@ -28,11 +28,39 @@ stripe.api_key = stripe_keys['secret_key'].strip()
app = Flask(__name__)
COUCHDB = Server(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri']) ;
This function will attempt to create an account for a user if the user does NOT exist
Then Setup the stage for initialization of {signup for, user-account}
This function will set the user information to the session and update the information
@header uid user email address
COUCHDB = Server(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri']) ;
def init(app_name):
if 'uid' in request.headers:
uid = request.headers['uid']
couchdb = Couchdb(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri'],dbname=app_name,uid=None)
DB = couchdb.dbase
handler = Domain.User(DB,stripe) ;
session['customer.id'] = id
return ('',204)
This function will update the user's email
def init_update(app_name):
uid = request.headers['uid']
id = session['customer.id']
couchdb = Couchdb(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri'],dbname=app_name,uid=None)
DB = couchdb.dbase
handler = Domain.User(DB,stripe)
return ('',204)
This function subscribes a user to a given service for an application
@ -51,76 +79,68 @@ def subscribe(app_name):
uid = request.form['stripeEmail']
tokenType = request.form['stripeTokenType']
amount = request.form['amount']
key = request.form['plan']
pid = request.form['plan']
key = request.headers['key']
pid = request.headers['pid']
uid = request.headers['uid']
stripeToken = None
plans = stripe.Plan.list().data
plan = [item for item in plans if item.id == key]
plan = [item for item in plans if item.id == pid]
resp = "0"
couch_handler = Couchdb(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri'],dbname=app_name,uid=uid)
DB = couch_handler.dbase
handler = Domain.User(DB,stripe,stripeToken) ;
if plan :
resp = plan[0].id
return ('done',204)
return ('',204)
This function returns the meta data about a given plan or set of plans for a given application
@resource app_name application identifier
@header pid plan identifier (optional)
@header uid user identifier
This function returns the features of a user for a given application
The features are returned provided the plan is still valid i.e (end_date,status={active|trailing})
@header uid user's email
def get_plan_info(app_name) :
def features(app_name):
plans = []
print ' *** ','uid' in request.headers
if 'uid' in request.headers :
uid = request.headers['uid']
pid = request.headers['pid'] if 'pid' in request.headers else None
couchdb = CouchdbReader(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri'],dbname=app_name,uid=uid,create=False)
info = couchdb.read()
lsub = info['subscriptions']
handler = Domain.User(couchdb.dbase,stripe)
lsub = handler.subscriptions()
plans = [ sub['plan'] for sub in lsub if sub['ended_at'] is None ]
if pid is not None :
plans = [item['metadata'] for item in plans if item['id'] == pid]
# This function returns the plans for a given application
# We assume the application name is the prefix of the plan identifier in stripe
plans = stripe.Plan.list(limit=10)
handler = Domain.User(None)
plans = handler.cast(plans.data)
plans = [item for item in plans if re.match(app_name,item['name'])]
plans = [item['metadata'] for item in plans if item['id']]
return json.dumps(plans)
def get_sub_info(app_name):
This function returns a user's plans/status for an application
@header uid user's email address
def status(app_name):
uid = request.headers['uid']
pid = request.headers['pid'] if 'pid' in request.headers else None
couchdb = CouchdbReader(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri'],dbname=app_name,uid=uid,create=False)
info = couchdb.read()
lsub = info['subscriptions']
# @TODO: Return critical information only i.e:
# - subscription state (dates,status)
# - how much is owed
# - subscription id
if pid is not None:
subs = [ sub for sub in lsub if sub['plan']['id'] == pid ]
subs = lsub
return json.dumps(subs)
handler = Domain.User(couchdb.dbase,stripe)
#lsub = handler.subscriptions()
plans = handler.plans()
return json.dumps(plans)
This endpoint is the signup form for a given application,
It will allow user's to be able to signup for various plans
@pre 'uid' in request.headers
def get_plans(app_name) :
apikey = CONFIG['stripe']['pub'].strip()
@ -129,10 +149,22 @@ def get_plans(app_name) :
uid = session['uid'] if 'uid' in session else 'nyemba@gmail.com'
plans = stripe.Plan.list(limit=10)
handler = Domain.User(None)
plans = handler.cast(plans.data)
# plans = handler.cast(plans.data)
plans = json.loads(json.dumps(plans.data, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
plans = [item for item in plans if re.match(app_name,item['name'])]
if uid is not None:
couchdb = Couchdb(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri'],dbname=app_name,uid=uid,create=False)
handler = Domain.User(couchdb.dbase,stripe)
subs = handler.subscriptions().data
ids = [item.id for item in subs]
# @TODO: Mark the plans the current user is signed up for
return render_template('subscribe.html',uid=uid,app_name=app_name,plans=plans,apikey=apikey)
@ -191,132 +223,6 @@ def is_customer (app_name):
html = html.replace(":email",uid).replace(":amount",str(amount)).replace(":key",apikey).replace(":app_name",app_name)
amount = amount / 100
return render_template('bill.html',apikey=apikey,app_name=app_name.replace('-',' '),plans=plans,total_amount=amount,html=html)
This function is intended to performa an actual payment
def pay(app_name):
token = request.form['stripeToken']
uid = request.form['stripeEmail']
tokenType = request.form['stripeTokenType']
couchdb = CouchdbReader(uri=CONFIG['couchdb']['uri'],dbname=app_name,uid=uid,create=False)
DB = couchdb.dbase #COUCHDB.get_db(CONFIG['couchdb']['db']) ;
handler = Domain.User(DB,stripe) ;
plans = session['plans']
# Assuming all is fine, we must do the following at this point
# - create an invoice with the designated subscriptions
# - create a charge on the invoice
#items = handler.invoice(uid,plans)
# Let's insure the preconditions are met i.e
# card,invoice
#info = session['user-info']
#uid = info['_id']
#if 'sources' not in info or token not in info['sources']:
# Let's create the card
# handler.save_card(uid,token)
# Let's create a charge here ...
#plans = session['user-plans']
#amount=[item['price'] for item in plans if item['status'] == 'past_due' ]
#if len(amount) == 0:
# amount = 0
# amount = sum(amount)
session['user-info'] = handler.user
return ('',204)
#return render_template("bill.html",plans=plans, total_amount=amount)
def bill():
return render_template('bill.html')
def buy():
id = request.form['id'] ;
if id in ['subscribe','now']:
email = request.form['stripeEmail']
token = request.form['stripeToken']
user = Domain.User(DB,stripe,token) ;
user.init(email) ;
if user.exists() :
print "Update with anything if need be"
# Create the user with the associated plan/or payment method
user.save() ;
return "0"
This function provides general information about service plans
@TODO: provide filtering criteria
def plans():
plans = stripe.Plan.list().data
if 'filter' in request.headers:
filter = request.headers['filter']
plans = [ item for item in plans if re.match(filter,item.name)]
# Let's get a user's subscription information
uid = request.headers['uid']
if 'uid' in request.headers and request.headers['uid'] != '':
uid = request.headers['uid']
DB = COUCHDB.get_db(CONFIG['couchdb']['db']) ;
handler = Domain.User(DB)
myplans = [{"id":item.plan.id,"price":item.plan.amount/100,"feature":item.plan.metadata['info'],"status":item.status} for item in handler.subscriptions()]
keys = [plan['id'] for plan in myplans]
plans = [plan for plan in plans if plan['price'] > 0 and plan['id'] not in keys]
plans = {'myplans':myplans,"plans":plans}
session['user-plans'] = myplans
plans = json.dumps(plans)
return plans
This function subscribes a user to a given plan(s)
If the plan is new, then we do NOT need a credit card info
@header app application/requesting service
@body info {user:_id,plan:[]}
def _subscribe():
if 'user-info' not in session:
info = request.get_json(silent=True)
user = info['user']
plans = info['plans']
plans = [{"id":id} for id in request.get_json(silent=True)]
user = session['user-info']
app = request.headers['app']
# @TODO:
# This should be handled by transport layer ...
DB = COUCHDB.get_db(CONFIG['couchdb']['db']) ;
handler = Domain.User(DB,stripe)
r = handler.subscribe(user['id'],plans)
return json.dumps(r)
if __name__ == '__main__' :
app.debug = True ;