column = args['column'] if (isinstance(args['column'],list)) else [args['column']] # CONTINUOUS = args['continuous'] if 'continuous' in args else [] # column_id = args['id'] df = args['data'] if not isinstance(args['data'],str) else pd.read_csv(args['data']) df.columns = [name.lower() for name in df.columns] # # @TODO: # Consider sequential training of sub population for extremely large datasets # # # If we have several columns we will proceed one at a time (it could be done in separate threads) # @TODO : Consider performing this task on several threads/GPUs simulataneously # for col in column : msize = args['matrix_size'] if 'matrix_size' in args else -1 args['real'] = (Binary()).apply(df[col],msize) context = args['context'] if 'store' in args : args['store']['args']['doc'] = context logger = factory.instance(**args['store']) args['logger'] = logger info = {"rows":args['real'].shape[0],"cols":args['real'].shape[1],"name":col,"partition":args['partition']} logger.write({"module":"gan-train","action":"data-prep","input":info}) else: logger = None args['column'] = col args['context'] = col # # If the s trainer = gan.Train(**args) trainer.apply() def get(**args): """ This function will restore a checkpoint from a persistant storage on to disk """ pass def generate(**_args): """ This function will generate a set of records, before we must load the parameters needed :param data :param context :param logs """ f = open(os.sep.join([_args['logs'],'output',_args['context'],'map.json'])) _map = json.loads(f.read()) f.close() if 'file' in _args : df = pd.read_csv(_args['file']) else: df = _args['data'] if not isinstance(_args['data'],str) else pd.read_csv(_args['data']) args = {"context":_args['context'],"max_epochs":_args['max_epochs'],"candidates":_args['candidates']} args['logs'] = _args['logs'] if 'logs' in _args else 'logs' args ['max_epochs'] = _args['max_epochs'] # args['matrix_size'] = _matrix.shape[0] args['batch_size'] = 2000 args['partition'] = 0 if 'partition' not in _args else _args['partition'] args['row_count'] = df.shape[0] # # @TODO: perhaps get the space of values here ... (not sure it's a good idea) # _args['map'] = _map _inputhandler = prepare.Input(**_args) values,_matrix = _inputhandler.convert() args['values'] = np.array(values) if 'gpu' in _args : os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(_args['gpu']) handler = gan.Predict (**args) handler.load_meta(None) # # Let us now format the matrices by reverting them to a data-frame with values # candidates = handler.apply(candidates=args['candidates']) return [_inputhandler.revert(matrix=_matrix) for _matrix in candidates] def _generate(**args): """ This function will generate a synthetic dataset on the basis of a model that has been learnt for the dataset @return pandas.DataFrame :data data-frame to be synthesized :column columns that need to be synthesized (discrete) :id column identifying an entity :logs location on disk where the learnt knowledge of the dataset is """ # df = args['data'] df = args['data'] if not isinstance(args['data'],str) else pd.read_csv(args['data']) CONTINUOUS = args['continuous'] if 'continuous' in args else [] column = args['column'] if (isinstance(args['column'],list)) else [args['column']] # column_id = args['id'] # #@TODO: # If the identifier is not present, we should fine a way to determine or make one # BIN_SIZE = 4 if 'bin_size' not in args else int(args['bin_size']) # NO_VALUE = dict(args['no_value']) if type(args['no_value']) == dict else args['no_value'] bhandler = Binary() _df = df.copy() for col in column : args['context'] = col args['column'] = col msize = args['matrix_size'] if 'matrix_size' in args else -1 values = bhandler.get_column(df[col],msize) MISSING= bhandler.get_missing(df[col],msize) args['values'] = values args['row_count'] = df.shape[0] # if col in NO_VALUE : # args['no_value'] = NO_VALUE[col] # else: # args['no_value'] = NO_VALUE # novalue = NO_VALUE[col] if NO_VALUE[col] in ['na',''] else NO_VALUE[col] # MISSING += [NO_VALUE[col]] args['missing'] = MISSING # # we can determine the cardinalities here so we know what to allow or disallow handler = gan.Predict (**args) handler.load_meta(col) r = handler.apply() if col in CONTINUOUS : r[col] = np.array(r[col]) _approx = ContinuousToDiscrete.continuous(r[col],BIN_SIZE) #-- approximating based on arbitrary bins r[col] = _approx _df[col] = r[col] # # Let's cast the type to the original type (it makes the data more usable) # # print (values) # print ([col,df[col].dtype,_df[col].tolist()]) otype = df[col].dtype _df[col] = _df[col].astype(otype) # # @TODO: log basic stats about the synthetic attribute # # print (r)s # break return _df