You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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This file will perform basic tasks to finalize the GAN process by performing the following :
- basic stats & analytics
- rebuild io to another dataset
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from import bigquery as bq
from data.params import SYS_ARGS
import json
class Analytics :
This class will compile basic analytics about a given dataset i.e compare original/synthetic
def distribution(**args):
context = args['context']
df = args['data']
#-- This data frame counts unique values for each feature (space)
df_counts = pd.DataFrame(df.apply(lambda col: col.unique().size),columns=['counts']).T # unique counts
#-- Get the distributions for common values
names = [name for name in df_counts.columns.tolist() if name.endswith('_io') == False]
ddf = df.apply(lambda col: pd.DataFrame(col.values,columns=[]).groupby([]).size() ).fillna(0)
ddf[context] = ddf.index
def distance(**args):
This function will measure the distance between
df = args['data']
names = [name for name in df_counts.columns.tolist() if name.endswith('_io') == False]
class Utils :
class get :
def config(**args) :
contexts = args['contexts'].split(',') if type(args['contexts']) == str else args['contexts']
pipeline = args['pipeline']
return [ item for item in pipeline if item['context'] in contexts]
def sql(**args) :
This function is intended to build SQL query for the remainder of the table that was not synthesized
:config configuration entries
:from source of the table name
:dataset name of the source dataset
SQL = ["SELECT * FROM :from "]
pipeline = Utils.get.config(**args)
REVERSE_QUALIFIER = {'IN':'NOT IN','NOT IN':'IN','=':'<>','<>':'='}
for item in pipeline :
if 'filter' in item :
SQL += ['WHERE']
# Let us load the filter in the SQL Query
FILTER = item['filter']
import numpy as np
from google.oauth2 import service_account
import json
# path = '../curation-prod.json'
# credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(path)
# df = pd.read_gbq("SELECT * FROM io.icd10_partial_io",credentials=credentials,dialect='standard')